Wolf Play : New Judgement Day Roleplay Thread
 High Hills Pack
12:54:45 Frozen Opal; Regal
Nice! I need ta train my wolves a bit more before I can hit that. Got a whole new team now. ^^'
Well Technition, you've hit your wishbone goal tonight
12:52:44 Lil Techy | Techno

Nice! I'm about to hit 15k today I think.
 High Hills Pack
12:52:21 Frozen Opal; Regal
Uh... good question. I honestly don't know. 8k-9k I think?
12:52:11 Lil Techy | Techno

Not you too!
12:49:51 Lil Techy | Techno

How much you make today?
 High Hills Pack
12:48:11 Frozen Opal; Regal
Hopefully I can get enough wishbones ta do just that tomorrow. ;)
12:47:31 Running Dog
Well fellow WP. I'm signing off as I have work tomorrow. Good night and sleep well when you get there.

Praying for time to pass quickly and safely, Vox.
 The BloodRose
12:46:52 Mr.colt
Why I keep get log out
12:44:12 Lil Techy | Techno

God you are going to finish my wish at this rate XD
12:44:05 Vox, Corey
Just 4ish hours left, then I gotta clean for 1 hour, soo the earliest I'll be able to log on is in 5 hours!
12:43:43 Running Dog

Oh, I am so sorry... I can empathize with that.
12:43:12 Vox, Corey
I didn't even notice the second "still" until now lmao

Anyways! I gotta disappear, I'll hopefully log on after my shift ends
12:42:28 Running Dog

Nah, we can handle a few accidents, lol, we aren't petulant children, besides, we appreciate you as a member of WP ♡
12:42:27 Vox, Corey
I'll thankfully be able to be with my gal when she starts getting old.

I already feel bad because she was 2 when I left and I've missed out on 3 years of her life (except for the few times I've been back home on leave).

She'll be 7 when my active duty is done 😭
 Continental Wolves
12:40:59 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Forgot that second still >.> I may just shut up if I can't type properly
 Continental Wolves
12:40:05 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Mine is 16 so I spend as much time with her as I can while I still am still able to
 The BloodRose
12:39:51 Mr.colt
I created blog on here about life of The wolf pack BloodRose
12:39:44 Vox, Corey
Thank you! After 270 days we're finally heading home, just gotta last 5 more days!
12:38:46 Vox, Corey
It's a struggle, but makes me all the more thankful to have her when I do get to see her 😌


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New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 5, 2021 09:04 PM


Posts: 724
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Arrow|Student|F|Mentions Avinder, Rigsby
Arrow quickly jumped down from the roof. She silently walked back into the school and froze as she saw a goat. She signed quietly, she wished she could shift whenever she wanted to. Her dark red eyes shone brightly as she looked at the two. She looked at them sadly before sitting down against a locker out of sight from everyone and from the cameras.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 5, 2021 10:02 PM

Former Pack

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Anvinder | M | Alpine Ibex | M: Rigsby, Arrow, open to other students around

Anvinder chuffed quietly, unable to answer, but he appeared to raise his head proudly. Something like that. It wasn't an insult to him - ibexes were a type of goat, after all. He started down the path to the boys dorms, cloven hooves clicking quietly on the stone with each step.

Without warning his head shot up automatically, the instinctive feeling of being watched sending a chill down his neck. His ears twitched as he picked up the faint sounds of someone moving on the roof - his senses were heightened in this form, making him able to pick them out from the ambiance. He turned to look, only to be met with the bright red stare of the girl from earlier - whom he recognized as Arrow. Oh yeah, the girl he wasn't supposed to talk to. He stopped in his tracks to stare warily back for a brief moment. Something about her creeped him out, setting off an uneasy feeling in his gut. He thought about asking her what she wanted - maybe it was a false intuition, maybe they could be friends. But within another moment she had ducked back behind a locker. Hmm..

Mr. Ryan Ellis | M | Gym teacher | Rhino |M: Mr. Rooney, Sage, other teachers
He took note of the teacher's struggle not to sneeze - maybe he was sick? "I was plannin' for outside. But if you ain't feelin' up for it, inside will be fine." He offered. "You learned any new fightin' moves over the summer?" He asked. Maybe he'd get some inspiration for his first lesson. Of course Ryan would be happy to help wherever he could.

Edited at August 5, 2021 10:14 PM by Finnick
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 6, 2021 09:29 AM

Former Pack

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Rigsby|Non-Binary(She/They/He)|Student|Welsummer Rooster|Mentions:Anvinder, Arrow, Open

She watched as Vin stood tall and began walking towards the dorms. They began to follow behind Vin before he made a sudden stop and stared at a corner. ‘What's over there?’ He wondered, walking towards the lockers. She went to turn the corner, walking down it a bit looking around. They almost missed the person but noticed their red bright red eyes out of the corner of their eye. He turned around to face the person. The girl in front of her had deep red eyes and seemed to be upset as well as hiding from someone or something.


Oran|Cis(She/her)|Art Teacher|gypsy vanner horse| Mentions: Open

After finding no lingering at the buses Oran made her way back to the gyms. She hanged around the entrance of the gym finding that everything seems under control over there. Oran turned away and shifted. Her transformation was fluid and controlled, she was much better at shifting into an animal than out of one. She began clopping through the hallways making her way to the art room.

(Short sorry)

Edited at August 6, 2021 09:30 AM by Golden Corax
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 6, 2021 08:01 PM


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Arrow|Student|F|Mentions Avinder Rigsby
Arrow looked up at the two again, surprised one of them was talking to her. "Be careful talking to me." Arrow said quietly, hoping no one would else notice her talking. "I'm Arrow, the one your not supposed to talk to. Look you guys seem like nice people so you have the right to know. This school is not what you think it is. Leave while you can, trust me." Arrow says quietly and quickly. She hoped they would listen to her, she didn't want anyone to have to go through everything she did." Sage, the headmaster has a massive secret that she keeps from everyone only I know what it is. Get out of here while you can." Arrow says looking at the two.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 6, 2021 08:18 PM

Former Pack

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Rigsby|Non-Binary(She/They/He)|Student|Welsummer Rooster|Mentions:Anvinder, Arrow, open

All Rigsby could do was stare at her in confusion. ‘What, why do I need to be careful talking to her? Why am I not supposed to talk to her? I really should’ve been paying attention to my stuff then I wouldn’t have missed the rules. But that's besides the point! Raced her thoughts. They sat down on the floor criss-cross applesauce, twiddling their fingers.

“Are you okay? Why are you hiding?” She asked the girl, not making direct eye contact but enough to be polite. Their nerves were acting up again after the arrows prophet warning but they were trying to control them. “Is this place really that dangerous?” He asked, his voice also getting quieter. Rigsby glanced around the corner where Vin was.

Edited at August 6, 2021 08:19 PM by Golden Corax
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 6, 2021 08:52 PM

Former Pack

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Anvinder | M | Alpine Ibex | M: Rigsby, Arrow

Vin followed behind his new friend hesitantly, not shifting out of ibex form. He didn't really have anything to say, and didn't want to put his stuff down on the path. He felt more secure in this form anyway. More able to run or fight if needed.

He moved to stand stoutly in place next to Rigsby, watching Arrow intently as his roommate sat down cross-legged, listening to the girl talk. Well that was certainly ominous, but he was slow to believe a stranger - let alone one with no proof of her words. Sage had seemed alright to him, if a little distracted. And even if he did want to leave the school, it was remote and far from civilization. Far, far from home.

He glanced at Rigsby, wondering if he was being convinced. He seemed to be nervous, which made Anvinder nervous in turn - even more so than the girl's warning. But he didn't let on.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 6, 2021 09:15 PM


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Arrow|Student|F|Mentions Avinder Rigsby
Arrow looked around before looking at the person who sat down. "I'm Arrow, I'm the girl everyone is told to stay away from and not talk to. Look, I'm dangerous to be around. At least thats what Sage says, but listen to me. I am not the only dangerous person here. I'm hiding so I don't get caught again. I can't stand to go back down to the basement it's horrible down there. That's where all the *bad* people go. But they are not bad. It's just shifters who are more powerful than Sage. They can control powers, I'm one of them. You can not let Sage know that you know. But if you are found to have powers to you too will be in danger and forced to stay at the school for the rest of you life. Not being able to talk to anyone, and being hated by everyone and being tested on. It's horrible." Arrow says before lefting her hand up and make a flame appear. " This will get you tortured and tested on. " Arrow says before shaking her hand and making the flame go away.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 6, 2021 10:28 PM

Former Pack

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Rigsby|Non-Binary(She/They/He)|Student|Welsummer Rooster|Mentions:Anvinder, Arrow, open

Rigsby’s brain simply stopped working. In just the span of a few seconds, she just learned huge news and was previewed to many surprises. “Wait there are people with magic, the headmaster is evil, How does magic even work? Am I going to be okay? ” thoughts like that raced through their head as their nerves really started to kick in. A few feathers popped out on her face, farms, and even two in her hair.

She looked over at Vin who was beside her. They rubbed their hands together and twiddled their thumbs feeling overwhelmed. “Wha- Um what can, um we I mean I help or uh um do for you. What, what do we do?” He stuttered out as a few more feathers appeared.

Edited at August 8, 2021 06:58 PM by Golden Corax
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 7, 2021 04:34 AM

Pastry Lord

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Finnick said:
Anvinder | M | Alpine Ibex | M: Rigsby, Arrow, open to other students around

Anvinder chuffed quietly, unable to answer, but he appeared to raise his head proudly. Something like that. It wasn't an insult to him - ibexes were a type of goat, after all. He started down the path to the boys dorms, cloven hooves clicking quietly on the stone with each step.

Without warning his head shot up automatically, the instinctive feeling of being watched sending a chill down his neck. His ears twitched as he picked up the faint sounds of someone moving on the roof - his senses were heightened in this form, making him able to pick them out from the ambiance. He turned to look, only to be met with the bright red stare of the girl from earlier - whom he recognized as Arrow. Oh yeah, the girl he wasn't supposed to talk to. He stopped in his tracks to stare warily back for a brief moment. Something about her creeped him out, setting off an uneasy feeling in his gut. He thought about asking her what she wanted - maybe it was a false intuition, maybe they could be friends. But within another moment she had ducked back behind a locker. Hmm..

Mr. Ryan Ellis | M | Gym teacher | Rhino |M: Mr. Rooney, Sage, other teachers
He took note of the teacher's struggle not to sneeze - maybe he was sick? "I was plannin' for outside. But if you ain't feelin' up for it, inside will be fine." He offered. "You learned any new fightin' moves over the summer?" He asked. Maybe he'd get some inspiration for his first lesson. Of course Ryan would be happy to help wherever he could.

Mr John Rooney| m| Combat teacher| shift= Peregine Falcon | mentions: Ryan
Mr Rooney chuckled," Yes, I did get attacked by another falcon when I was flying in my shift so I studied the movements of the attacks and I learnt something.. Falcons tend to swoop upwards almost as if they are about to fly away until they swiftly turn and dive down. Later on I went on a trip to the zoo and studied the attacks of the Elephant, Parrot, and Rhino. All the creature that I studied had attacks of overwhelming their targets before going in for the kill." Then he paused, and added "Did you learn anything else over the summer?" He looked up at his friend,the one who had been helping him for as long as he could remember.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 12, 2021 07:52 PM


Posts: 724
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Arrow|Student|F|Mentions Avinder Rigsby
Arrow looked at the two. "There's something happening around here. You guys need to watch your backs, she watches the new students like a hawk. I've been trapped here for years. I'm trying to get enough people to actually believe me and help me. Im trying to stop Sage before she traps anyone else. There is something in the basement of this school that I need but she has a lot of cameras guarding the entrance to the basement." Arrow says before quickly turning around."I'm not asking you to help me. I am not going to make you guys feel forced to help me. It's dangerous to everyone that gets involved, and Sage knows I'm the only student around here that's knows about powers and the basement. It's why everyone is told to stay away from me. Anyways, I gotta go, if you wanna talk more I'll be on the roof. " Arrow says before quickly walking away into the crowd and out of the school.

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