StarDarc You drag your gaze from the dog as it chases the coyote. Walking towards the turn in the rocks, you start to feel cold. Luckily, a few cracks in the rocks let sunlight in so you can see. As you turn to where the dog ran into the coyote, you start to hear breathing echoing off the rocks. Then you spot a brown doe. She's laying in a corner, scratches over her body. (Image just what she normally looks like or something, with no wounds xD) A. Approach her B. Leave C. Stay still
StarDarc You carefully walk towards the goat. She looks strong, but her wounds are bad. Her eyes seem to glitter faintly in the darkness as she gazes at you. You lower yourself closer to the doe, and she lets out a faint bleat. What do you do? A. Pet her B. Get out bandage and use on her C. Leave
StarDarc You take out your bandaging and slowly reach out to the goat. She flinches as you touch her, but cooperates. You gently wrap her wounds up and she seems to relax. Once you're finished, the goat seems to feel a bit better already. What do you do now? A. Pet her B. Give her hay C. GIve her apple-scented treat D. Stay still E. Leave her F. Grab leash and collar
StarDarc You get some of your hay out and push it towards her. She sniffs at it, then slowly licks at it. She takes a few strands and starts to eat the hay. As you hold the hay, she starts eating it quicker. Her eyes seem to light out with happiness and relief as you feed her the hay. You notice she's a bit scrawny, at least looking at her this closely. A. Pet Her B. Wait C. Get out leash and collar
StarDarc You get out one of your leashes and collars. As you make sure the collar is attached to the leash, the goat stops eating the hay. She gazes at you curiously. The doe lets out a bleat, and you can see she's regaining her strength. She'll be able to make the journey out of the pasture. A. Put on the collar B. Pet her C. Leave her