Wolf Play : Hope | Literate RP | Open!
-WP Click-
 Sea Coast
Yep, might change them again.
 Clear Sky
02:26:04 Sky / Blue - she,her
welome back sea, i see u changed ur pack colorss :D
 Sea Coast

Im back what happened?

Yes, I left.
02:24:12 Leaf she/her
Silver I would put him in sanctuary!
02:23:25 Qyu - all pronouns
This turned out so good >>
02:22:59 She/her
Oh and g2
 Clear Sky
02:22:51 Sky / Blue - she,her
hi wish, hi silver!
02:22:50 Silver, Luna or CWG
SplashSilber had her pup but Im not sure if I wanna keep it
02:22:49 She/her
Just got myself a perfect boy for a stud , no negative vitals , 149 pounds , ExH :)
02:21:47 Silver, Luna or CWG
 Unfulfilled Wish
02:21:42 Blue Poison Dart
-WP Click-
 Clear Sky
02:21:42 Sky / Blue - she,her
Rouge honestly i have no idea...
02:21:21 Leaf she/her
Rogue I made A comment!
 Rogue Wildfires
02:18:51 Mac and Cheese
-WP Click-
02:15:10 IAmNotEurope / Euro
 Clear Sky
02:14:57 Sky / Blue - she,her
sea i started eating up letters if you wonder why they are missing in the mail i send you :)
-WP Click-
Took a lot of digging but I found her.
That's impressive, considering xD
02:12:18 Leaf she/her
Euro gave him paws!


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Hope | Literate RP | Open!November 26, 2020 01:07 PM

sock monkey

Posts: 12435
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Nur seemed to dislike the word just as much as Camino. Everything had been fine before, Camino had thought. The team was working well together. Their success rates in the simulators were high. And now it all had to change, with no warning, nothing.

Camino could handle these sorts of changes. She had to. But something so unexpected as, well, this, completely threw her off. Was Kya alright? Nur seemed defensive on the topic, and Camino doubted she knew much of the whereabouts of the collie. No matter how much a dog tried to understand of the humans, one really never knew.

Nur assured the team that she had been trained - and Camino didn't doubt it, although she really couldn't make any assumptions now. The replacement did, however, look younger. Not a pup, certainly - a grown dog - but still young. She must be exceptionally well-trained to be paired with an older regiment. That, or she was still in training, and the humans had selected her to learn with a more experienced regiment.

Out of the corner of Camino's brightly colored eyes, a small bundle of fur moved forward, approaching Nur. Camino stilled herself, hesitating. Nur hadn't proven herself very friendly, and although Camino certainly didn't think the new dog had it within her to harm Geralt, she didn't know for sure.

The catahoula wasn't sure what she had been expecting, but Nur's reaction was probably better than Camino could have hoped for. She didn't smile, nor display any sort of outward joy, but she did seem to relax - Geralt had that sort of effect. Camino regarded the small terrier with a newfound gratitude; he really was the one who brought joy and light to the team. The glue that stuck them all together.

With a tone well accustomed to barking orders, it seemed, Nur launched into a brief speech. Camino did indeed agree with every sentence uttered by the new dog, which calmed the catahoula, if only a little bit. At least Nur held some of the same values as Camino - hard work.

In response to Geralt, Nur said that she didn't know much about Kyanite. How could she, after all? Although it did seem rather cold to dismiss their teammate - former teammate, and friend so easily. This was a change for all of them, and some weren't likely to take it as well as others. Camino, for example, was distressed by the sudden change, even if she didn't outwardly display such emotion. She needed to stay calm, calm for the team.

Kya was intelligent, clever. They had been working together excellently - teams stayed together for as long as they worked, and Kya would not be replaced by a younger, less experienced dog just for the sake of it. No, Kya must have been injured, or something similar. Nur was a back-up, if anything, although Camino doubted Nur would like to admit that. And, perhaps this was even a temporary change. Perhaps Kya would return in time. She desperately hoped Kya was alright, and that they would see her soon, healthy and ready for work. Camino knew she should move on, accept the change, but she worried for Kyanite anyway.

Carefully drawing back, Camino considered how to proceed from here. Should they try to invite Nur to join their play? She hadn't seemed interested by Geralt's rope toy, laying untouched by her paws. And she didn't seem much the playful type, anyway.

To avoid any further tension, Camino felt she should break the silence before anyone could challenge her and start a fight - namely, Ajax, who could be prone to butting heads with other dominant canines. Softly, Camino released a breath she hadn't been aware she was holding. This was new for all of them.

"Welcome to the team, Nur," Camino said, tone collected and friendly. It occured to the wayfinder that Nur didn't know any of the team's names.

"I'm Camino." She turned to the rest of the team, hoping that they would take the cue introduce themselves as well.

Hope | Literate RP | Open!December 2, 2020 02:02 PM

Mara Moonridge

Posts: 3857
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Valentia | The Detector | M: Everyone

Valentia still didn't trust this new dog. It had changed from confident and commanding to confident, haughty, and impatient. Val's ears were angled slightly back, though she was paying full attention to what this female-Nur-was saying. She really seemed to hate the word "replacement," as the word was spat out with what seemed to be distaste and anger. The female told Kodaline that she was well-trained and well-prepared for the hardships that lay ahead.

While Valentia didn't doubt that, she did wonder why Nur seemed to think that wasn't apparent already. The hound doubted that the humans would have put a poorly-trained dog in a team of dogs that had trained their entire lives until now, but she supposed that they could have surprised her and done so if they had wished to. She did see that Nur seemed to relax when Geralt came running up, giving her a customary "Geralt greeting" as Valencia had secretly and affectionately began calling it. Not that she had the guts to tell anyone about her name for it.

Valentia's brown eyes studied Nur carefully, warily. She didn't think that this dog was hostile, which was good. She was worried for Kya, though. What had happened? What wasn't Nur telling them? Maybe she feels that we have to earn her trust first, Valentia thought dubiously. She glanced at Camino as the female drew back. It had certainly gone quiet. Very quiet. Valentia looked around at Ajax. She wondered how he'd take to the "new addition to the team." She wasn't sure how to respond to Nur, herself. Still wary, she waited, watching how Camino responded. If Valencia was honest with herself, she looked up to the catahoula... and not just literally.

As was expected, Camino stayed calm, and Valentia softly brushed against the dog's legs, both for strength and comfort. Camino's calm presence was reassuring to the hound. The wayfinder spoke, welcoming Nur to the team. So that's it, then, Val thought quietly. Kya's probably not coming back.... Let's hope Nur warms up after a bit. I doubt her cold personality will help much in terms of us working with her. Camino introduced herself, then turned to the rest of the group. Valentia looked at Nur, steeling herself. Don't you DARE stutter, Valentia. Just give her your name. It's not that hard.

"I'm called Valentia..... but you, you can call me Val. Everyone else does..." She took a breath and continued, still nervous, but trying to control herself.

"It's, it's nice to meet you, Nur." There you go! I mean, you still stuttered... cue the internal eye rolling... but you did it, with minimal pausing. That's an improvement, at least! Valentia sat down, trying to hide the fact that she felt slightly dizzy with all the new information reeling in her head. She looked towards the others, wondering what they were going to say. Nur seemed to be irritated with Kodaline already, and Ajax might butt heads with her.... Frosch was just likely to talk her ears off. Things could get quite interesting very quickly.

She wished she had the ability to smooth things over, but she didn't want to do the wrong thing and make it all worse, so she just stayed by Camino, glancing up at the catahoula nervously before looking out at the rest of the group again. She guessed that either Frosch or Kodaline would introduce themselves next, though if Frosch went first, he was likely to introduce everyone before they could get a word out. The thought of this caused Valentia to give herself a small smile, though it quickly faded at the thought of how everything could blow up here and now, depending on whether or not Nur would just get irritated at Frosch and snap at him or whether Ajax would say something and start a scuffle, or something else.

Valentia's floppy ears pulled back, causing the skin on top of her head to grow taut. Both stress and worry on top of nervousness started to run circles in her chest, her heartbeat quickening. Her brown eyes found Camino's face again, and she pressed herself gently against the taller dog's legs. Please let everything turn out okay.... Ajax, please don't make a scene, please don't let Frosch get hurt or anything like that.... Please let Kya be okay. I don't know how this is going to play out... please be okay. Please. Oh, why couldn't this have been explained earlier? Surely our humans knew about this! And on and on Valentia's mind went as she waited for one of the others to respond, her eyes glimmering with a hint of fear.

Hope | Literate RP | Open!December 4, 2020 08:30 AM

Dark Matter

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<°-°> Frosch <°-°>

<°-°> The Speed <°-°>

<°-°> Mentions: EvEyrOne <°-°>

Frosch was confused to say the least. He had no idea what was going on.
He'd just ran into the pen, zoomed around till he spotted his friends, and nearly crashed into them before he started talking.
He'd asked them questions, tried to get a conversation going, and then suddenly he'd blanked out... well he hadn't blanked out, everything had just happened and he'd somehow forgotten how to keep up.
He finally caught up with what was happening when a new dog entered the pen.

It had a creamy yellow coat with a fluffy tail and big ears.
The way It walked over to them, with its confidant strut, made him tilt his head. It was like the dog thought was the leader of the world.
Maybe it could talk to flies? He'd have to ask.

When the dog arrived, she introduced herself as Nur, and, in a rather commanding tone, at least in Frosch's eyes, said they were a team now.
Why? He thought they were already a team. Why would adding a new dog make them a whole new team?

Before checking what the others were talking about or how this Nur acted, he started talking, probably interrupting everyone.
"Hi Nur! I'm Frosch!" he jumped up from his sitting position and started wagging his tail and let his tongue out.

"Can you talk to flies? you look like you can talk to flies. I've never talked to one... but I really want to! I had a dream about talking to a fly yesterday actually! I wonder what it's like... I mean I wonder what flying is like, not what talking to a fly is like... Actually no! I want to know what it's like to talk to a fly too! Imagine all the cool things the fly could tell you... like- like- like what flying is like!
So what's your answer? can you talk to flies?" he looked at Nur with bright eyes and wagged his tail again before another thought crossed his mind... had the others introduced themselves? They didn't really talk much, so maybe he should do that for them...

Without a second thought, he started talking again.
"No idea if the others have told you their names, but the little guy- well- the cute little guy- is Geralt! He's our Small one" he pointed at the little terrier with his nose.
"The big fluffy guy here is Koda, he likes to pretend he sleeps and says he's not stressed but he definitely is" he smiled in the big dog's direction, only just realizing he hadn't even noticed the Caucasian Ovcharka arriving.
He then turned his attention to Camino, "Miss Boring here is Camino, she's not much of a talker and takes everything way to serious, but she's smart! I guess."
"This is Valentia, kinda new to the team, like you, she's a quiet one, but fun to hang out with! Ajax is the grouchy one, a bit blunt but a nice dog" he smiled, looking over his team before introducing the last member.

"And this is Kya... nite... Where's Kya?" he could have sworn his whole team was here.

(Sorry its so short!)
Hope | Literate RP | Open!December 4, 2020 11:41 AM

Sir Froggington

Posts: 17574
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Ajax | The Jack of All Trades | Mentions: At this point mentions is useless because he will mention them all

He didn't notice Valentia's look, because he had moved in front of her unconsiously. Ajax executed much more control, and he didn't run in a frenzy, which was why he was more worried about Frosch. While Ajax would feel bad for running into someone, Frosch seemed more of the type to think it was great fun. He wasn't as cautious. Ajax felt like a protector, so he would feel guilty, if he ran into someone he was supposed to keep safe.

He was physically fine, but something felt off, and he wanted to figure it out before he started worrying them. If he were really trying to conceal his feelings, he would try to be more talkative, but he didn't care that much. He just wasn't going to say what was on his mind. He nodded his head. He wasn't the only one. Would it hurt, if he added to her worries? The words spilled out of his mouth anyway, and he felt the heat of shame spread through his fur. Luckily, only he would notice it. He knew how nervous Valentia was, so he appreciated her touch. "Thank you," he tried to wag his tail. "I'm sure everything will be fine," he asserted, not sure if the words were to reassure himself or her. He doubted it worked on either of them.

Ajax's tail was slowly beginning to wag. He felt warm and content not able to think of anywhere else he would want to be. Granted, having his partner pet him would have been epic, but he was content for now. He would have to be careful not to hurt Geralt. He was strong enough to hold on sometimes, but Ajax was a little afraid of whiplash, because he would be so stubborn. He ignored Frosch running around the edge. Not all of his team mates were besties, but none of them clung to each other, or tried to annoy each other, so they were able to get along.

He grinned a wide doggy grin, because he knew Geralt well enough to watch the stubbornness building up. This should be interesting. Gently, he shook it testing Geralt's grip and resolve. He considered seeing how high he could stand, so that Geralt wouldn't even have the ground supporting his feet. Normally, he tried to lower his head, so that at least Geralt's hind paws had some friction. Once he thought he had a good grip, and wouldn't let loose, he would shake harder. "Think you can hold on?" his voice was challenging. His eyes widened from their more relaxed pose, as he stared at this newcomer. She reeked of arrogance, which a nicer dog might describe as confidence. She was cool and smooth. The toy dropped from his mouth, as he felt silly under her gaze with it hanging out.

After staring at her for a moment, he realized she was probably younger than they were. How were they supposed to follow her instructions, if they didn't know how she operated or that they could trust her. If she was younger, she had had less training also. From her tone, she would try to expect obedience, and she might consider everyone too dumb and beneath her to explain what she was planning. He hoped they would have enough time training with her, that she earned their respect instead of the humans assuming they would easily be able to get along with a new dog. He had a hunch that, she was the type who would leave them leaderless without a plan, because she was holding it too close to her chest.

She didn't seemed the type who would make for a new easy team mate. He trusted that his group would be able to survive without her. Complete their mission? Doubtful. Ajax's pose wasn't threatening or aggressive, but it was confident and dominant. Unlike her he wasn't stiff. He was relaxed his tail still wagging slightly, because this was his safeground. He wanted to let her know that on his turf, he wasn't planning on letting this new dog just step in and boss him around.

Ajax darted a glance at Camino. She thought there was a possibility that this new dog was a replacement as well? That didn't bode well with him. He had kept trying to hold onto false hopes that Kya would be back. He backed away uncertainly wanting to see what the rest of the group thought. He relaxed a little at Geralt's timely greeting. At least someone was willing to greet her warmly. Depending on how she responded, he might be more willing to go easy on her. Ajax was curious that Geralt mentioned that Kya might have been transferred. Something would have had to happen to her. They were too far along in training to pull a switcheroo like this.

Ajax held back a flinch, as Nur spat replacement. His eyes narrowed. Dumb dog. Of course she was a replacement. Unless she was a capable addition, something had incapitated Kya. The humans didn't play musical chairs with their teams, and getting snotty with her new team wouldn't do her any favors. The fur on his neck began to rise. He wanted to poke at her verbally. Apparently, she hadn't learned how to work with a team. Had Ajax messed up in protecting his team mate? Was that why his partner had seemed disappointed in him? The fire in him quelled. Was it his fault? He moved back uncomfortable at the thought. It was true that Koda was the protector, but there were so many of them, he believed it was a multiple dog job.

If he had failed, she was right. They would all have to train harder. He would keep a closer eye on his group. What had happened to Kya wouldn't happen to one of them again, even Nur. He cocked his head skeptically. Was this her way of asserting herself? Did she even know everyone's name for her to actually be able to give them commands? Even if he had failed, he felt a disdain for Nur.

Would Nur's prickliness lessen if they all greeted her like Geralt? He was amused at the idea of her standing stiffly as they all gave her light kisses. Did she not understand that they would be able to move on easier, if they knew that Kya was alright, and that she was never coming back? They wanted some sort of closure. He decided that perhaps Nur didn't know anything, and she didn't want to let on to the team. While Ajax disapproved very much of panicking, or over reacting, he didn't mind letting the team know that he was bothered. He would adapt and move on, but he was distressed. Was Nur so cold that she didn't know how to bond with a team or that she never had? Maybe it was to help keep them going.

Ajax surprisingly relied on Camino. She normally reacted the most moderately, so it was probably the most appropriate. Ajax knew to keep his mouth shut. After constantly being irked by Nur in the first few moments, he could very well start something. It could cause him to be removed from the team. He would hope that Nur would be removed instead of himself, but he would be the instigator, so he was doubtful. He doubted that one little brainiac would try to take on the whole team, so he wasn't worried by her aggression. It could cause problems in the future, but the humans would notice, and things would be fine again....or they would work things out.

He glanced at Valentia slightly startled to hear her voice introducing herself. She had done pretty well. He rolled his shoulders stretching in a careless way, before he locked eyes with Nur.

"I am Ajax."

He thought his name was too short for nicknames, but someone could always make up a random one. Ajax didn't have dog skills, and he didn't want to welcome her to the team. He had no idea what to do to make this interaction smoother, so he did what he normally did, when he didn't know what to do. He stayed inactive. Ajax hid a grin, as Frosch poured into Nur. Take that, he puppishly thought was the closest he could get to revenge. Perhaps he should smother Nur with fuzziness, and his hyper happy side.

At this point, he would appreciate a moment without Nur, so the team could process this without her knowing what they were thinking. He wanted to hear their thoughts. He glanced at Frosch slightly surprised, "Kya is gone. Nur is here." He sighed, realizing that he shouldn't be so cold. They would have to rely on each other. He couldn't be frosty with Nur forever. "Welcome to the team." He barely stopped himself from adding replacement. He added two half hearted tail thumps to drive the point home.

Edited at December 4, 2020 11:46 AM by Candor
Hope | Literate RP | Open!December 7, 2020 01:07 PM


Posts: 7080
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<< Kodaline >>
m; Valencia, Frosch, and Nur more so than the others

As bad as Kodaline may have been at reading dogs, one thing he could tell without a doubt was fear. And that was exactly what radiated off of Valencia as the newcomer approached. The hound had joined their team fairly recently, and he honestly didn't know her all that well. Yet he still felt compelled to try and make her feel better one way or another.

Being a dog of little words, he simply took a few steps in her direction, leaving his food entirely. The possibility that Frosch would get into it crossed his mind, but knowing the talkative dog he would be too distracted by this newcomer to consider it. Without a word, he slid next to the little hound dog. Letting out the gentlest huff of breath, he touched her shoulder with his muzzle just for a brief moment. Kodaline never really was one for affection, but he hoped his message was clear. Nothing would happen to her on his watch.

Then he turned his gaze to the newcomer. Nur, she had said her name was. What an odd name. Then again, all of their names could be considered off, after all. She said something about being trained. Of course she was, why wouldn't she be? When he met her gaze it was clear. She was challenging him.

Or at the very least sizing him up. Kodaline was not a dominant dog, but he was by no means a pushover. He matched her gaze, albeit lacking the intensity that seemed characteristic of this new dog. He had no desire to start a fight.

Not surprised by the warm welcome from Geralt, yet glad he relieved the tension, Kodaline sighed before shaking out his fur. Grunting as he loosened his muscles and sending long hairs into the air like dandelion fluff, he then turned to the newcomer to give her his name. Only to be interrupted by a certain fast-dog.

Could she talk to flies? What on earth was that supposed to mean?

Well, it was Frosch speaking. Who knew what went through his head, if anything at all. His feathered tail twitched, and he lowered his rump to the ground. He shot a quick glance in Camino's direction as Frosch introduced himself...and everyone else. With a humorous huff that he hoped would ease the tension and the slightest bit of embarrassment in his chest that he would never admit to, he spoke. "I think I sleep just fine, heh. Name's Kodaline, but most just call me Koda."

"Kya is gone, Nur is here."

Gone? For good? Was she hurt? Worse? Had the same thing that happened to him before happened to her? His brows furrowed at the thought. She had to be okay, right?

"She's...alright...isn't she?" The massive dog murmured. It was only partially a question to this newcomer. No, the people wouldn't let anything happen to her. They hadn't with him. Kyanite would be alright, she had to be.

Without waiting for an answer, he abruptly turned back to his broken rubber toy and the food inside. He needed to eat if the people were coming soon like Nur had said. Picking slowly at the food, he made sure to chew it carefully and slowly. Unlike many of the other large dogs, he was a slow eater. He had learned that lesson the hard way. Kodaline was not quite finished when he caught sight of the dyed hair of his handler over the top of the fence.

Leaving what was left of the food behind, he blinked at his handler for a moment before trotting across the field in her direction. Was she holding a leash? He hadn't worn one in forever. Huh, odd.

Well, it was just another unusual thing to add to his already bizarre morning.

Hope | Literate RP | Open!December 7, 2020 03:42 PM

Former Pack

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⁀➷ Geralt ⁀➷

゜The small one ゜Mentions: Everyone

The small, scruffy creature craned his neck to glance at Valentia, glad that Ajax had taken the time to address her. The female seemed to always be on edge or nervous as if she was constantly second-guessing herself, so Geralt didn't quite know how to approach her yet. The others tolerated his bold affection, but he didn't know if it'd make Valentia feel like she was being put on the spot. Being the little spitfire he was, he was glad he could get Nur to relax a bit more, seeing as the way she approached the team unsettled a few. Although, he felt himself tense up when Nur spat the word replacement. Replacement's a bit harsh... But, they were the true words. Geralt tentatively licked his muzzle quickly before pinning his flopped ears back at Nur's attempt to size up Kodaline.

Kodaline was an absolute unit, larger than any dog Geralt has come across, like a massive planet hovering over them all- big enough to squish them with one mighty step. Or... he was in Geralt's eyes. Everything seemed enlarged to the little dog, but he didn't mind it. The smaller the dog, the bigger the spirit is what his trainer always told him. His eyes brightened as he heard his name come from Nur. Feeling less tensed when she revealed softness in her gaze. Anticipation began to build up in him when she addressed working, though. They had only just met, shouldn't they get to know each other before they're put to the test and ordered to do things? With Kyanite, they all practically understood each other to the point that a single flick of the ear would send them into positions. Going straight away to do hard work with a dog that's the equivalent to a stranger ought to bring problems, no? Who knows how she handles things, what if it's in an entirely different and foreign way that the team did it? Would they have to adapt or merely subside and follow Nur? The questions clouded Geralt as he released a confused stare into Nur's eyes. But he didn't address it... not yet at least.

"Kyanite is probably living up her days and lazing around if she was pulled from this team," Geralt tried to address the matter, his ears erected forward to his teammate. They wouldn't pull Kyanite unless she wasn't fit for the team, even then, she'd have a good break in her life before she was fitted with another team. "I'm sure we'll see her around sometime again, just not in our team..." The last few words were faint, yet still spoken. "The humans know what they're doing, so I trust them in that matter," Geralt's voice was a tad more confident now, as he tried to settle everyone's growing suspicions and theories. He curled his lip upward to Nur's words, it was instinctive to smile. One would think he was growling, but no rumbling sound came from him. Instead, he ducked his head down and sneezed, formally exposing that he was merely smiling and was being submissive, rather than aggressive. As everyone knew, the last thing Geralt could be was aggressive, to other dogs at least.

Then came in the legs themselves; Frosch. His chat was a small blur, but had something to do with flies. When Frosch introduced Camino as boring, Geralt felt a smile tug at his lips once more. "To Camino's defense, calm and collected is the equivalent to boring in Frosch's eyes," The joking tone was aimed toward Nur, trying to blanket Frosch's abrupt intros that he gave toward everyone. The brightness in Geralt slightly tensed as he eyed Ajax. The little dog could tell when Ajax felt threatened or defensive, and even though he was holding it back, Geralt still felt uneasy. Although, he supposed he should be grateful that Ajax was holding it back. Starting a fight with the newest member in the same hour they just met would be a very bad first impression. Geralt then made a side hop toward Kodaline, eyeing the food he left behind with mischief before shrugging it off. Kodaline needed it, as tempting as it was for him to leave it out in the open... a certain small creature could just... No. Geralt shook the thought off as he gazed up into the large dog's eyes.. or tried to. All he met was the dog's chin.

After Kodaline had gone to his owner, Geralt's tail began to wag. It was time to get to work; whatever it was this time. Before he could even see his owner's form, he began to go back toward the gate. Making a temporary farewell to the others as he caught up to Kodaline. "Everything's going to be alright," Geralt said with reassurance, but it wasn't exactly meant for Kodaline.

- writer's block qwq sorry

Hope | Literate RP | Open!December 8, 2020 12:44 AM

sock monkey

Posts: 12435
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Mentions: All

Camino's gaze flicked down to Valentia's brown figure, pressed against the wayfinder's legs. Immediately, Camino steadied, quietly offering herself as a comfort, a strength, anything that Valentia might need. The smaller dog was nervous, that so much was clear. Although not nearly as skilled as Geralt, say, in the matters of emotion, Camino knew that Val needed someone to lean on right now, with all the uncertainty of the moment - and the catahoula would do all she could to help calm the dog's nerves.

Valentia was the first to speak after Camino, which she had not expected; and, Val did so with more confidence than the norm, stuttering only once or twice. Camino said nothing, but she offered a small nudge and a subtle nod, a gesture that she hoped Val took as reassurance, confirmation that she was doing well.

Ajax had stepped in front of the brown hound, almost as though working on instinct. Camino was grateful that Ajax had been looking out for his teammates; even if he wasn't the difinitive role of the protector, he did watch over the dogs, which Camino could appreciate. At the thought of the protector, Kodaline made his way over, abandoning his food - which was a rarity, considering Koda most often finished his meal before anything else. He nudged Val gently. His very presence was a comforting thing, Camino thought. There was a quiet safety with Koda around, and the wayfinder hoped that Val felt the same way. She seemed more relaxed, at least.

To nobody's surprise, Frosch spoke up pretty soon after. He luanched into one of his extensive ramblings, speaking so quickly, with such energy that Camino couldn't possibly catch it all. Flies? Talking to flies? Dreams? Not even remotely miffed, having been well accustomed to handling Frosch's mannerisms, Camino regarded the tall dog with a quiet amusement. Although her patience for his vigor and chat wouldn't last the whole day, she found his energy entertaining. Even so, there was a worry that presented itself with Frosch's arrival. Nur likely wasn't going to appreciate the long-legged mix nearly as much as the rest of the team - and, yes, admittedly, he did take some getting used to. But Camino certainly didn't want to see Nur snap and Frosch, even if there were times when Camino felt inclined to do the same. First impressions with Frosch were just a bit too overwhelming for most, likely including Nur.

He went on to name the remaining team members. At her own introduction by Frosch, Camino offered an quiet, exasperated exhale. The expression was all in good humour, of course; Camino had known that Frosch wasn't the type for her quieter nature, and that was alright. Koda offered a similar huff, but spoke further, offering his shortened and full name.

Frosch spoke up, not quite grasping the situation. Ajax explained in the simplest terms possible to the dog, and Camino was glad he said something. The catahoula wasn't sure she could explain, condensing all these events into a simple sentence, the way Ajax had. He was good at that sort of thing - getting his point across in a direct, easy way.

Koda voiced his concerns about Kya, and Camino echoed the question in her own mind. She was worried for their teammate. Koda had been out of work, once, but there had been no replacements. The wayfinder was more worried for Kyanite than she would ever admit, but she couldn't burden the team with any of her own thougths and fears. Not right now. They had enough to deal with.

Camino knew what the answer to Koda's question would be, she thought. Earlier, Nur had explained that she didn't know what happened to Kya. Although she might have some sort of an idea, Camino didn't take Nur to be a liar of any kind. It wouldn't be fair to the dog to assume such a thing.

Geralt, optomistic as always, seemed to know exactly what to say to quell the team's fears. Camino wasn't sure if the humans would let Kya lounge around after all the work and training she had done, but Geralt's words, accurate or not, offered a beacon of light in the valley. She wasn't going to shut off that light.

Soon after, Kodaline's handler appeared, leash in hand. Camino inclined her head, curious. She didn't recall Koda using a leash that often. A familiar whistle then beckened the wayfinder to the gate as well. And there, standing in the enterence was her own handler, dark colored leash gripped in his rough palms.

Camino whipped her tail a few times, excited to see him, but still uncertain. Boots leaned down, clipping the leash onto her thick leather collar while patting her side once or twice.

Boots stood, backing her away from the gate so the other handlers could arrive. This was a normal thing - the dogs would be brought in and lead to the new training session or activity, but this felt odd. The wayfinder frowned ever so slightly, seeking any sort of answer in either Geralt or Koda's expression - the rest were too far away. She didn't see any sort of quiet, calm, understanding. Camino yawned, jaws wide open in an exhale to relieve some stress. This was a lot.

Camino's handler had already started to lead her away, and hesitantly, the dog followed.

(rough, I'm sorry >.<)

Hope | Literate RP | Open!December 11, 2020 10:40 PM

Former Pack

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Nur | The Brains | Mentions: everyone, but Valentia and Frosch directly

Geralt, Camino, Valentia. Names she'd have to remember. The scents would likely come more quickly than the names. After a day or so, Nur fully expected them to be memorized. The hound, Valentia was larger than Geralt the tenacious terrier, yet the hound faltered and hesitated nearby, seeming fearful of speaking up. And when she finally did, she stumbled over her first words. At the end of the day, Nur doubted the hound had been selected and trained for her public speaking abilities. If Nur had to guess, Valentia was the counterpart to her former teammate Rosie, an absent minded bloodhound who had a nose like none other. The bloodhound lacked the drive Nur would have liked, and got on her nerves more often than not, but she was the only one qualified for the job. She turned her golden gaze on Valentia, studying her intensely as if trying to read her habits merely by appearance.

Nur wasn't terribly impressed at what she'd seen so far, but she decided to reserve judgment until she'd seen them all in action. So long as they didn't all feel so inclined to follow Geralt's lead, she supposed Valentia could stutter all she pleased. One ambush lick was surprising enough to pass, but she wasn't sure how much affection she could tolerate before showing her teeth.

"Thank you. I trust you'll stay on task." Nur told the hound, her manner not exactly rude, but definitely questionably blunt for a first meeting. Just as she'd been growing more comfortable and in control of the situation, a whirlwind of long legs and chatter swarmed her.

It was the lanky greyhound looking mix who'd she'd noticed earlier, but who had seemed preoccupied dashing about the yard. He was suddenly there next to her, pressing into her personal space, barely taking a breath, going on and on in a direction she couldn't possibly follow. Her hackles spiked abruptly, instantly alarmed and irritated at his overly chatty nature. Was she expected to answer him? He didn't exactly pause long enough for her to speak anyway. Was this amount of inane conversation what passed for normal on this team? Good lord. Her ears twitched back in a mixture of mild annoyance and uncertainty as she just let him continue, totally flummoxed at the amount of words he managed to spill forth without seeming to have a purpose behind them.

She shot a questioning glance towards Camino to gauge her reaction. The catahoula seemed...fine with it. Well, that was concerning. The dog was still going. He didn't stop. His mouth ran about as fast as his legs.

When he finally stopped, she was momentarily stunned into silence, waiting for the verbal onslaught of questions to continue. "Right. Yes, well. Thank you for the introduction - Frosch, was it?" Her gaze swept over to Ajax, cool but thawing. He did have a way with words that she could respect, and better he should deliver the news to his teammate rather than she. Running interference to keep them from constantly needling at her for more information on Kyanite was exhausting.

Maybe it was asking too much of them to move on so quickly and abandon their former teammate, but she'd had to adapt to a lot here too. Thoughts of grief had spun through her mind this morning, so swiftly that she hadn't had time to process them. She saw her former teammates reflected in them, and in the way that they instinctively moved to support one another in the face of the unknown. Koda reaching out to the quivering Valentia, Ajax standing by at attention, Camino's way of smoothing things over. Geralt's kindness and eager attitude. Frosch's forwardness making up for the hesitancy of the others. They were a team. And she, Nur, what was she? Not one of them. Her tail flagged for half a second, but perked up instantly again at the sound of her trainer's call.

No. Had she failed already? It must have been the greyhound. His wordy ambush had pushed her and she'd made a wrong move. A cold cord wrapped around her stomach as thoughts of failure sunk in. She turned to respond to his call. But no, Koda, Geralt, and Camino were being summoned by their trainers as well. She turned and trotted after Camino. The knot released, the pressure loosened. They were leaving.

Hope | Literate RP | Open!December 15, 2020 01:21 PM

Mara Moonridge

Posts: 3857
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~ Valentia ~

The Detector | M: Everyone

Valentia felt Camino slightly shift her stance to a sturdier one, acting as a brace for the hound, nudging her softly once Valentia had introduced herself. She glanced up at the catahoula gratefully. Kodaline padded over, leaving his food, and leaned his giant, fluffy head down, gently pressing his nose in Valentia's fur. The hound's tail softly tapped the ground, once, twice. Just enough to convey how grateful she felt.

She could feel herself relaxing slowly, knowing that they wouldn't let anything happen. She glanced up at Kodaline's face, seeing the gaze he was giving Nur. Not a challenge, but not submissive.... more like a warning, though at the same time, not. Why did things like emotions and looks and all that have to be so complicated? Valentia's attention was drawn back to Nur as the female spoke.

"Thank you. I trust you'll stay on task." The dog's blunt words traveled into the hound's ears, and Valentia gazed back into the dog's eyes as Nur looked her over. There was a quiet warning in the brown depths. One that could be easily missed or misunderstood. If this dog tried to hurt anyone on this team, if she turned on any of these dogs here, Valentia wouldn't hesitate to sink her teeth in her. She didn't trust Nur, and yes, all the change made her nervous, but she wouldn't let anyone hurt her teammates if she could help it.

Thankfully, Nur broke her gaze quickly. Valentia glanced over as the sound of thundering pawsteps entered her ears, and saw four long, lanky legs slowing to a halt beside Nur. Frosch. Valentia had to stop from laughing as the large dog yammered on and on about flies of all things. Through the tornado of words, Valentia could have sworn that Frosch had asked if Nur could talk to flies, and how cool it would be to talk to one, and how he'd had a dream about talking to flies.

Nur's ears tilted backward, and Valentia could almost smell the annoyance radiating from her. However, to Valentia's quiet amusement, she could also tell that Frosch was making her uncomfortable. She glanced at Camino, who's calm face had not changed in the slightest, and Valentia had to hide a grin. Frosch was like that. Hardly anyone could keep from smiling when he spoke, not only because of the sheer number of words that escaped his jaws before he stopped, but because of how goofy some of the things, okay. maybe most of the things, that he said were just.... funny. Like talking to flies.

Without taking a break, Frosch started introducing everyone, not caring if they'd already done so. According to the tall dog, Camino was boring, Koda didn't sleep well, Geralt was cute, and the hound was just new-like-Nur. Oh, and Ajax was grouchy. Valentia made a mental note to ask Frosch how he'd describe Nur later, if she got the chance. It was hard enough to keep from giggling quietly now. So, instead, she let her tail gently beat the ground. She'd laugh later. And then Frosch noticed that Kyanite was missing.

Any and all amusement that Valentia had felt faded, but she was glad that Ajax answered before anyone else could. And then Geralt spoke, trying to help quiet the qualms about Nur's arrival and Kya's removal from the team. "Kyanite is probably living up her days and lazing around if she was pulled from this team," the smaller dog's words reached her ears, and she couldn't help but question if that was true. Something must've happened to Kya if she was removed.

Dogs just weren't traded between teams like that. Especially not when they'd trained with a particular team for a while. Dogs worked better if they knew each other, so keeping the same dogs in a team was necessary, unless something more pressing drove the humans to change that. She just hoped Kya was alright. That whatever had happened, she wasn't hurt too seriously. Valentia's focus was pulled back to her team as Kodaline looked up from the food that he'd returned to, then padded towards the gate. It wasn't long before she discovered the reason why; his handler had returned, with a leash no less. That was odd.

From what Valentia had seen of Koda, he never used a leash. Geralt soon followed suit, then a whistle beckoned Camino to the gate. Another handler called out, and Nur trotted to the gate. Valentia glanced at those who were left so far. Frosch and Ajax. And herself. She wasn't sure whether she should pad over to the gate to await her trainer or just wait here. She stood uncertainly, her nose in the air. She smelled the familiar scent before he was visible. She nodded a farewell to Frosch and Ajax before quickly trotting to the gate. Her handler walked around the corner, not at all surprised to see her waiting for him.

He'd gotten used to her sense of smell. He walked to the gate, opening it and clipping a dark green leash to her collar before leading her out and standing beside Nur's handler. She was sure Frosch and Ajax's handlers weren't far. This did feel queer, though. Something was off, and Valentia pressed herself to her handler's legs nervously. He gave her a pat, scratched behind her ears, causing them to bob up and down and shake side to side, but that was all. She sat down, awaiting whatever was to come. She couldn't stop it, and the others didn't look overly nervous, though they didn't look all at ease, either. Valentia gave a silent whimper, not much more than a strained exhale through her nose.

Hope | Literate RP | Open!December 18, 2020 11:34 PM

Sir Froggington

Posts: 17574
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Ajax | The Jack of All Trades | Mentions: Geralt, Koda

Ajax was curious to see how Geralt tried to handle the situation. Since that was his specialty, he let him have at it, and stayed silent, trying not to make things worse. He couldn't tell if Geralt believed what he was saying. Ajax was only willing to believe, if the dog believed what he was saying. Ajax preferred not to be given false comfort, or to be decieved, just to make him feel better. He knew the humans had a good reason to pull her from the team, but it could very well mean that something bad had happened to her, not necessarily that she wasn't a good fit.

These unanswered questions were the worst, because they ate at you until you couldn't move any further. He realized that Geralt was just trying to do what needed to be done. They might become incapacitated, if someone didn't alleviate the worries. Ajax's eyes widened as Kodaline left. Would they finally get to work? Dubiously, he stared at the new member. Already...with her, without getting to know her? They sure were putting a lot of trust in her. She had better be a lot better than Kya, if the humans thought she could integrate into the team so quickly.

As one of the larger dogs in the group, Ajax felt protective of them. There were enough of them where it was good to have someone who could step in and temporarily fill some of the jobs. Ajax loved to be useful, and he was glad that he was trusted in that way. He was one of the ones who could be used the most. Ajax knew he had been a bit too short, which was often why he remained silent. If he couldn't behave well, he would contain it to himself, so he didn't spread around bad feelings. If he kept it to himself, if everyone avoided him, at least they wouldn't catch it.

Ajax wondered if he hadn't used enough words to describe what had happened. However, since none of them truly knew, he supposed the short answer he volunteered would work just fine. Ajax supposed he was grouchy. He hadn't been aware that's what the others had thought of him, but if he wanted to work on it, Frosch had laid it out in the open ready for him to try to deal with it. He watched as the others were led out. He wagged his tail curious, and was tempted to ask them, if they had any idea where they were going.

Soon his handler came for him. He was a little offended that she thought he needed a leash, but since he was well trained, he stood still and obeyed her every command. He wasn't sure if they were all going somewhere together or not. Perhaps they would get a training exercise to speed up the process of becoming a team. Soon Frosch was the only one left behind. He had plenty of time to ponder what an odd way it was to transport them. They hadn't been treated like this previously.

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