
Dylan Dylans head shot to the female. He saw that she was glaring, at them? Why he thought. He then got up and looked at the male, glaring right back at her. He shook his fur at wondered why the female was so upset. He then watched as another male came up, were not playing he said respectfully. He then shot a quick glance at the female. Because he said, he cant protect himself he said in a hushed voice so his friend wouldnt hear. Alex Alex smiled as she saw the new female. But her smile quickly faded as the female glared at them. She was a bit scared but swallowed it down as she looked at the female. She then looked at the male. Were not playing but if we do you can she said with a smile. Yukon Yukons smile faded as a new female came in and glared at them. She quickly placed herslef behind her friends and peeked out at the new female. She then looked at the other male, not saying anything, still hiding. Edited at March 26, 2022 09:20 PM by TheHappyHowlers

River . +She looks at the female that enters with a tilt of his head before he tail sways softly whispering to her friends in a soft tone+ "What's up with her...lets go say Hi" +She leaps off towards the female with a smile nodding her head in respect+ "Hi" . . . Jake . +He turns his head as two new wolves join them in the large cage his body starts to shake as there were many wolves he didn't know. He quickly places himself right near the edge of the cage still beside the female he approached+ "Something tells me she is our lead....at least we have another male in here"

Marbel raised her head higher, once again hating that she was a mute. How could she communicate to them that she was their new leader and that they needed to concentrate and start training? She whined slightly and walked towards the sounds of the wins rustling their fur and their scent. She pawed at the ground and pointed her nose at the harnesses by the gate. She trotted over to them and picked up the one that read "Marbel" on a metal plate and slipped it over her head. She looked meaningfully at her team.

Luna Mentions: Jake, Other dogs. Luna tilted her head a bit to the side, a bit puzzled of why this male was apologizing. "It's quite alright, no need to apologize for simply checking up on someone." The female would politely say to Jake, she turned her attention away from the male to look to see two new dogs have entered the cage, noticing that one {Marbel} giving the other dogs a piercing glare which would earn a low, rumbling growl to erupt from her chest a bit, not really liking the said female because of that but she sooned calm herself before looking back at the male in front of her. "So, why are we being put in this outdoor cage for anyway?"

Alex Alex soon relised it was her sister. SHe followed River, over to her sister. Marbel she said happily as she pounced onto her. This is my sister Alex said happily to River Yukon Yukon walked a few steps and ended up hiding behind Dylan. She was still scared of the female, even if she was sisters with Alex Dylan Dylan could feel the small female behind him and he blushed, still focused on the female. How could that grumpy female be sisters with LAex he wondered as he watched the females.

Alex Alex smiled happily, her name is Marbel and she dosnt talk she said rolling her eyes. (pretend since their sisters Alex can tell what MArbel is saying even know she dosent talk)

Jake . +He tries his best to ignore the now crowded cage as he looks at the female once again his ears flatten on his head+ "We are the new sled dog team just waiting for all the dogs to get here...I think" +He smiles softly as he then watches the new female grave a harnesse+ . . . River . +She tilts her head at the female before she smiles and a soft tone escapes her mouth+ "We don't need to start training till all of the team gets here" +She laughs her tail swaying quickly before she looks at the male known as Jake with a hard glare+

A soft growl rumbled in her throat, but it gave way to a faitn whine as her sister came by her. She nuzzled Alex's cheek gently.

Mukluk's tail stopped wagging when he realized no one was playing. Bored, he picked a random dog and trotted up to him (Jake). "Hi," he said.

Yukon Yukon nuzzled her back then said not all the team is here so we cant possibly train. (i have to go but ill probally be back on later tonight)