
Alex Alex watched as the female walked away. She shrugged as she decided not to follow so she wouldnt get nipped at like River did.

Dylan Dylan shook his head, of course not he said as he raised his voice a bit. He then gulped and shook his head, sorry but you didnt do anything he said reasuring his friend. Its, he paused you didnt do anything he said again as he shook his head and his eyes rested on the new female. Yukon Yukon smiled a bit and sat down. Hi, im Yukon, and are they she said as she pretended to gag, they together?

River . +She sighs as the female leaves the small group that formed before she looks towards the last remaing females that surrounded her+ "So you guys wanna do anything or something" +She asked in a soft tone as her tail happily sways behind her piling up snow beside her. Her crystal blue eyes still locked onto the other females+

Yukon Yukon shrugged what can we even do anyways she said as she looked at the two females infront of her. Alex Alex shrugged and looked at the males, i honestly dont know she said shaking her head.

Jake . "O-Ok... Iam here to talk if you need" +He says in a soft voice her ears still flattened on his head before he turns his head aways from the male facing the other side of the cage wrapping his tail back around himself closing his eyes. He was still awake as that can be seen from his frame shoving from a sudden pick up of wind+ . . . River . +Looking towards the two males once again she shrugs her shoulders before she looks back towards the female with a tilt of her head+ "I don't think so...but then again I could be wrong" +She says with a soft giggle+

Luna Mentions: Other dogs, Open Luna closed her eyes, feeling both her muscles and her body relax but remains alert to her surroundings by using her hearing, keeping her ears pointed back. Feeling the breeze gently blow against her fur, she stuck out like a sore thumb in the snow. Her scars on her body from years of dog fighting wouldn't really be noticeable since her fur kinda hides them.

Dylan Dylan looked at his friend, im sorry he said with a soft voice, its just i dont, want her to think he said sighing. He then curled his tail around his friend and laying his head beside his friend. I, i, i just think shes, cute he said as he bumped his friend, i didnt want her to think we were together. i mean look at them ha said looking over at the females. Just look at her face he said with a light chuckle. He then put his head on his friends shoulder, I wouldnt take the world if i couldnt have your snuggled he said with a light laugh. He then licked his friends ear playfully, ignoring the females looks. Yukon Yukon couldnt help but laugh a bit too she then happy sighed as she turned back to look at the females. Alex Alex shrugged and smiled as she watched her friends laugh.

Jake . +He suddenly stands up before he raises her ears and curls his tail tightly before he looks at his friend with a glare, locking his eyes with his as he sits in front of him+ "Well you should of just said that...you should go talk to her be friendly...show off a little" +He giggles trying to nudge his friend to stand him up his tail wagging softly in its soft curl+ . . . River . "Wow we get along great...this team might actually be fun to run with" +She says with a soft laugh as he jumps into a playful bow closing her eyes with a big smile her tail swaying happily.

Dylan Dylan was shocked at his friends sudden movements. He then looked down at his friends useless pushing. You know you cant move me he said ignoring his glares. He then rolled his eyes as he carefully moving, making his friend fall down. He then laughed as he looked at his friend. Yukon Yukon smiled, yes i like this team. SHe then got up and playbowed too. Alex Alex smiled and joined in the playing.

Jake . +Glaring at the male once again throws pushes some snow on-top of the male head with a huff before he goes back to trying to get his friend to stand.+ "Move your tail U big loaf" +He lets out a playful growl as he continues a soft giggle leaving him once again+ . . . River . +She throws some snow at them both with a laugh before she tackles Alex and gently nibbles on one of her ears with a playful growl her tail never stopping it's movements+ "come on we have to get her down"