
Nala|F|4|Jumping horse|M:Madge Nala heard a voice behind her and said through tears "I'm fine!" When Nala had finally reach the arena she began to jump the very high hurtles.

Madge Madge heard the female but knew something was wrong. As she watched her jump she saw tears running down the mares face. You can talk to me you know, I won't tell she said as she began to jump beside the mare.

Starlighit/F/ 21/2years old/Free-rent resident/M: Cherokee, smokey
Stunts like these were always made by her, there isn't a day when things didn't go down due to her mischieve. Either way, Starlight just likes to make it difficult for the humans, cursing them for taking away their freedom in them.
Her ears flickers catching the sounds around her at the same time keep an ear out for the humans just because she hates them.
"I'm Starlight, it's nice to meet you cherokee. Don't sweat it, we deserves the right to go wherever we like. We aren't tools for humans to use and then thrown away. We are our own being after all."** Starlight responded to Cherokee's question before turned her attention back to smoky the stallion.
**"Hello there, what is your name?"Starlight asked.

Nala|4|F|Jumping horse|M:Madge Nala jumped in slience as she cried until she notice the mare next to her and said "I don't really wanna talk about it..." She can up on a 4 foot hurdle and easily jumped it but didn't know if the mare could.

Melina |F|7|Jumping/Dressage/barrel racing horse|M: Nala, Madge Melina watched the mare angrily gallop towards the jumping arena, which was exactly where Mel had intended to go. Nala’s words replied in her mind, I may not know what it feels like to be abused all my life, but I do no other things… Melina closed her eyes, Remembering her mother, she hadn't thought about her in awhile, and for good reason. Shaking away her thoughts she started to gallop towards the jumping arena, I don't care if Nala’s there, I intended to go there and I still intend to go there. When Melina reached it she noticed Madge there also, the one horse who she actually knew, well they pretty much lived together, Madge was Jack’s horse, she was Ellie’s. Both Madge and Nala seemed to be talking or something like that, and Mel also knew there was no room for two horses in the jumping arena. Melina decided to instead go to the barrel racing arena and run some of the barrels. She galloped to it and soared over the fence landing inside. Once she was inside of it she started to furiously run the barrel racing pattern around the barrels, her mind racing as well as her body.

Madge Madge nodded and said I understand. Her eyes went wide as she saw the jump. She then closed her eyes and imagined jack was cheering her on and soon she opened her eyes and she was on the other side. Her hoof and tapped the jump but didn't knock it off. She sighed then looked to the female and said by the way I'm Madge!

Smokey|M|5|Jumping horse|M: Starlight "Smokey," the stallion responded, studying the friesian, surprisingly he had never seen her before, although he had lived at the stable for a few years now, maybe she was one of the recently captured horses, whoever she was he liked her, and her mischief. "What's your name?"

Nala|4|F|Jumping horse|M:Madge Nala said "I'm Nala nice to meet you madge." She heard yelling and thought it must be the teachers. She said "I think the teachers noticed we were gone.."

Jack |M|25|M: everyone (ind:) Madge, Nala Jack had just gotten settled in and was about to take Ellie her cat when he heard a commotion of the rest of the teachers outside. He went outside to check it out and noticed all the horses were loose, “How in the world did that happen!” He exclaimed. Well of all the rest of the horses are loose, Madge is most definitely loose. Jack sighed, Ellie could wait to get her cat, he needed to go find Madge. Heading towards the pen where he left Madge he realized he didn't have to go far as Jack saw his mare along with another horse inside of the jumping arena. Slowly he started to approach Madge and the other mare, “hey girls” he greeted both of them as he got closer.

Nala|F|4|Jumping Horse|M:Jack and Madge Nala stopped at the sight of the new person and began to buck again. She wasn't very trusting to new humans but horse are different. She was careful not to buck Madge. When she finished bucking she walked up to the human and snorted. Staring him in the eyes and began to buck again. Edited at April 2, 2022 11:58 PM by Nikki Afton