Wolf Play : New Judgement Day Roleplay Thread
10:36:54 Luna/Phantom
FBI agent?
10:31:30 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
I just spent five minutes trying to calculate the terminal velocity of a baby, but gave up pretty quickly since I'm too lazy to do the complete math and don't want my FBI agent getting any more suspicious than they already are of me.
10:25:49 I overthink this-
-WP Click-
10:21:05 she/her
my male is G1 so i was like 'what even was the point'
once the arrows to go back a generation pop up i'm done, i hate line checking
10:20:06 Purge
I physically can not bring myself to own even a 4th gen because line checking is such a pain, the laziness is real
10:18:54 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Help. I own a 52G. XD
 Howling Glory
10:18:38 Akaza
That's ridiculous lmao
10:18:29 Purge
I was going to buy pups from the last litter of my stud who passed but saw he was bred to a 43th like nah nevermind
10:18:26 she/her
night walker
they were not CL to say the least lmfao
 The Night Walker
10:18:04 Anemoia/Aedra
Line checking that would be torture-
10:17:31 she/her
howling glory
someone bred an 83rd gen to one of my males the other day and i was like ???
 Howling Glory
10:16:21 Akaza
Seeing a wolf be the 62nd gen is insane lol
 The Night Walker
10:16:12 Anemoia/Aedra
My humor is so shit x]
 The Night Walker
10:15:24 Anemoia/Aedra
 The Night Walker
10:15:17 Anemoia/Aedra
It's gonna get ha don't worry.
10:14:46 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
@Night Walker

Ah, okay. I'll admit it is somewhat odd. So it does its job well.
10:14:10 Purge
Oh noo I sure hope I don't get curseddd
 The Night Walker
10:13:19 Anemoia/Aedra
It's suppose to be odd not spooky shUsh
10:12:21 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
@Night Walker
So someone will put me on a leash and tell me to remain sitting on my hands and knees at the doorframe? Not as spooky as one would hope if you think about it in a certain way. >_>

I've had that glitch before. It annoyed me too.
 the Wayne pack
10:12:00 Waning
I have like, two potiental RP partners who haven't sent anything back in a week, give or take some days (second is more like two weeks). And it's just like, not sure what to do. Probably give both some more time, send the second one another PM in a day.

This also happens rather often, especially with semi-lit writers for some reason. Never really figured that one out.


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New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 2, 2021 07:11 AM


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Arrow|Student|F|Mentions Alyssa
Arrow stopped and starred at the girl, confused. "My name was just announced you should follow the headmaster's one important rule." Arrow snapped and looked around. "But if you must know my name is Arrow. And you should not be talking to me." Arrow said quietly, she liked finally talking to someone but she did not want to make this girl Alyssa, she thinks that what she said her name was, get into a lot of trouble by talking to her." Go to the headmaster and ask for your schedule and dorm, if you're lucky she wouldn't have been watching the cameras this morning." Arrow says as her dark red eyes glowing in the shadows. "If you wanna get to know me, dorm 58, come talk to me after 12." Arrow says before quickly turning and starting to walk away.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 2, 2021 08:53 AM

Former Pack

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Ase//19//Black Honey-buzzard//M: Open

Ase was positioned on a leather seat in the large schoolbus that was to take her to her new school, surrounded by her new classmates. The woman was leaned forward with her elbows on her knees, listening to the susurrant of the others. Her demeanor was marmoreal, as it always was when she was in the company of her thoughts.. She cast her eyes outside, through the tinted window, and internally sighed, shifting in the uncomfortable seat.

“God, this seat is sp uncomfortable.” She mumbled, dragging her eyes over the form of the other students.

The woman sunk back into their chair and crossed her arms. After a couple minutes of tense silence, she pulled out a handheld mirror and did her hair in an appropriate style. She braided the sides back and pulled up a portion of the back into a loose bun-like situation. She leaned back to get a full view of herself and nodded a bit.

Ase ran a hand down her face, draped a little silk bandana over her head to protect her from the sun, and looked back out of the window, watching as the school came into view.

She muttered a single phrase, which her mother had taught her. “In omnia paratus.”

With that, the student stood up, waited for the people behind her to file out, then hopped off the bus herself. Ase heaved all of her things on her shoulder, balancing it all amazingly precariously. Of course, her attempts at balancing everything were inutile. One of her duffle bags fell, sending up a small could of dust.

“Well fuck-” She sighed and squatted down, reaching for her dropped duffle bag. She knew she should be inside, listening to the speeches, but that was the bag that had her rock-climbing gear in it!!

New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 2, 2021 09:18 AM

Former Pack

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Rigsby|Non-Binary(She/They/He)|Student|Welsummer Rooster|Mentions: Open

Rigsby bolted into the gym holding onto her glasses for dear life. They quickly grabbed a seat and sat down. He could barely hear the end of the headmaster's speech through his own gasps for breath.

'If only I hadn't lost my seeds and were paying attention I would have gotten here in time,' they thought.

She had zoned off on the bus and didn't realize that they had arrived. And on the way off left his seeds on the bus and had to run back before the bus left. They sat in their seat for a second trying to catching her breath before getting up to go speak to the headmaster.

Oran|Cis(She/her)|Art Teacher|gypsy vanner horse| Mentions: Sage
Oran stood next to headmaster sage as she gave her speech. She scanned over the crowd, examining each student. She noticed one student who had been crowded by other students beforehand. A boy with bright green eyes and another student dashing in a frenzy. Along with many open chairs where students should be.
"I'm going to go check the busses,' She said to Sage be she walked off. Her high heels clopped along as she walked, as though a horse was walking the halls instead.
Once she got there she began to scan the entrance. Oran only seemed to find one student left, who seemed to be fumbling with their bags.

Edited at August 2, 2021 09:24 AM by Golden Corax
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 2, 2021 09:31 AM


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Sage|Headmaster|F|Mentions Oran, Rigsby
Sage watched as two students ran in after her speech. "Yes Mrs. Oran that would be most helpful." Sage said nodding her head. She watched as one of her students walked up to her. "Welcome to our school. We welcome each and every one of you with open arms. Are you here to get your schedule and dorm room?" Sage asked quickly. She hadn't checked the cameras yet and was not sure were Arrow was. She wanted to make sure that the students were listening to her and not talking to her.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 2, 2021 09:43 AM

Former Pack

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Ryan Ellis (Mr. Ellis) | M | Rhino | Gym teacher | M: Mrs. Oran mainly

Ryan was standing over near the corner of the gym, watching everyone file in and periodically heading over to greet returning students with a warm "Well look who it is. How've you been doing?" and a slap on the back. He returned to his post, smiling as the new students filed in. The school was so quiet and boring during the summer without kids to rile things up, he was happy for the ruckus and chaos of school life.

Mrs. Oran said something about going down to check on the students getting off the buses, and he was quick to respond. "I'd be happy to go with you Ms. Oran, I may be some help to you." He said, with his usual polite but somewhat loud delivery. She did shift into a horse, so she'd probably be able to help if anyone had heavy bags. But, old-fashioned fellow that he was, Mr. Ellis was hesitant to make a lady carry heavy bags on her own. Plus, he liked to feel helpful. He followed after her, continuing to greet returning students walking through the halls enthusiastically.

Anvinder | M | Alpine Ibex | M: Open

Vin listened closely to the rules, trying to take them to heart. They were fairly basic, pretty easy to follow. Although the one about "Arrow" weirded him out. The red-eyed girl from before stepped onstage. Why did they have to stay away from her? And whose brilliant idea had it been to call the entire school's attention to this specific girl, just to tell them not to talk to her? That seemed... counterproductive. The rule about the forest also sparked his interest for a similar reason. You would think they'd know better than to vaguely hint at a threat in the woods and expect a bunch of kids not to check it out. Ah well, he'd keep it in the back of his mind for now...

Anvinder looked around at the other students as some started to line up to get their schedules. He followed the flow of the crowd once again, hoping his classes would be interesting. Some of the teachers were lined up next to the headmistress. They didn't look too mean, and Vinder had always been a pretty good student. Maybe it would be fine.

Lost in thought, and staring off towards the front of the school, he stumbled as he accidentally walked into the person in front of him. "Oh, sorry-" He apologized, stepping back a little and almost knocking the person behind him too.

Edited at August 2, 2021 09:43 AM by Finnick
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 2, 2021 10:03 AM

Former Pack

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Rigsby|Non-Binary(She/They/He)|Student|Welsummer Rooster|Mentions: sage, Avinder

Rigsby was taken aback by Sage's quickness. "Oh hello, ma'am. Yes, I'm here for my schedule and dorm number." He answered fumbling a bit in the beginning. They started to take off their glasses quickly so that they could clean them before they were knocked into.

“Ah! Oh um hello are you alright?” He asked turning around to see who it was. She put back on the half clean glasses for a second to try and get a clearer view of who it was. They had to look to see who it was, it was a boy who also had dark brown hair.

Oran|Cis(She/her)|Art Teacher|gypsy vanner horse| Mentions: Ryan Ellis, Ase

Oran looked over to Mr.Ellis, “Hello Mr.Ellis, I would appreciate the help.” She then shifted and walked the halls, glancing to see who was arriving whenever she heard him giving out greetings. Oran shifted out of her horse form once she spotted the student.

“Mr. Ellis, there seems to be one student still here struggling with their bags,” she said pointing the student out then began to walk over to them.

“Hello, I’m Mrs. Oran. You’re late for the opening speech, you should hurry up now to be able to get your schedule and dorm room before the line gets long. We’ll help you with your bags,” She finished and motioned towards Mr.Ellis.

Edited at August 2, 2021 10:04 AM by Golden Corax
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 2, 2021 12:10 PM


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Sage|Headmaster|F|M Rigsby
Sage smiled warmly. "Rigsby, your dorm number is 47. Your schedule will be gym and combat tomorrow morning. The afternoon all newcomers have off to explore our school and get to meet and know everyone and our staff. We are most excited to have you join our school this year. Just remember to abide by the rules and we will get along great. After tomorrow in the afternoon you will have history and art. Those will be your classes for this semester." Sage says smiling and nodding before looking around quickly. She still couldn't find Arrow and that worried her.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 2, 2021 12:56 PM

Former Pack

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Anvinder | M | Alpine Ibex | M: Headmaster Sage, Rigsby
He looked up at the person he'd bumped into, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry, sorry I wasn't paying attention. Yes, I'm fine." He said awkwardly. Luckily the person behind him hadn't gotten bumped by his backpack. He could feel his ears turning pink with equal parts concealed nerves and embarassment. What a great first impression.

He moved ahead in line, not wanting to hold things up, and carefully retrieved his schedule, with a polite but rather quiet "Thank you ma'am." He looked over the schedule for a moment before adding a question that he'd been meaning to ask. "Oh, I'm sorry if you've already told us this, but do we have roommates?" He hoped they would have at least two-person rooms. Being alone for long periods of time unsettled him, and it might be a fast-track to making a new friend. Anvinder had found that he could get along with almost anyone if he spent enough time with them.

Ryan Ellis (Mr. Ellis) | M | Rhino | Gym Teacher | M: Mrs. Oran, Ase

Ryan smiled warmly at the girl, quickly determining that he could carry the bags without shifting into his huge rhino form. He didn't want to scare the girl away on her first day, after all. "We'll have you settled in in no time. Just make your way straight through the school to the gym. Follow the line, you'll get there." He said with a chuckle. Good, the line appeared to be moving quickly. He scooped up the bag and slung it over his shoulder. It was heavy, and it didn't feel fragile, so he reassured himself that its contents would probably be fine. "I'll take this to the girls' dorm. Let me know if there's any other stuff that needs movin'." He said before turning to walk towards the girls dorms.
New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 2, 2021 01:33 PM

Former Pack

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Rigsby|Non-Binary(She/They/He)|Student|Welsummer Rooster|Mentions: sage, Anvinder

Rigsby nodded at the boy before turning back to sage. Her warm smile calmed them down a bit, “Thank you, ma’am.” He moved to the side as Anvinder took his place. She was about to walk off before Anvinder had asked about roommates, they decided to stick around and hear the answer. While waiting for Sage to answer he quickly took off his glasses and cleaned them. Taking a closer look at the both of them. Something they didn’t notice before about the boy was his bright green eyes and freckles.

Oran|Cis(She/her)|Art Teacher|gypsy vanner horse| Mentions: Ryan Ellis, Ase

Oran nodded in agreement. She moved closer to Mr. Ellis and whispered “She looks familiar. I believe she is the Black Honey-buzzard, though I do not recall their name or dorm number. We should go along with them to make sure they get there and to get confirmation on her dorm number.” After finishing she scooted back over. Like with all the other students she scanned her up and down.

New Judgement Day Roleplay ThreadAugust 2, 2021 02:58 PM

Pastry Lord

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DreamBig said:
Arrow|Student|F|Mentions Alyssa
Arrow stopped and starred at the girl, confused. "My name was just announced you should follow the headmaster's one important rule." Arrow snapped and looked around. "But if you must know my name is Arrow. And you should not be talking to me." Arrow said quietly, she liked finally talking to someone but she did not want to make this girl Alyssa, she thinks that what she said her name was, get into a lot of trouble by talking to her." Go to the headmaster and ask for your schedule and dorm, if you're lucky she wouldn't have been watching the cameras this morning." Arrow says as her dark red eyes glowing in the shadows. "If you wanna get to know me, dorm 58, come talk to me after 12." Arrow says before quickly turning and starting to walk away.

Alyssa | F| Shift=Grey wolf| mentions : Arrow then The principal
At first Alyssa was shocked at accidentally meeting Arrow the girl she wa not allowed to talk to but she replied " Meet you at twelve I am trusting you Arrow " With that she smiled and walked away. She looked around for the headmaster until she spotted him and went over "Hi Sir My name is Alyssa Aetos Do you have my schedule and my dorm number? " ( can it be the one nearest to arrows to create a plot twist please)
With that she waited
Mr John Rooney | m | shift= Peregine Falcon | mentions: Random students ,Sage,Alyssa.
John woke up and gulped at the time and as quickly as he could he got changed and shape shifted into his shift and dragged his wheelchair down the stairs. He decided not to go Into his wheelchair whilst entering as the corridors were busy. As he was just inside the gym, Mr Rooney found the quietest place he could find and shape shifted back into his human form into his wheel chair. He then went to find Sage. He apologized as he squished a pupil's toes and without meaning to he bashed into a random student "Oops sorry " He quickly said and then sped away until he reached Sage finally. He looked at some of the students staring and he stared t them back smiling. He looked up at Sage and looked at the girl he was talking to. Her name was Alyssa he thought, the daughter of the most famous man in the village. He smiled at her and sat in silence looking at all the students.

Edited at August 2, 2021 03:01 PM by Pastry Lord

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