
Katenka Elder | Female | 13 Years | Mentions: Itai, Nnenia, The Cubs, Others Ind Katenka had seen tyranny before. Not in her own native pride, but she'd seen the affect it had had on other prides, their neighbors, the way their lionesses had deteriorated, had seen rebellions rise and fall, had taken in some refugees and sent others away. She had seen tyrants, met them, sent her males to dispatch them when they dared cross into their borders. She'd always been unafraid. And now, Katenka was too old to be afraid of tyrannical males. The scabs on her forelegs gave dull throbs of pain as she pushed herself up from where she was resting beenath a tree. She blinked away the yawn that came with it, drifting her eyes over the pride. Many of them felt fear, felt the pain, the ache of the losses. Some part of her knew she was morbidly fortunate, she had few personal connections with the cubs beyond knowing many were her granchildren. She hadn't been here long enough to form any special bonds. The elder flexed one of her paws, scraping her claws through the dirt, before beginning to trek across to Itai and Nnenia, the two sisters of the fallen Queen, and the latter stationed as the new Queen by the males. Her tattered ears flicked up, catching the edges of their conversation as she trodded over, her pace and body relaxed, as if she had nothing to fear in the world. Rather than commenting or announcing her presence, Katenka came to a stop close to the two females and laid back down, her head raised to watch the pair. She was silent for a moment before she spoke lowly, just above a whisper, voice rough and scratched. "So long as you listen to them, Nnenia, I do not think you need to fear much for the cubs," she ran her tongue over her lips, nodding her head to herself, drifting her gaze to the two Kings. "They are brutish, but very intelligent. They must know that by keeping the cubs alive, you still have something precious to lose." She looked back at the lionesses, face somber. The males had been systematic in everything they'd done, she didn't doubt at least one of the Kings, or even their Second Male, had thought about it thoroughly. "You will always have more to lose to them, and you are Queen. The pride will follow you. If you remain loyal, there's a higher chance the lionesses will too. Or they will turn away from you out of jealousy, and walk right to the males." She paused, blinking slowly for a moment, before laying her head down on her paws. "If you have nothing to lose, though, you will become rebellious. A rebellious Queen is a rebellious pride."

Kareem Second Male | 5.5 Years Old | Ukufa Lion | Mentions: Gazini, Kiburi, Others Ind The sun beat down on his pelt, warming the skin and flesh beneath until he felt practically toasted within the confines of his fur, the feeling sending the large male to his paws, stretching his forelegs and back before bounding down the boulders. It almost looked as if he'd had practice doing so, and if it weren't for the years he'd spent away, his paw placements would have looked flawless rather than calculated. Kareem landed and paused under the shade of a tree for a heartbeat, darting his gaze over the pride, searching for the kings. He pointedly ignored any gazes he could, avoided looking even in the vague direction of Itai and Nnenia, and, when he spotted the two lions, the Second Male set off with long, even strides, keeping his gaze as focused on them as possible. The lines of irritation were evident across their figures, he could practically hear the growls of warning as he came closer, but was almost relieved when Gazini sat up, the muscles in his body visibly relaxing. No fight between the kings today, then. If they weren't who they were, Kareem would have been tempted to sigh in relief. As it was, he knew how the two were. Gazini, violent, calculating, intelligent. Kiburi, lazy, but possessive and dominant. As he approached, Kareem made a low sound of greeting, bobbing his head in a nod at the both of them. The male remained standing, glancing between them for only a moment before speaking, voice as deep and baritone as always. "Are there any jobs you have for me today?"

Gahiji Female - 3 years - Hunteress - Mentions: Kiburi, Gazini, Kareem(indirect), open! — The lightly tanned female, after a while of sitting and looking at the pride had gone over to a smaller tree and laid down. It was starting to get a bit hotter now, and Gahiji was panting. She had been very cautious of the two Ufuka King's but their day, the prides day should be starting sooner than later. When she looked over her shoulder the two kings looked...tense, speaking, but growling at each other. What was wrong? It wasn't her business but she couldn't help but be a little curious. There was another male with them, he had seemed to just come over, probably wanting to ask like she did what to do to start the prides day. Gahiji just looked over her shoulder for what felt like a pretty long time, watching the Dominant Male's every move. She finally shook her head and stood up from her seated position. The small lioness started walking up to the King's, keeping her head low, to show that she didn't want any power or dominance. Once she reached the two she cleared her throat, slightly bowing her head she spoke, "W-what can I do for, um, you two? Just wanting to start the pride's day. We could go hunting...?". Gahiji's voice was shaky, her head was still low to the ground, and she spoke the last part, the question, quieter. Gahiji lifted her head a little to try and meet the eyes of the King's they were quite bigger then her, even Kiburi. Which she knew was normal of a male lion but it still sent shivers down her spine. Finally, her head lifted a bit more to look at the eyes of...Gazini. "I will do as you wish." Gahiji swallowed. She was terrified at the moment, really...scared, and well, she didn't know what else to do or say. She did though find herself quickly glancing at Gahiji, but then her gaze found Kiburi. And then the ground. Edited at March 9, 2023 06:52 AM by Rough Terrains

Kiburi Male | 5 | Ukufa | Dominant Mentions: (Dir) Gazini, Kareem, Gahiji. (Ind) None. ~ Kiburi lowered his ears a bit and started growling very slightly at Gazini, confused why he just started growling, but stopped when he started to speak again. "Well, yes I am tired, Zi. But again, I'm always tired." He purred, a slight playful tone in his deep, rumbling voice. He may be a big, dominant male, but he always loves to joke a bit, only with Zi though. If anyone else tries to joke with him it is a no along with some snarling, teeth, and claws. Only Zi can, and he will only joke with Zi. Zi is his brother, who he trusts even if it means death. ~ "You know what? You're idea is better than mine. I like it, but maybe instead you should take the queen? That lioness looks... Really small, and if the males attack you, she can't help! But I guess whatever you wish is good, brother." He said and slowly turned around. "I hope you enjoy your patrols while I go take a sensible nap." He purred and almost walked away until he noticed Kareem approach them, and turned back around to him. "Well, I can't think of anything. Zi? You know something he can do?" He said, turning to look towards his brother, then to the second male. ~ Then, the lioness approached them, very scared obviously. He felt his tense muscles relax and he stared at her for a moment. That was the lioness! He opened his maw and almost told her that she could hang out with him for the day, until he realized Zi might want to patrol with her. "Well, there's nothing I want you to do, since I will be napping the whole entire day. It's the best day I've ever had, or it would be if it wasn't for." He lifted his left him leg up, which had really deep claws marks on them, it stung like he had just got stung by a thousand bees. "This thing." He finished with a deep grumble. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go start my day long nap. See you tomorrow morning, brother." He snorted and trotted away purring with amusement. One day, Zi probably won't be so forgiving anymore. Kiburi walked past an orange lioness, turning around to look at her. Wasn't that white lioness somewhere else before? He didn't think much of it, proceeding his swift stride towards his rock. He laid down under the shade when he reached his nice, comfy, resting spot, closing his eyes and putting one paw underneath himself. He liked relaxing on a warm day in the savannah, letting everyone else do the work for him. He was really excited for the morning patrol now, knowing he would be well rested enough for it. Ever since the fight, he hasn't talked much to Zi. Maybe it will be nice to spend some time together again. Edited at March 9, 2023 10:22 AM by Fruit Lovers

Nnenia Temporary Queen || Five || Mentions: Itai, Kibuka, Katenka, Gahiji, Cubs Mimicked Itai's actions, the lioness found herself lowering onto her haunches, pressing the cubs against her until they began to squirm from discomfort. Like a hyena guarding their meal, she stood over them, refusing to allow them to end up like the others. "I certainly was surprised," she countered, her lips twisting into one of distaste when the Coalition was mentioned. "The way they entered in that manner, it was uncalled for." Turning to Itai, the lioness released an amused puff of breath as she spoke of males and their uselessness, to which she found herself agreeing. There was nothing but truth in those words, unfortunate as they were. "My mistake was expecting that their arrival would be like Kosi's. Deep down, a part of me knew that this would happen." While there was no mention, it was clear that she was speaking of the murdered cubs. How she managed to convince herself that the Coalition would do no harm to them, even she did not know. It was a foolish thought. A delusional one. "What caught me most off guard was that they seemed to enjoy what they were doing, the sick basta-" Pausing, she too, had cut herself off at having remembered the cubs, though given her tail lashing behind her, the anger did not vanish. "Regardless, I have hope that Kosi and Koen are alive, rather, I am sure of it. Whether we see them again or not, I do not know. What I do know is that they cannot help us, not right now." As much as she hated to admit it, she knew that she was right. If they were alive, they would need days, perhaps weeks to heal. And then what? Return and go against the Coalition, only to be killed? It was a hopeless plan, and even if they managed to come up with a better one, how long would it take? If Nnenia had to guess, it would take time. Lots of it. "It is best to go onwards. Continue as we always do." Shaking her head in defeat, she soon turned to Itai, leaning into her touch. Remaining there for a moment, she proceeded to nod at her sister's further words regarding the cubs and Nyela before growing silent at the mention of Chuma. She had avoided the topic, not wishing to think of her nephew and his fate. Perhaps it was guilt, for had she called him hers, too, then maybe he could have had more time. Risky, yes, but she could have tried. She should have. "I will never forgive them for that, nor myself for allowing it to happen. For that, Itai, I am sorry," she spoke, her words barely above a whisper. Truthfully, Nnenia would always wonder that if she had been braver, perhaps more bold, that the cubs would have been spared. Had she spoken to the Coalition before they massacred them, would they still be here? She paused then, lost within her own thoughts before being brought back having taken in a brief glimpse of her sister's eyes. They appeared so defeated, that it struck worry in the younger female's chest. Observing her for a moment, Nnenia proceeded to nudge her softly in the shoulder. "I am grateful for you," she began, reminding Itai that she still needed her. No matter what, she always would. The sound of approaching steps had caused the lioness to turn her head, gaze softening when Katenka, the only elder and Kosi's mother, had joined them. She had great respect towards her, having heard her story. So, when she began to speak, Nnenia made certain to remain silent. "I will listen," she finally said, breaking the silence after Katenka had concluded. "But to what extent?" She scoffed, her words moreso a rhetorical question than an actual one. "The moment I disagree with them, they will threaten me through the cubs. If I deny them something, they will threaten me. The truth of the matter is that they control me. What type of Queen is that?" Her lips had twitched, begging to expose a set of tinted teeth. "To use the cubs as leverage, it disgusts me." Nnenia was preparing to ramble on. In fact, she had a large speech in store, however, her words had slipped away from her, her gaze landing upon the Dominant Males. It was not the sight of them that had caused the female's gaze to narrow, but the company they had. Ears twitching, she observed the form of Gahiji near, asking the Coalition what she may do for the day. Pausing for a moment, Nnenia's body straightened as she raised her head. "Gahiji," she spoke in monotone, beckoning the lioness to approach her. "Since you are so keen to do something," she paused. "Why don't you, Palesa, Tala, and Itai go hunting." Staring at the female, she observed her. "Itai will lead." Glancing to her sister, she averted her gaze back onto Gahiji. She would give her the benefit of the doubt, at least this singular time. They were all uneasy with the takeover, they were all fearful. It was easy to make an error. "Next time you wish to do something for the pride, you seek me out first."

Gazini King | 5 Years | Ukufa Lion | Mentions: Kiburi, Gahiji, Kareem, Nnenia
The large male chuckled softly at his brothers truthful statement about always being tired. It was true, and he knew that, so he wasn't at all surprised. He nodded gently, about to speak before flicking his ears at Kiburi's reasoning between taking the Queen over the huntress. He had a point, plus the Queen would like know the territory just as well.
He was about to speak when his eyes flicked over to Kareem, who had approached them. He listened as he asked if there was anything for him to do that day, and then as Kiburi passed it on to him to decide if there was. His tail flicked gently, but he figured he had a simple task for Kareem to focus on. "You'll be in charge of the main camp while I'm on patrol and Kiburi sleeps. Ensure everyone is where they are supposed to be, and if you notice anyone trying to sneak off you can report to me when I return. I imagine we will send the lionesses on a hunt here soon, though, so you'll mostly just be guarding the camp," he explained, shrugging gently. It wasn't any sort of luxurious job, but it was a job nonetheless.
His attention was then brought to the lioness he was talking to earlier about to Kiburi and flicked his ears forward. "Hunts would be decided by your Queen, I imagine she will have a hunt in progress soon," his answer was dry, and unemotional. While they were in charge of the lionesses, Gazini couldn't pretend to know enough about the pride to call out hunts. So, for now at least, he would leave that to the Queen.
Speaking of witch the male pushed to his haunches, nodding at Kiburi as he retreated from the conversation, and about to prowl forward once again. However, the Queen voice called out for the huntress who had approached them, beckoning her to her. His ears swiveled forward as he listened in, curiosity glinting in his eyes. Obviously the Queen didn't appreciate the huntress going to them instead of her, but the subtlety in which she did it was admirable. There was a strength in the female, a will within her that Gazini could appreciate, and he quickly decided she was the one he would prefer to take on the patrol.
Nodding gently at Kareem he strided over, ignoring the way the older lioness growled at him, her face twisting into a snarl. He and this one, he though her name was Itai, had gotten into a bit of a scrap after she had found her son. He did not enjoy fighting females, but she had been determined to draw his blood. Now she bore claw marks on her shoulders and a bite mark on her back as a result. No matter, though, his attention locked onto the Queen, gaze appraising her silently.
"You will be accompanying me on a Patrol this morning," he informed her, his voice relaxed and monotone. "Your cubs will be safe whilist you are gone, do you have a cubsitter who can watch them? Or I can instruct our youngest male to watch them, he will be of no threat to them while we are gone," while he waited for an answer his eyes remained locked on the Queen, paying no mind the lionesses around them.

Osiris Ukura Warrior | Male | 4.6 Years | Mentions: NPC Lion (dir.) and the pride members at camp (ind.) A figure was resting peacefully under a marula tree, with its dark coat protected by the shade of the tree from the relentless sun waves. The zebras bark in the distance while the elephants' trumpets overpower the other noises. The figure resting under the tree begins to stir, a lazy yawn escaping its maw. "Noisy neighbors," he muttered annoyedly, his dark eyes observing the prey animals drinking from the muddy river. The lion rose to his feet, giving himself a few shakes, and then arched his back downwards to stretch his muscles. His rounded ears twitched as his mane tickled the insides of his ears, the male irked by such a seemingly minor hassle. The large male plops down on his haunches once his stretching is completed, his eyes shuffled side to side to survey the surrounding area. Osiris noticed a tawny coat in the distance and the forming mane on one's neck, an appearance he knew all too well. Osiris lifted his left paw and gave it a few licks to clean it, yet his eyes remained on the intruder. The young lion was stalking a zebra mother and her calf, inching closer and closer to the unknowing prey. He huffed, upset that the first thing he had to do when he woke up was to work. Lesurisely he went back on four paws, purposely slowing his trot as he wandered in the direction of the male. Osiris crouched low in the tall golden grass, his eyes peering through the vegetation as he waited for the smaller male to start the chase. Osiris settled on his belly when the hunt had begun, observing the younger with intrigue lingering in his hues. The older lion watches the other pursue the two zebras-the three animals dashing in random directions. After what feels like a while, the adolescent male lunges at the foal and tackles it down, quickly going for the throat to finish it. "That's my cue," Osiris replied to no one in particular. Standing once more, he approaches the lion feasting on the zebra and clears his throat loudly on purpose. "May I ask what you're doing here?" He demanded as he was close enough to the younger, his eyes focused on the other while his ears swiveled around to pick up any impending sound. The young lion jumped to his feet at the sudden encounter. His tail swishes behind him as he licks the fresh blood around his muzzle. "I'm here to hunt for food. It's no concern on why I'm here," his tone grew haughty, with Osiris resisting the urge to chuckle. The younger spoke with bravado. Osiris could tell as he noticed the waver in his voice. "Extremely gullible. Daring to lie about gallantry could and will get you killed." He internally replied, his bobbed tail jolting while trying to create words to scare the intruder off. Osiris' focus shifted to the fallen zebra calf, his ears shoving forward.
Osiris takes a few steps to the fallen zebra, only to be body-blocked by the trespasser. "Don't you dare take my kill!" The adolescent spat, the fur along his spine rising on end. Brief amusement flashed into his eyes, slightly tilted his head. "Your kill? Hmm," he lowered his head to meet the other's gaze, the color in his eyes grew dark, "from my knowledge. That prey belongs to the rightful kings of these lands." His tone was sharp and to the point, his claws unsheathing and scratching the earth below him. There's a darker expression within his words, a tenor that aimed straight to weaken one's soul. "Any animal that wanders into these lands belongs to us. Guarded by us and...hunted by us." Osiris begins to circle the lion; meanwhile, his eyes stare at him like he's weakened prey. "Zebra. Giraffe. Elephant. Gazelle. Hippo," he paused for a bit, then settled in front of the other, inching his face closer to the younger's face, "Lion." Osiris noticed the fear seeping into the younger's eyes, his body tensed under his hide, and he steadily lowered his posture. The steady breathing of the adolescent had become rapid as the fear grew in his heart and mind. Orisis could feel his dread crashing against him in waves-a feeling he enjoys delightfully. "Once they enter these lands, anything or anyone is a free kill or meal. To me," his lips curled as saliva dripped down his bloodstained teeth while hunger seeped through his darkened irises, "you are my destined game." Finally, the young lion buckled under Osiris' words and fled into the tall grass. The older watches the young male's figure gradually disappear into the distance. Osiris huffed in amusement, pulling his ears back, and grabbed the zebra that belonged to his pride. He trekked through the savannah, heading toward the pride's camp. The rest of his journey was uneventful, to say the least, something he preferred. Too many events happening in one day get tiring rather quickly. Everyone's energy is drained immensely, becoming snippy from a simple sneeze or when someone talks too much. It happened before, and Osiris has little time to go through it again. Noticing the familiar camp in the distance, Osiris dropped the animal carelessly on the ground, then let out a roar to inform them of his approach. Waiting for a few minutes, he takes the zebra in his mouth again and prances onwards to his desired destination. Finally, his paws have touched the campgrounds, letting his muzzle loosen to let go of the kill. He doesn't care who takes it as long as it doesn't go to waste. Osiris worked hard to receive such a prize, and he'll be damned if someone foolishly trashed it. His eyes went to the two kings, giving a slight nod in greetings before shuffling his attention to the temporary queen. His nose twitched as he sneezed, then swayed his head away to search for a resting spot. Finding a shady area by a pile of rocks, Osiris plops down on his side and starts to groom his dirtied coat. Edited at March 12, 2023 11:07 PM by Tamesis