Lidiya - F - Subordinate - Mention(s): / (ind: Anubis, Merlin)
The female sat in her little box, having adjusted to the fog slowly being pushed out of her head. She didn't do much. She just sat there and watched the stupidity erupt.
Was she watching with interest? Yes. All of her senses were tuned as to what was going on directly in front of her, after all. What a good hiding spot - no-one cared about the few wolves still wearing off the knockout drugs, and of course they wouldn't specifically look to her.
She may have been considered unruly, but then why wasn't she allowed to go do her own thing now and again? So she lay there, comfortable with her small frame in the little plastic box, as she watched them bicker and argue amongst themselves.
What's more, she had the shade on her side. They were all out there sweating in their coats in the hot, humid air, and here she was, hiding - in the shade, directly in front of them.
A perfect place to just be observing with interest - and a tinge of humour. While this hadn't been expected by any of them, it would certainly be interesting to see how that stuffy Alpha held up to the many, many things that he had to do.
It would be unlikely he changed such that their goals aligned, after all. Unlike Anubis's with hers. Her eyes briefly flicked to the left, taking him in, watching him retreat without much more option - before going back to the group. Lidiya felt a brief urge to go and talk to him - he was one of the few people whose goals aligned with hers, after all - but then stopped herself. She could talk later. They had all the time in the world to talk later. But there was only going to be one time where she could observe this new dynamic and sink into it where needed.
Unlike the wolves out there, she didn't have such the dire urge that she needed water. Well, of course, she did need water. But priorities. She could handle temporary dehydration if it meant she could look on for a bit more.
And what was going on right in front of her was interesting, indeed.
Rather than dashing to the water and drinking her fill, as her body told her she needed, she simply lay there. Observing. Only once the fun and action had gone, would she leave as if she had just woken up.
How would any of them have known otherwise, after all?
Deverick - M - Subordinate - Mention(s): Timber (ind: Recon, Doji)
Deverick did not feel good. Oh no he most definitely didn't. He was thirsty, his legs barely obeyed him, and the marching band inside his brain didn't stop.
He needed water. Vaguely hearing them talking about water and howling, following that a howl, Blindly stumbling along - damn, his legs would not obey him that much - he managed to get out of his little, claustrophobic box, and make his way around the outside of the circle of plastic boxes.
Tiny, tiny, plastic boxes. In his blindness, he stumbled into a box. Vaguely, he was aware that a sleeping Timber was inside it, but the sedatives still had a moderate grasp on him, the marching band didn't want to play quieter, and his damned legs wouldn't obey him.
Somehow - and only gods knows how - he was able to stumble down to the stream. He was aware that he had definitely taken a different route than everyone else - his path, if he had cared to notice or look back, meandered sideways and diagonally, with him ending up maybe twenty, or thirty-odd meters away from where he could tell Recon and Doji were having a quiet conversation. With no wish to interrupt them, he sank - more like flopped - onto his belly, and started gulping mouthfuls of fresh, clean, water.
As he quenched his thirst, the dehydration lifted, and the fog in his mind did too. His marching band didn't go away, though, and neither did his damned legs refusing to cooperate with him.