Wolf Play : The Elements Rolplay
01:06:01 Lil Techy | Techno
Love how you have anime names for your wolves as well
 Red River Wolves
01:05:18 Redd
Sounds about right
01:04:22 Itadori
Okay I was just playing the Pack Life game on here and somehow he went from Megumi finding a relic to him choking on his meal O^O
01:03:56 Lil Techy | Techno

More explore!
 Continental Wolves
12:59:38 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Hmm maybe 1k moves? Not much
 Chaotic Twins
12:59:19 Ryder,Kalian
I figured out my upper jaw hurts so much :(

one my teeth is chipped

Ooh! Thank you! I'm going to dump the remaining ones and head out to bed xD
12:57:27 Lil Techy | Techno

I made a new one
12:57:14 Lil Techy | Techno

How much did you explore today?
499 lmao I didn't donate much. I had been planning on giving more but Regal and Redd beat me to it
 Continental Wolves
12:56:49 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
To buy more explore moves after I finish these or find a new series to binge read all night
12:55:06 Lil Techy | Techno

XD how much was left when you donated?
 High Hills Pack
12:54:45 Frozen Opal; Regal
Nice! I need ta train my wolves a bit more before I can hit that. Got a whole new team now. ^^'
Well Technition, you've hit your wishbone goal tonight
12:52:44 Lil Techy | Techno

Nice! I'm about to hit 15k today I think.
 High Hills Pack
12:52:21 Frozen Opal; Regal
Uh... good question. I honestly don't know. 8k-9k I think?
12:52:11 Lil Techy | Techno

Not you too!
12:49:51 Lil Techy | Techno

How much you make today?
 High Hills Pack
12:48:11 Frozen Opal; Regal
Hopefully I can get enough wishbones ta do just that tomorrow. ;)
12:47:31 Running Dog
Well fellow WP. I'm signing off as I have work tomorrow. Good night and sleep well when you get there.

Praying for time to pass quickly and safely, Vox.


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    The Elements RolplayJuly 16, 2021 09:16 AM

Former Pack

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Follow all Wolf Play Rules
Romance allowed but keep it PG so hand holding, hugging or an occasional kiss is ok
One girl and one boy per each element
You can write as long as you want as long as you don't write super short every time.
None of the people had magic before they were just teleported to a magical world and then learned they had got magic
Keep things PG- 13
Please do not sign up then never post
Put Taco in Other
When Posting put Name/ Gender/ Element
Remember they just got these powers so they have no clue how to use them or how to control them so no one can know what to do right away. Everyone has to learn about their powers.
Thread: Your here
Fire: They can control, summon, and touch fire. They can only be burnt by fire magic and fire made by lightning. Though when angry a ball of fire might appear on their hand and burn what's around them.
Water: They can control, summon and breathe in water. Though when sad, drops of water may fall from their hand. They are stronger at night and when with partner ,together they can summon a tsunami. It's takes a lot out of them to make a huge wave.
Earth: They can control plants and trees. They can talk to animals and together the two earth people can make earthquakes. Though when one is alone they can make small earthquakes. They are stronger in the day.

Wind: They can control the wind. When together they can fly but when it's just one they can hover above the ground. Together they can create hurricanes and tornados. When alone they can make small tornados. They are stronger on windy days. Though if they loose control of the winds they could fall or spiral out of control.

Shadow: They can control and summon shadows. They can hide in shadows and make shadows grab people. They are stronger at night. Though if not careful they could get lost in the shadows.
Lightning: They can control and summon lighting with out getting electrocuted. Together they can create horrible storms. Their lightning can set things on fire but their lightning is white. Sometimes sparks may fly off their hands.
Water 2/2: Full
Skyla/Female/ Glowing Spirit
Garvin/ Male/ Overthink 101
Fire 2/2: Full
Thorn/ Male/ Sunmoon
Skype/ Female/ Commit Burn
Wind 2/2: Full
Morrigan/ Female/ Sunmoon
Edmund/ Male/ Fire and Blood
Shadow 2/2:
Ophelia/ Female/ Commit Burn
JJ/ Male/ Glowing spirit
Lightning 2/2: Full
Mira/ Female/ Magic135
Noi/ Male/ Commit Burn
Earth 2/2:
Luke/ Male/ Dragonpipe
Arrow/ Female/ DreamBig

Edited at July 16, 2021 09:24 AM by Magic135
The Elements RolplayJuly 16, 2021 09:26 AM

Former Pack

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Quick reminder: We are gonna start where they wake up on the ground in the forest.
You may now post, I will post in a little
The Elements RolplayJuly 16, 2021 10:41 AM

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Mira/ Female/ Lightning
Mira groaned as she opened her eyes and sunlight flooded in. She shakily stood up and looked around, She was shook when she didn't see the city anymore but instead a forest. Mira then noticed there were other people here and started backing up to a tree. " " "Am I in a coma....? Or maybe a dream...?" Mira said in her thoughts
( sorry it's not very long)

Edited at July 16, 2021 10:41 AM by Magic135
The Elements RolplayJuly 16, 2021 10:42 AM

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Noi let out a sighed, his eyes still shut tight. "Oww." He whispered, he felt around with his hand. He realized he was laying on solid ground, his eyes quickly fluttered open when he felt the weird texture of the ground. A gasp quickly escaped his lip, he was in complete shock at the terrain around him. "Wha- where..." He said, his words almost coming out in a whisper. He slowly got into a standing position, he glanced around, he could see many other humans laying on the ground. Noi was adding everything together, one second he's running inside, rain pouring on him, the next he is laying on the ground in a different earth? He found this place very un earth like, which confused him deeply. "Where am I? Who are you all?" He asked, his words soft, he was quite worried. He didn't recognize any of these humans, except one, his cousin, Skype.
Noi had yet to see the female (Mira) who had backed up to a tree, even the trees looked odd to him. "Wh-who are you?" He stammered out, he was quite confused, which led him to being even more worried.

Edited at July 16, 2021 10:45 AM by ~Commit Burn~
The Elements RolplayJuly 16, 2021 11:13 AM


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Garvin | Male | Water

Garvin had been leaning against a wall, in an alleyway, in a big city’s downtown area, about to smoke a cigarette. And now, he was on his back. On the ground. That did not feel like concrete. The first thought he had was that at least he wouldn’t have to deal with worrying about any tears.


And then it hit him that none of it made sense. Other than what he was doing before it happened, obviously. He smoked often enough for that to make sense. But the fact that he’d fallen onto grass, most specifically, didn’t make sense.


So, he opened his eyes, easily blinking away the sunlight that hit them. He glanced around and was rather surprised to find that there were other people around. That actually looked decent. Yeah, definitely not where he’d been before. Definitely not the downtown area where people never had jeans with some kind of wear and tear in them.


Deciding not to talk to the strangers for the moment, though he definitely noticed how some had jewelry that could be worth something, he looked around at his surroundings. A nice little forest clearing, definitely not where he’d be expecting to find a bunch of teenagers. With a slight sigh, he pushed himself to his feet. Oh well, he could probably find his way to a city on his own.


He looked at the group again, his eyes immediately catching sight of the jewelry again. He shoved his hands into his coat’s pockets quickly, definitely not going to risk stealing it just yet. He’d have to wait. His hands found two solid objects though, something that he could immediately identify as his lighter and newest pack of cigarettes. Thank goodness he wouldn’t be having to go through the day without those at least.


And then two of the group were up and freaking out. Great, just what he needed. People freaking out because they woke up to someone randomly being at their campsite. Their very bare campsite… He looked at the two freaking out again, they didn’t seem to know where they were. Which was definitely odd too. Maybe it wasn’t just him? He didn’t think he’d fallen asleep or anything, after all. Definitely not possible, he almost never slept in alleyways, they just weren’t good for shelter or warmth. He’d much rather take the rundown, abandoned apartment that he’d taken for free(no one ever cared about those enough to check if some random person was staying in it without paying, especially not in the downtown areas) over an alleyway any night. It just made more sense.


But what was going on then? He huffed, he should’ve grabbed his flask today and stuck it in his coat. It had been way too long of a day for him to actually want to think about this. So, instead, he decided to look at the person that had asked questions while freaking out that he could technically answer.


Well, ya see… ‘M a person, and I think we’re all lost.” Then he looked at the rest of the group there and grinned, “I mean… Unless one of ya’ll know wha’s goin’ on and where we are?

The Elements RolplayJuly 16, 2021 02:29 PM


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Arrow groaned as she opened her eyes, looking around she saw a forest and other people around her, quickly looking around her, Arrow saw her combat knife still in her boot. Quickly getting up and backing away from everyone Arrow grabbed her knife and held it out, looking around here, she closed her eyes then opened them again. Okay, this is real. Arrow thought to herself before looking around again. She looked at the guy that had spoke and glared at him. "I highly doubt anyone here knows where we are." She snapped angerily, she just wanted to be back out in the forest playing with her dog.

Edited at July 17, 2021 06:43 PM by DreamBig
The Elements RolplayJuly 16, 2021 07:40 PM

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Thorn banged his head on the ground and rubbed his temples. His eyes fluttered open. He then grumbled sarcastically at the girl who just spoke, "Oh wow! I wonder where you got that idea from!" He dizzily stood up and stretched and viewed his surrounds and all the other people. "Why..." He groaned. He then quickly started pacing off to avoid anything verbal with the strangers behind him.
The Elements RolplayJuly 17, 2021 03:29 PM

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Edmund || Male || Wind

The cold winds blew through every crack in the house, as the snows blew violently on the otherside of the wall. Edmund sat upon the windowsill, his grey eyes watched in a trance as he watched the individual snow flakes dance there way towards the ground, each crystalline particle flying freely in the air. His mind was empty currently, devoid of all things. If he let his mind wander it would always come back to the same few things and for once Edmund wished for a moment of silence.

It was short lived. Maybe it was the sudden intrusion of loud guitars and hushed whispers of heavy metal, before the guttural gravely voice took hold and became a dominant force in his mind... Though Edmund being as pragmatic as he was would never say that was the reason his silence ended.

As music's blaring chorus sounded, darkness over took him.


His consciousness told him something was wrong even with him trapped within his mind. He couldn't move, speak, feel or even breath. He was trapped within the shadows of his own subconscious as various moments of his life seemed to flash by at a speed to fast to fully comprehend, yet certain things even if they were visible for even a brief moment made his soul hurt.

"For so long you desired to find something bigger than yourself, to learn what you could be. You shall find allies along the way Child, may the winds be your guide...".

'That voice...?', his inner thoughts practically gasped in surprise familiarity. As if a light bulb had truly gone off at his realization, he was greater with light.

"... Wake Up".


His first realization was that it was warm. Not the warmth of sitting by a fire, nor being wrapped in a coat but... Like being touched by the sun. It was unfamiliar, and honestly it made him rather uncomfortable. With a slow inhale, he could practically feel the difference in the air. The ground between his fingers was grass, and dirt... His eyes snapped open, his breathing rather ragged in surprise and confusion.

'Where the hell am I...? The voice, it couldn't have bee-'. He was drawn from his musings when his stoney eyes finally scanned the forested area around him. There were strangers here. They looked young, possibly his age... Some were still lost in there slumbers and others were awake.

Edmund frowned.

'What the actual fuck?'.

Running his hands over his face, he sighed. The voice, these strangers, waking up in a strange land... What more, damned magic? He groaned to himself, before ultimately standing up and dusting himself off. The group who was up was... Conversing. He glanced at them oddly, from here even he could see there confusion. Obviously neither did they know where they were as of now...

Shrugging slowly to himself, he walked his way to see if they could help him make sense of things. While he walked, he couldn't help but recall the voice. The vision if he could call it that, perhaps a message or simply his imagination... It was his mother's voice... It should have been impossible. She was dead. It couldn't have been, but even so... No, it wasn't her. The message was what he should focus on. As he finally arrived upon the group, his final thoughts were, 'The voice mentioned allies... Who will you be?'.

He made his presence known, his expression rather impassive as he looked at the group.

"I guess we are all in the same boat, no clue what's going on and such", he said in his low but conducted voice. His gaze fell to the ground as his stare grew harsh.

"Let's just ask questions later, we won't have any good answers if we panic. How about... Introductions?", he mused. He honestly was trying to keep his own mind preoccupied but he was sure it would help the others as well.

Edited at July 17, 2021 03:52 PM by House of the Dragon
The Elements RolplayJuly 17, 2021 03:48 PM

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(I forgot about her. hehe)
Morrigan fell due to the loss of a chair and plopped on the ground. Her eyes were wide open as she took in her surroundings and the people in them. She bit her lip and asked, "Who are all of you?" She was very confused when she stood up to get a better few of everyone. Still some people that are knocked out but there are some who are awake. She walked around trying to get a better understanding of everything.
The Elements RolplayJuly 17, 2021 05:02 PM

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Skype felt the ground below her, before opening her eyes she heard noises. Perhaps other people, or animals? She had no idea, she could barely remember what she was thinking about, nor doing after she opened her eyes. Skype blinked furiously, before realizing this was not a dream. She looked to all the teenagers, all were strangers to her except one. "Noi?" She asked, her words almost coming out in a whisper.
Skype than looked to the stranger who had talked, she introduced herself as. "I am Cretin." She wasn't about to give her real name out to a complete stranger, she then walked over to Noi. As he was the only one she knew she could trust. "Where the hell are we?" She whispered the question to Noi. "I don't know, and Cretin? Seriously." Noi whispered to her, Skype rolled her eyes. She watched her cousin step forth and introduce himself. "I am Noi." A sigh escaped her lips.

Edited at July 17, 2021 05:04 PM by ~Commit Burn~

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