This one is kinda green themed and it's St. Patrick's Day - a day where green is a theme! Cool!
I make late art better so the wait is worth it. I also had fun overdoing it on this one as the whole mood came together nicely.
I make late art better so the wait is worth it. I also had fun overdoing it on this one as the whole mood came together nicely.
This one is for Graywing, the last one on my old sketch queue. My 'finish by' date was exactly one month ago, so I'm giving you a 83% late discount. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe my price for a single sketch was 300 mush - I changed things around and I don't remember. So you only have to pay 50 mush.

The above image is just for purposes of posting on wolfplay. Greywing, you can find two different versions for you here:
And I have also added the two images to - you just need to accept them for the character.