
Diana||Siren||Dark||Female||She/Her||21||M:Jake Diana looked at the deer and swam down to the bottom grabbing a shell then came back up. She gave the shell to Jake and said *For the grass many animals don't like to be near humans.* She went under water swimming out to the ocean to get something for Jake. She had finally found what she was looking for. Diana lead the dolphin to the water and over to Jake. The dolphin had followed her once she reached Jake she patted the dolphin. She smiled at Jake and then turned to the dolphin petting it. Edited at May 26, 2022 08:39 PM by Icewing

Kitla Eirksen | 21 | She/her | Species:Therianthropy-Fox | M= open Kitla almost jumped at the ringtone of the Angel's phone as she had been zoning out, enjoying the cool breeze. She saw the angel scanning around the park with his eyes and decided she wouldn't be able to stay in this form much longer. As much as she hated socialization she was a fox shifter after all and her fox loved to be around others. Maybe it was time to actually talk to someone she thought to herself as she slinked back into the woods just a few more yards in order to get dressed. She gingerly stepped out of the forest in ripped jeans, a red tank top and black jacket with her absolute favorite pair of boots on. While she kept it hidden so as not to spook any unsuspecting humans, she also kept a dagger inside her jacket just in case. She walked over to the playground and sat on the Merry go round.

Jinx Ramil | 22 | He/They | magic user | m= open *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* A very strong debate was being have in the little cottage in the woods one that wasn't between to "humans" at all just between needs and wants. 'if I go to the shop now I will have to see people and everyone but if I stay home I won't have food but no people here' They thought to themselves having made up their mind to stay. Well nearly A hungry body said otherwise and somehow Jinx found himself out the door after saying bye to his cats and off to get food and try to survive I mean try to remember all the food to get. The town was only a few minutes away from where he was and after facing several minutes of worrying he made his way out and to the store 'nothing bad will happen... I hope'

Milo/Magic User/Neutral/ Lost Track Of His Age/ He/Him / Mentions: Diana and Jake (Notices) After finishing his coffee milo found himself wandering down a few alleys before winding up at a river. Milo's tendency to wonder has gotten him into to trouble before but hopefully it wouldn't be the same this time around. While he sat leaning against a tree he noticed a siren and a human in the water. "Odd I thought humans weren't supposed to know anything." He thought while he watched the pair then redirected his gaze back to the river . The air is crisp and cool making him wish he had brought a book with him to read . And wishing he had fallen asleep her instead of the ditch near the road. Raking his hands threw his hair he found a few blades of dead grass. Edited at May 27, 2022 11:06 AM by Apache

Samuel|M|Demon|17|Born Dark Side|He/him/they/them/it|Mentions: Amy and Theo (not directly) Samuel laughed gently at the default voice of someone he knew . Theo Black. Theo was an Angel. A beautiful Angel. Theo was short, with quite a feminine build. He had a tiny waist and was slim with the tiniest amount of muscle. Sam smiled as he remembered teasing him countless times about his tiny amount of muscle. And his eyes. His eyes looked like a brilliant shiny blue that made your heart my when you saw them. Sam blinked and realized he had been dreaming about Theo instead of answering him for half a minute. He blinked and replied trying not to laugh Into the phone "Yello..This is Samuel Dagon here." He pause and let out the laughter , it sounded like a small child laughing and giggling. He returned to the phone snd continued " Hey Theo, Just wondering if you can meet up today, Amy is somewhere and she isn't going to be home until late. If you are with some one that's fine." He held the phone in his hands like he was actually holding Theo. He grinned st the phone in a childish manner. He was hoping one day when he had fixed and jazzed up the old rusty van , that maybe just maybe Theo could come . He smiled at the phone and waited for his friend to speak into his phone. Edited at May 27, 2022 05:20 PM by Pastry Lord

Theo black // He/Him // Angel // Neural // Mentions: Samuel . +He waits for the answers before he nods when he hears the man next question, forgetting he couldn't see him he quickly shouts in a sweet voice+ "Yeah sure!...I am at the old park we used to hang around when we were kids....Avery park I think" +He says thinking aloud. Samuel was his friend since they were kids, being friends with a demon was something Theo always loved, hoping one day that the demon and him could go far and show that their species can get along without killing eachother. Realising he was off in his own world he puts the phone back against his ear+

Finnegan Allsbrook | 24 | They/Them | Owl Therinthropy | Neutral | M: Sliver, Open Finn tipped their head, considering. A few minutes to potentially garner some new information could easily prove useful, especially with how high tensions were getting lately. On the other talon, if this angel didn't know anything new, it'd be a waste of their time. Deciding to take the gamble, Finn extended a wing in what they hoped was a decent "follow me" gesture, before flying down into the neighboring alleyway. Checking to be sure no one was watching, they quickly shifted to humanoid form and waited to see if the angel had followed. Edited at May 31, 2022 02:52 PM by Moonlit Rose

Jake Hunter // He/Him // Human // Netrul // Mentions: Diana, open . +Hearing the splash of the water when the female returns he looks away from the shy deer to the female, smiling happily before his eyes land on the blue and sliver creature of a dolpine. He gasps in suprise reaching his hand out gently to pay the animal, getting an idea he jumps up and takes his jumper off a shirt under Neath, jumping in the water he swims to the surface looking for the dolpine hoping he didn't scare the manual away, his drown fluffy hair now wet and sticking to his forehead+ "W-Where did he go ..did I scare him" Edited at May 28, 2022 02:46 AM by Free-Claw12

Diana||Siren||Dark||Female||She/Her||21||M:Jake and Milo Diana looked at Jake and said *Dolphins are skitsh creatures Jake and that is only natural.* She spotted the dolphin and dived down off to the side a long ways. Diana said "Its okay he didn't mean to scare you." The dolphin followed her back over to Jake as she broke the surface so did the dolphin. Diana looked at Jake but then she soptted a male waching them. Diana looked at Milo and said "Who are you!" She had an aggressive tone and didn't realize she spoke. Diana turned to Jake and thought Shit! Diana hoped that Jake wouldn't be affected for many reasons. She was still trying to figure out what to do if it had affected Jake. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sliver||Angel||Light||16||She/Her||M:Finnegan/Ileum(Ref)/Open! Sliver looked at the owl without a word Sliver followed the Owl to the Alley way. She noticed him shift as she flew over to it. Once she had landed on the ground and waited for a question. Sliver was curious to what this mystic was looking for. She decided it would be best to wait for him to talk. As she stood there she folded her wings in at her sides. This way they weren't in the way. She looked around before remembering her sister and forgot to let her know she went out. Sliver knew she was gonna get coled once home. Edited at May 28, 2022 09:36 AM by Icewing

Milo/Magic User/Neutal/Lost Track of his age/ He/Him/ Mentions: Diana and Jake He watched as the dolphin fled in fear but was then brought back again by the girl. He then looked up at the tree as bird landed it. 'Birds sure are interesting creatures aren't?' Then looked up at the girl when she spoke to him. He stood up dusted himself of and pulled another blad of grass from his hair. "I'm milo and well as you can see I was just sitting there." He sighed then looked up the sky for a moment before returning his gaze to girl.