(Skip ahead for a brief summary at the bottom)
Alright, well... where do I start? First off, Destiny went into labor right as Catalina had her babies, and her water broke about 6 hours later. I am so grateful that Amanda went to check on Destiny, or so many horrible things could have happened. >.<
She was pushing for a good 50 minutes before we started to stress at the lack of progress. Upon feeling up into the cervix, there was something round and somewhat soft. We figured the baby was full breach, as in, coming butt-first and had its back legs forward to make things more difficult. This is a situation where we had no choice but to call the vet to get the baby repositioned.
The vet came in about half an hour, but Destiny had been pushing for about 2 hours now (It should last 45 minutes max per baby). The vet repositioned the baby, pulled it out, and shook mucus and stuff from its lungs.
The baby coughed and breathed, though struggling, but still alive! ^^
It was a moment of some seriously relieved sighs. It was a tri colored baby, with brown legs, black body, and a big white spot around the body. There were also a few small white markings here and there. The vet proceeded to pull a solid colored baby (dark brown) with Stella's same ear and face markings. Then, the vet pulled a pretty big solid colored baby (dark brown) with a white spot on his body like Stella's (and maybe white ears? I can't remember right now). The first two were girls!! :D The last was a boy, but we'll live. :)
They're currently struggling to nurse, but I've been monitoring them and bottle feeding where needed every four hours (with minimal sleep, I mean literally every four hours). They're doing alright, but Destiny is being a lot less obsessive than I want her to be when they're this early, which has me worried, but I'm sure it'll be fine.
Summary: Destiny ran into serious complications during birth so we had to call the vet (a one in a million occurence). The vet got it handled, delivering a lovely tri colored doeling; a dark, solid colored doeling with white ears and Stella's face markings; and a buckling that's dark brown with a white body patch like Stella (and maybe white ears, I can't remember right now). I've been feeding where needed and checking on them every 4 hours. I'm a little concerned at Destiny's lack of interest, but I hope that all is well.
As for Phineas and Ferb, their personalities are starting to come through! :D
Phineas is definitely the smarter of the two, and he's a tad smaller. Ferb is more determined and defiant, but has yet to figure out the simple things... such as nursing. X"D
Book Bean,
Ferb is my favorite, too, but I gotta admit, Phineas is coming through as the smarter one. XD
Those are so cute! ^^ If and when they have babies, I want all the spam *^*
Plans are for them to both become whethers because bucks have to be super high quality to remain intact. We have bucks around here with full champion lines (*coughs* Stella's brother), so these two wouldn't have much business. :(