
Atri sat down, crossing his legs, he lifted his hand and rubbed the back of his neck as he stared at the ground. "Shes fucking mad I tell you, hate to say I'm related to such filth." Atri grinned to hide how shaken he was from his mother's attack. She had never loved Atri since he was a gifted.. his parents were once thrilled. ~ Until one day when he was young they forced him to change his hair into hundred dollar notes. They were over the moon happy with their new income however once his mother cut his hair, it immediately lost the form and faded away in a plume of black smoke. Angry she had lunged at atri, disbelief setting in as she hacked away his hair. ~ Atri looked up slightly, noticing a few new faces.
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Dallas Dallas." he replied with a nod. Mika Sorry to break up the reunion and all, but we should get going before Atri's parent's come looking for us with reinforcements." Mika spoke up.

Nikki Nikki nodded as Dallas told her his name. She then perked up when a girl talked, saying they should go. She nodded again, yes, i dont want to get caught she said looking at the girl. Regan Regan smiled, nice to meet you Nikki, im Regan! She then wispered to rory why is Faye being like that towards Nikki? Lydia Lydia nodded as Nikki talked. She then went over to Atri, are you ok, are you hurt she asked.

Rory Rory shrugged "She's just like that, I mean, she's nice but she can be quite suspicious, she calls it realistic" she murmured to her cousin, she had noticed that about Faye, she was nice one moment and then touchy and suspicious the next. ... Faye Faye frowned at them "That's because it is called being realistic, not everyone's as nice as you think" she snapped, releasing Ori and glancing suspiciously at the newcomers. Anyone could be an intruder, a spy, ready to betray the rest. ... Aya She sped along the road, taking a minute to steady herself into a straight enough course.

So where to next?" Dallas asked the others.

Regan Oh she wispered back. She then snapped her head towards Faye, i she paused, your right Faye she said sighing as she looked at the ground. Piper Piper held the dashboard. It was scary but fun. Whoooo she yelled out of the car. She then laughed.

Regan Regan then looked up at Dallas as he spoke. She then shrugged. Nikki Nikki shrugged, i dont know this place very good.

Mika Well, how about here for a starter?" Mika spoke up. Dallas Naw dip sherlock." Dallas replied. He looked at her and thought that she looked familiar, but just shrugged it off since he had met a lot of people during his life.

Nikki Nikki held in a laugh as the girl made a joke. Well, this is a good start she said jokingly. Regan Regan held back a laugh then spoke up, me and rory can go make sure Atris parents are coming, and we can scout, we could also go get some food she said, not thinkinh to ask rory about this plan.

Mika I got food covered." she replied making some edible plants sprout around them.