I have a problem with getting small pets that die within 2-5 years I dont know how id ever live with a pet for so long and then have it die :(
Yeah, my first pet was a rat I named 'Tickles' (because he was trained to sit on my shoulder and tickled my neck with his lovely whiskers, lol, very inventive four year old) and I was devestated when he died. Cats at least can live fifteen, twenty years if you are lucky.
I'd suggest a parrot though, if you want a long-lived companion capable of forming a close bond. They can live like fifty years man.
why not get a pet rock? things live for forever lol
I have a quaker parrot and she is so loud and bites everyone, seriously we can barely get her out of her cage wtihout her trying to kill us
What if my pet rock runs away?! Yeah, that's why I personally don't get pet birds, they loud and violent. My dad likes 'em though. Had a cockatiel that used to sit on his shoulder and pick crumbs from his beard Edited at February 2, 2022 07:22 PM by Weeds
Good idea mal, Id name mine like rockrick or something haha
xD >.> if the fricker runs away use rock net B)
I used to have a cockatiel too, his name was Prince and we found him outside of our pool screen, he was so sweet