
Jack Jack was suprised at horse coming to him and rubbing her head against his shoulder as maybe if to say im sorry. He gently rubbed her head, then turned to Madge, "I don't know about this mare, but Madge we need to get you out of the jumping arena and into a pasture." He laughed a bit Edited at April 3, 2022 12:54 AM by Cinderclaws

Savannah|F|15|M: Storm Savannah watched as a grey stallion came up to her. "Hello." She said. She smiled and kept her hand to her side, seeing as not all of the horses here were trained. Most of these horses seem friendlier than that mare back in the cabin. Most of them are probably trained though. She thought. She looked up at him. "You sure are handsome." She said, looking at his grey coat, dotted with black and white.

Ellie |F|14|M: Shara "Oh by the way I'm Ellie, what's your name?" Ellie didn't know if the girl knew her name or not but she decided to introduce herself either way

Madge madge smiled as Nala said sorry to her person. She then nudged jack playfully. Mary Mary was put into a pasture. She then got to grazing Kathy Kathy was put in a pasture. She then got to grazing. Leila Leila was sleep on her stall when she got pulled to the pasture. She lazily followed. When she was in the pasture she sleepily grazed. Edited at April 3, 2022 01:03 AM by TheHappyHowlers

Shara She said "My name's Shara." She looked at Ellie and said " If you don't mind me asking who are you riding?" Storm Storm had jump the fence and went back to the girl. She began to speak to him. He neighed as to say thank you.

(Happyhowlers it is suppose to say Nala not Celestial XD)

Oops XD Nikki Afton said: (Happyhowlers it is suppose to say Nala not Celestial XD)

Melina |F|7|Jumping/Dressage/barrel racing horse|M: Open Melina came to an ubrupt stop, tired from all the running, it had definitely gotten her anger out. she was covered in sweat, and had tired herself out. She broke into a fast trot and jumped over the fence again, landing cleanly on the other side. What should I even do.. Mel noticed all the other horses being rounded up and quite frankly did not want to be touched right now, she snorted and bolted away trying to find somewhere to hide for the time being.

Ellie |F|14|M: Shara "Nice to meet you Shara, and I'm riding my own horse Melina, she somewhere around here though I'm not sure where, I should probably go looking for her before classes start, who are you riding?" Edited at April 3, 2022 01:07 AM by Cinderclaws

Carissa Carissa grabbed the paper and read that she would be riding a horse named Storm and to stay there but she smearked and went out the door, throwing the paper on the ground. She then walked around, looking at the new stuff that held old memories. She then saw a horse(mel) hey girl she said quietly as she slowly came up to the mare.