
Dominic Dominic grabbed the saddle pad and looked up at Cherokee. He then grabbed his phone out of his pocket and looked up stuff to help him out. He then put his phone in his pocket and put the saddle pad on cherokees back. He countinued to do this, or each peice of tack. It wasnt perfect but Dominic was pround of himself. Leila Leila snorted but got into a potion so Austin could put on the rope.

Ellie | F | 14 | M: Melina, Carissa “Really? Yeah okay I'd like that!” Ellie gave a small smile, she was starting to like this girl. “Wait, could you wait with Melina for a minute? There's something I have to do.” Without waiting for a response Ellie ran off. I have to go get Callie! Jack won't be happy if she's still in there. When Ellie reached the staff cabin she felt a bit awkward and nervous to be entering it, but upon hearing nothing inside she ran in. Inside looked pretty similar to the student cabins, but nevermind that! Spotting where Jack had placed Callie’s carrier she ran over to it. “Hi baby girl!” She opened the carrier and stroked the cat's fur, carefully picking up the cat. Ellie walked out of the staff cabin Callie in her arms, she had left the carrier there and intended to go back for it later “Jack can deal with it” she shrugged When she got back to Melina and Carissa she apologized for leaving, “sorry about that, sort of promised my brother I'd get my cat out of the staff cabin.” Ellie still had Callie in her arms and was petting her.

(I'm so sorry I went unactive! :,0) Theo Once he was done with his chores, he went out for a pleasant walk. He smiled as he watched the kids fo about their day. Dickon Dickon opened his eyes. He sat up. He was in the grass outside the gate... to horse camp! He groaned. He now remembered; he had flopped onto the ground in exhaustion, and must've fallen asleep. He scrambled up and ran through the gate, panting, his bag slung over his shoulder.

Carissa Carissa nodded to both of Ellies questions and just sat down by Mel and just petted her. When she got back she got up and said, its alright. She then saw the cat and said awww, could i pet it?

Austin|M|14|M: Leila, Dominic (ind), Cherokee (ind). Austin smiled and put the rope on Leila. He then opened the gate and led her to the tack room. He led her to a separate part of the room than the two in there currently. He grabbed the tack and put it on Leila slowly and softly, careful not to spook or hurt her. Once finished he smiled. "C'mon, let's get you to the riding arena." He said softly. Cherokee|F|7|M: Dominic Cherokee watched as Dominic put the tack on her. It felt and looked about right. She noticed that he seemed proud of himself. Cherokee whinnied softly, congratulating him. She was glad that he had learned how to put the tack on her. This will be a bit more interesting. He seemed a bit hesitant when he first came in here. Has he ridden any horse before? It's fine. He'll learn. She thought, looking at him. Edited at April 3, 2022 09:52 PM by The Midnight Wolves

Theo Theo looked at his watch. The day had seemed to go by so fast! It was already 7:30! He began to head back to his camper. Dickon Dickon sighed in frustration. He didn't know where anything was! He listened and decided to go where a bunch of other kids around his age were tacking up, and whistled for Jump, who came galloping loyally to his side. "Aye up, I'm Dickon," he said breathlessly.

Leila Leila loved how Austin put tack on her. When he got done she followed him to the arena. Dominic Dominic patted Cherokees neck when she whinnied. He then led her out of the barn and into the arena. (i have to go, bye!)

Theo Theo halted and smacked his palm to his forehead. He was supposed to unload the two new horses! "Aaargh," he groaned as he heard the crunch of gravel. He turned to see a truck with a trailer in tow pulling up thw drive. He ran over to it and peered through the open slats at the horses, standing on the wheelhouse.

.../Akhai-Akeke/F/ 3 Years old/M: Theo and ... A young mare were once with her herd gazing happily; being the lead mare, she is responsible for taking care of everyone, and redirecting them while the lead stallion protects them.
But one day it all changed when helicopters fly overhead using darts to shoot at them, some of the herd members and her family falls while others being chased away.
Strange creature riding on horseback to catch them, all she could think of was protect her herd leaving no one behind. But the consequence was her being captured due to her beautiful coat which were super rare in the eye of strange creature known as human.
This young mare does not know what is happening, so many noise and people; what are they saying? Her body and mind shuts down, the next thing she knew she was placed in a large trailer with another horse inside whom doesn't look pleased. During the ride, she make friend with the stallion beside her later know as [Y/N]; Both decides to stick together in order to be safe.
Their arrival to the outsider they can hears her kicking and trashing the wall of the beautiful traior; what got her rear up was how close the human was when he suddenly ran close to the trailer trying to see what is inside. As self defensive, she kicks at the trailer wall where he locates hard hoping the sudden kick would make him get the message to stay away from her.

Storm Storm got tired of being in the stall but couldn't do anything about it so her just stood there waiting. He snorted and walked of to the stall door and neighed. He kept doing this hoping someone would come. Celestial She was hear Storm neigh but didn't pay any mind to it and thought He does get antsy after a bit. She turned and went to get and drink, Nala Nala was curious if she should go back to her stall so she decided to go. She trotted on back to her stall but ran into a teacher she couldn't remember who it was.