
Arrow | Female | Cross Fox | Second in Command Forest | M: Open - Arrow squinted her eyes against the sun. She sat with her paws tightly tucked at her belly as she watched the skulk move about. She dipped her head at Firestorm as she padded out of camp.

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Chestnut/Male Red Fox/Forest Skulk/M: Open Realizing there was another red fox in the area, he glanced around and started covering the tracks for some reason. He really hoped no one would come and see him as he placed his paw prints over the outsider's pawprints until he froze and realized that the outsider may have gone to the Desert and Ice. Chestnut grabbed his prey and felt himself relax.
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Nori-F-melinistic grey-Expecting forest mother Nori wiggles her butt and jumps. She pounces and catches a squirral in her maw. She looks down, her head swimming. I always forget about climbing down. Slowly, she makes her way down, jumping the last few feet.

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Nightshade/Expecting female red fox/farmer x trader mix/M: The vixen narrowed her eyes when she saw a few foxes from the tree branch she was standing on. There was a female gray fox, a male red fox and a female cross fox. That's interesting to her as she focused back on looking for any berry bushes. She eventually got down the tree and started making her way back to the farm while looking at the sky sometimes.
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Saki - Forest Skulk Saki had been carefully watching her Skulk throughout the morning. She has found a new rock to lay on not too far from her den, a cool burrow she dug not too long ago under to a bramble bush. The bush provided her with extra protection from predators, so she had been careful not to tamper too much with the roots too avoid damaging the plants overall. Granted it had to be midday by now and Saki was overdue to turn in, but she had realized she still has the strawberries she picked early that morning. She sighs a moment, pawing at the ground. The small vixen wasn't too terribly fond of interacting or being up during the day. She found a nice spot towards the center of the area her Skulk resides and leaves the strawberries there for the them, hoping they'd see them before a bird or squirrel did. Saki returned to her den under the bramble and shook out her thin fur before entering it and curling up to sleep for the rest of the day. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 (I will continue when if I see the time of day change)
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Nori-F-melinistic grey-Expecting forest mother Nori peers around a tree. A red she fox is husling around pickinf berries. Nori bounds over, her gut protesting. Feeeeeeeeeeeeeed meeeeee........... Staching her snack, Nori walks up to the red she fox. "Hi!" Nori says. She tilts her head. "You remind me of someone, never mind. I'm Nori."

Candy || M || Grey Fox || Forest - Candy yawned tiredly as he jumped from one tree to the next, he'd been awake most of the night exploring and it showed in his slow pace and tired drooping eyes. Luckily he was safe from the heat of the sun as he stayed in the thickest and densist branches of the trees. He's was doing his best to get back before anyone noticed he was missing, no doubt the skulk wouldn't be happy if they found out he'd spent the night closer to the ice territory then he aught to be.

Sable | F | Kit Fox | Desert Skulk Hours later, Sable was roused by the sound of another fox nearby. She yawned, stretched her lithe frame, then quickly finished off the remnants of the earlier bird and licked her teeth clean. Uncertain whether the newcomer was friend or foe, or even aware of her presence, she opted to stay silent and keep a vigilant eye on the entrance. There she remained, quietly and meticulously cleaning her paws, finding a soothing rhythm in the action.

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Nightshade/expecting female red fox/traderxfarmer mix/M: Nori Letting out a jump when she realized that the gray vixen had seen her and approached her before calming down. She was curious about those words but she dismissed them. Her dark brown fur flattened. "Greetings Nori. I'm Nightshade a trader but mostly a farmer. I was just heading back to my farm. May I help you?", greeted Nightshade calmly. She had no interest in angering anyone. The brown and white vixen wondered if anyone else had seen her which was both what she did and didn't want.
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Nori-F-melinistic grey-Expecting forest mother-M: Nightshade Nori wagged her tail(or whatever foxes do to express joy/friendlyness). "I'm bored. I thought I would say hi and ask if you needed any help. I have nothing better to do." She says.