Wolf Play : New Judgement Day Roleplay Thread
 Meliora Wolves
12:15:49 crow (he/they/zae)
i just had to do that. its been too long of a day and everyone's pissed off and it was making me anxious and overwhelmed
12:15:45 Tay
Ahhhh. So much explore.
12:15:45 Lil Techy | Techno
old champ? XD
12:14:08 Vox, Corey
Old champ? 😭
 Continental Wolves
12:13:00 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
That's been me lately, works wonders if you can't sleep
 Avatar Of Lust
12:12:30 Asmodeus (he/they)
its 1 am and I cant sleep cause I'm sick and can barely breathe :(
 Meliora Wolves
12:12:14 crow (he/they/zae)
yall ever just have to turn off all the lights and crawl into bed just to cry for a little bit
 The BloodRose
12:10:58 Mr.colt
Oh nice meet you Old champ
12:09:40 Vox, Corey
I mean- you can tell people are here lmao
12:08:46 Vox, Corey
My goal is to make a nee male or two, but goshhh.

I'm not getting anything I want as a base today lmao
 The BloodRose
12:08:18 Mr.colt
Hmm I guess no one is here then
 Continental Wolves
12:07:36 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
He may not be HW but could be a decent base for a custom for someone
 Continental Wolves
12:06:42 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Hey he has bald man confidence 🤷‍♀️
12:06:05 Lil Techy | Techno
hehe bald
12:05:03 Vox, Corey
-WP Click-

Was excited when I saw that wolf party gave me a boost/defect guy... then he turned out to be this 🤣
 The BloodRose
12:03:02 Mr.colt
Howdy anyone here?
11:57:46 Rev
Is shuddering the right word? I need to get back to reading English books, my grammar gets worse every day
11:57:09 Lil Techy | Techno

It's how I made 400k+
11:54:48 Rev
Literally shuddering.
11:53:20 Lil Techy | Techno

I explored 200k and burned out bad


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New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 3, 2021 12:15 PM


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Sage|Headmaster|F|Mentions Rigsby Avinder Alyssa
Sage looked at the boy. "If you would prefer a roomate I could make that happen." Sage says while smiling. "It seems you two would actually make great roommates. Dorm 32 is the dorm you two will share. If you need anything please do come find me." Sage said before towards the other girl. "Hmm you must be Alyssa, we are very happy to see you here. Your dorm number will be 57. Just be aware it is right next to Arrows, if that becomes a problem do come tell me and I will have her moved." Sage says smiling kindly.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 3, 2021 12:50 PM

Former Pack

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Anvinder | M | Alpine Ibex | M: Mostly Rigsby, Headmaster Sage, maybe other students around

He glanced over at the (Vin's gonna assume he's male) boy he had just bumped into, wondering exactly how she knew they would be good roommates after exchanging about 2 awkward sentences.
Ehh it would probably be fine. Hopefully he wasn't looking forward to a single dorm, though. Shouldn't there be a system for these things that wasn't random chance?
"Oh ok, thank you." He said to the headmaster, backing out of the way of the desk and pulling out the map he'd stuffed into his backpack side pocket. Dorm 32, dorm 32. He'd better not forget.

"Well, I guess we're roommates now." He said with a chipper tone, looking up from his map at Rigsby. Vin didn't consider himself short, but he felt it standing next to his new roommate. He had glasses, which he had supposedly just finished cleaning, and amber eyes. He looked nice enough, maybe it would be fine.

"I'm Anvinder. But you can call me Vin if you want." He introduced himself, holding out his free hand to shake. He briefly considered what animal he shifted into - probably something big and cool. He wondered absently how many here shifted into "prey" animals vs "predator" animals.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 3, 2021 05:45 PM

Former Pack

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Rigsby|Non-Binary(She/They/He)|Student|Welsummer Rooster|Mentions: sage(for a second), Anvinder

“Alright,” They said, nodding at the headmaster. ‘I hope the rooms are big. He seems nice.” Rigsby thought to himself as he turned to look at his roommate who was currently looking at a map.

“Ya I guess we are,” she said returning Anvinder's friendly tone. He noticed studying him and gave them a small smile. “It’s to uh meet you av- um vin,” Rigsby’s nerves started to catch up to them as the adrenaline finally wore off, she glanced over at Vin’s extended hand. For that brief second the prep talk his mom gave to him before they left came to her, “All you have to do is stand tall and say your name, no need for a big fancy show. Just be yourself Rigsby.”

Rigsby stopped slouching for a second and whipped their hand off which had some sweat on it. She took Vin's hand and shook it, “Sorry, my name’s Rigsby. ''

Edited at August 4, 2021 05:56 PM by Golden Corax
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 3, 2021 05:58 PM


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Arrow|Student|F|Mentions Open
Arrow walked quietly through the halls, her head down and her hood up. She needed to get away from everyone and get on the roof. Nobody else has figured out how to get on the roof, it was her one getaway from everyone where she could be free without worrying about harming anyone or anyone seeing her. Arrow walked quickly outside and went to the back of the school where the gardens were. She always liked the gardens but they were always packed with couples.
Arrow signed quietly and lifted her head up, letting her hood fall down to show her midnight black hair and her dark red eyes. Arrow wasn't a big girl but she was strong, she grew up having to fight her entire life so of course she was strong and knew how to fight and hunt.
She never knew her mother, for she had just abandoned her when Arrow was four. Arrow's father always resented her for it, so he made Arrow's home life a living hell. Up until she turned 12 where her father shipped her off to this school, and since then Arrow had lived here and haunted the forest. She resented everyone.
Arrow shook her head coming out of her thoughts. Quickly looking around she ran and jumped, claws coming out of her hands so she could pull herself up on to the roof. She sat down, letting the claws retract as she sighed quietly again. Letting all of her thoughts surface again.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 4, 2021 05:42 PM

Pastry Lord

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DreamBig said:
Sage|Headmaster|F|Mentions Rigsby Avinder Alyssa
Sage looked at the boy. "If you would prefer a roomate I could make that happen." Sage says while smiling. "It seems you two would actually make great roommates. Dorm 32 is the dorm you two will share. If you need anything please do come find me." Sage said before towards the other girl. "Hmm you must be Alyssa, we are very happy to see you here. Your dorm number will be 57. Just be aware it is right next to Arrows, if that becomes a problem do come tell me and I will have her moved." Sage says smiling kindly.

Alyssa Aetos | f | Shift=Grey wolf | mentions: Sage
Alyssa tried to not clench her jaw in frustration but she did a fake smile and walked away saying over her shoulder"Thank you" . Ughh it really bugged her that Arrow was being treated as if she was just something that could be shoved around like a toy for other people just because the teacher seems to be ....scared? Worrried? About her.. Alyssa blinked and realized she had frozen in the middle of the hall. She jostled her way out apologizing on the way. When she finally got up the stair she looked at the number 57 and opened it. The smell of fresh duvets and open windows and forest air floated in her room and she smiled. She closed the door and grabbed the bed nearest the window. There was really one bed but there was another done folded up ready to spring up if needed for next year or this year. Alyssa unpacked all the gadgets and inventions her father had probably put in her rucksack and put them in a draw. She then smoothed out her bed and sat on it Thinking. Thinking. Thinking.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 4, 2021 05:52 PM

Former Pack

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Anvinder | M | Alpine Ibex | M: Mostly Rigsby, open to other students around

Anvinder relaxed a little bit - the boy seemed equally nervous, if not more so. Rigsby, that was a cool name. He glanced around the room, watching as students began to file out to get their belongings off of the bus and settle into their dorms. After a quick glance over the map he felt fairly confident in where to go, looking up at Rigsby again. "Well, do you want to head over to our dorm? The map says the boys dorm is over to the east of campus." He gestured vaguely to the east, automatically able to pick out which direction was which from a brief glance at the steadily lowering sun. A lifetime of doing so had made it almost second-nature to know which direction was which at all times.
He started to head towards the entrance of the school, hoping none of his stuff had gotten lost in the shuffle.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 4, 2021 06:11 PM

Former Pack

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Rigsby|Non-Binary(She/They/He)|Student|Welsummer Rooster|Mentions:Anvinder, open

“Ya sure,” Rigsby said with a nod, grabbing his backpack straps. ‘So they put me in the boys dorm, alright,’ She thought. They turned to look at the halls leaving and entering the gym, then turning back to look over at vin who began to walk. He started to fail next to vin not speaking more lost in thought.

‘These books are so heavy, hey he kind of just knew which way was east. I wonder how he did that,’ Rigsby pondered to themself before noticing they were walking back to the entrance.

“How come we’re going back to the entrance?” She asked, looking over to him.

New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 5, 2021 11:09 AM

Former Pack

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Anvinder | M | Alpine Ibex | M: Mostly Rigsby, open to other students around
"I just need to pick up a few things from the bus. It'll just take a second." He quickly jogged ahead, hopping up the stairs into the bus and dragging out a second giant rucksack full of stuff. He seemed to be struggling with it but he started adjusting straps, carefully tying both bags around his torso and shoulders.

"Do you need me to carry anything of yours?" He asked before shifting fluidly into his animal form to carry the weight of both bags. The straps tightened securely around his body, clearly he had done this before. And, although he had struggled to carry it before, the weight was no problem for the ibex.

Mr. Ryan Ellis | M | Gym teacher | Rhino |M: Mr. Rooney, Sage, other teachers

Mr. Ellis headed back into the school, still on the lookout for other students that seemed lost or like they needed help. He entered into the gym, noticing that Mr. Rooney had just gotten there, and waved to him with a hearty "Mr Rooney! Good to see you could make it." He came over to stand next to the man in the wheelchair. "Any ideas for a first lesson? I'm thinkin' maybe a good ol' game of Octopus Tag for our first gym class. Or maybe Capture the Flag." Capture the flag might be better, to give the students a chance to use their animal forms.

Edited at August 5, 2021 02:27 PM by Finnick
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 5, 2021 02:15 PM

Former Pack

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Rigsby|Non-Binary(She/They/He)|Student|Welsummer Rooster|Mentions:Anvinder, open

“ Oh alright,” she said watching him run onto the bus. rushing in over to him when they saw he was struggling.

“Do you need help? Oh uh no I’m good” he said a bit taken aback by vin’s offer even though he seemed to be struggling more. But she was even more taken aback when he changed into an Ibex. “you’re a goat?”

Vin looked very familiar to him. his horns stuck out to Rigsby but couldn’t think of what animal bin could be. His amber eyes also stuck out to him, they were just as bright as his human ones.

Edited at August 5, 2021 02:16 PM by Golden Corax
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 5, 2021 05:04 PM

Pastry Lord

Posts: 2583
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Mr Johnny (John) Rooney| M| Combat teacher Shift=Peregine Falcon| Mentions: Mr Ryan Ellis
It took a while for the voice to reach him but once it reached him he blinked and woke up from his day dream. He acknowledged the words snd thought hard.
" Mr Ellis Good to see you too" then he added " Can I just say that you are a life saver once again! I hadn't thought about the first lesson...Capture the flag is a great idea unless some people don't want to they can do Octupus tag,Outside or inside?"
He replied trying not to sneeze in the middle of the words. He looked up at his friend smiling.

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