
Nora Nora worked up the courage and walked up to the horse and said firm but gentle, hey look, your ok, now calm down. She then held out her hand to the horses nose, not touching but close. (i have to go, ugh sorry bye) Edited at April 2, 2022 09:09 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Nala|4|F|Jumping horse|M:Ellie and Nora She stopped and stared at the two girls. She snorted but stopped and walked out of the cabin. She was satisfied at the trouble she had cause and knew no one would want to ride her now. The last campers didn't. She trotted back to the stable and into her broken stall.

Jack |M|25|M: pretty much everyone Jack led Madge to one of the pastures rather than going into the barn and giving her a stall, it just seemed easier and since Madge was always very playful and frisky and likely would feel confined in a stall. Jack unclipped the lead rope and shut the gate behind him heading towards his truck to get his stuff then he planned to make his way to the staff cabin. Jack was slightly worried about Ellie but pushed it to the back of his mind, obviously she was fine. As he reached his truck he saw a White Fresian trotting around, free from being in a pen. Either that horse is wild or it escaped! Once Jack reached the truck he opened the back door to get his stuff and noticed Ellie's cat Callie in carrier still, he'd have to bring the cat to her later. He picked up his stuff and the cat carrier and headed towards the staff cabin. Noticing a girl running towards it, shouting something but he couldn't quite hear what she had shouted. Edited at April 2, 2022 11:17 PM by Cinderclaws

Nala|4|F|Jumping horse|M:Open Nala got bored in her stall and trotted back out wondering of another way to cause mischief. She began to walk the path that the humans apparently used but is just wandering. Nala had mixed feelings about the new campers. Edited at April 2, 2022 09:28 PM by Nikki Afton

Savannah|F|15|M: Cabin A1 Savannah stood up and breathed out a shaky sigh. The horse had given her quite a spook but she was glad that it was over. Why was that horse so spooked when I held my hand up? Past owner? Not used to people? Whoever has to ride her though must be good with horses or the teachers here must trust them. Savannah thought to herself, looking around. "Not what I was expecting for the first day of camp." She said out loud, laughing slightly.

Melina |F|7|Jumping/Dressage/barrel racing horse|M: Nala, Celestial Melina was dozing when she was awoken by a horse trotting into the barn. She opened her eyes and looked at an Appaloosa who she knew from Celestial to be Nala. “Please tell me you didn't hurt anyone when you went into the cabin!” Mel neighed at the horse. She did not like this horse already and hadn't even met her, but seeing her be so wild like that and going into a cabin! A cabin for goodness sakes, created a dislike. Melina was also very worried about whoever was inside that cabin, and what if Ellie went into that cabin? This horse was no good, just trouble! Before she could get a response Nala just trotted out again, making Mel even more annoyed. Edited at April 2, 2022 09:39 PM by Cinderclaws

Ellie |F|14|M: cabin A1 Ellie sighed relieved the horse was gone. Standing up Ellie grabbed her duffle bag and flung it onto the top bunk, climbing up after it. She sat down and dangled her legs over the sides, without the horse the cabin seemed quiet and for that she was thankful. Glancing at some of the walls Ellie noticed a few dents from where the horse must have kicked the wall. What was the matter with it? I know it had to have once been wild, but it just kept getting more and more agitated the longer it was in here! She thought, determined to eventually find out.“So that was a surprise wasn't it?” She asked, then went on, “Anyways, I'm Ellie Wolf, nice to meet y'all!”

Starlight/F/Camp's living in free rent horse/M: open
Galloping pass the horse who was rearing up, passed the guy leading a horse, and pass the girl who ran god knows where before came to a slow walk as she arrived in one of the barns.
Grin a horse grin, the young mare walks up to each stall containing a horse using her teeth to open the lock and gate just to release all the horses before Trott away neighing with glid while watching the drama soon will unfold.
Inside the barn which was once peaceful now cramped with horses charging out all at once, overall it's a mess inside as if you were at a stamped.
Now, not only there was chao outside but there was chao on the inside, what shall the humans do, Starlight could not wait to see.

Edited at April 2, 2022 09:45 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Cherokee|F|7|M: Starlight Cherokee watches as a mare runs past, unlocking all of the stalls. Cherokee steps outside and looks around. Should I? Maybe...just for a bit. She thinks, looking back at the other stalls. She memorized her stall and walked a bit farther into the field. She looked at the cabins and wondered when the humans would notice.