

(Okay, just making sure.)

Leila Leila loved the compliments so even know she was tired she showed off. She loved this attention. She then stoped when she heard, tack. Ugh she thought, thats all he wanted, she snorted at that. She then just stood there looking at him. Dominic Dominics eyes widened as the horse actaully came. Wow he thought, shes pretty. He then took a step back when she snorted. Uhhhh he said quietly, h, hi he said as he took a step closer. She was do big, yet so graceful. Mabey this wont be so bad he thought as he almost held out his hand so be could pet the horse but stopp thinking, what was i just about to do. He then just looked at the horse, admiring her.

Austin|M|14|M: Leila Austin noticed that Leila snorted when he said the word "tack". "You must not like saddles much do you?" He asked. He bit his lip and was glad that he'd signed up for bareback. Even if Savannah had insisted he do it. Cherokee|F|7|M: Dominic Cherokee watched the boy. She tilted her head slightly. She was curious on why he seemed a bit nervous. Maybe he's like me, scared of strangers. Maybe he's scared of me? She wondered.

Leila Leila shook her head when austin asked You must not like saddles much do you? She then troted close to him, close enough for him to pet her. I like this human she thought. Dominic Dominic looked over and saw the boy get so close to the horse and he knew he would have to do it sooner or later so he held out his hand and slowly put it on Cherokees nose. He let out a breath of air that he didnt know he was holding. His musles also relaxed a bit as a smile broke out on his face.

Ellie | F | 14 | M: Melina, Carissa Ellie shook her head, “I've never been taught, although I plan to teach myself,” she paused then added. “I didn't take the bareback riding class, since we are only allowed to have a maximum of three, I chose barrel racing instead.” She glanced around feeling kind of awkward, Melina seemed to still be grazing patiently waiting for the conversation to be over, and Carissa was probably thinking of what to say. Oh shoot I completely forgot about Callie! She thought in surprise of her calico cat, who Jack had asked her to get from the staff cabin. Edited at April 3, 2022 08:59 PM by Cinderclaws

Carissa Carissa nodded ya well if you want i could, uhhh help she said not sure why she was even asking.

Austin|M|14|M: Leila Austin held out his hand as Leila trotted closer. "Hmm. I had signed up for bareback and my...err our classes aren't back to back." He told her, hoping it would make it somewhat better. Cherokee|F|7|M: Dominic Cherokee closed her eyes and breathed out. Maybe this will be fine. He seems nice. She thought. She opened her eyes and looked at him. She wondered what classes they had.

Dominic Dominic smiled and put his hand down. He couldnt believe he just petted a horse! He then talked quietly, we need to get going, are class is in less than 5 minutes. He then opened the gate and cliped the rope to Cherokees head collar. He then led her to the tack place. Uhhh he thought once he saw all the tack. Leila Leila closed her eyes when Austin pet her. She then opened them when he started to talk. I know she neighed, theres just things a horse had go to do....she sighed.

Austin|M|14|M: Leila, Dominic (ind) Austin put his hand down and heard the kid next to him say that it was less than 5 minutes till class. Austin sighed. He looked up at Leila. "We'll get through this together." He held up a rope and didn't put it on Leila quite yet. He wanted to see what she did first. Cherokee|F|7|M: Dominic Cherokee watched the boy look at the tack. What is he doing? She wondered. She looked for a moment and stepped forward, touching a saddle pad with her nose, hoping he understood.