Wolves019 You continue to look around the area, spotting what seems to be an old pinic table. Is that movement on top of the table? It was too dark over there for you to tell. A. Check it out B. Look elsewhere
StarDarc You pull the treat closer to you, and the doe seems to realize that you have it in your hand. She stares at you for a moment, then steps closer, trying to get to the treat in your hand. You clip the collar around her neck, just as she gets the treat from your hand. She looks around, realizing she's on a leash, stomping a foot. She look over her shoulder and let out a quiet bleat. At the sound, a little doeling walks into your view. Her eyes don't seen to be as bright as other goats, and her cautious steps tell you she's blind. You won't need a collar or leash to bring her back, she'll follow her mom. A. Let the kid come along while you leave B. Make sure the kid doesn't follow and leave
The Amethyst said: Freddie And Layla
Alrighty! Thank you :)
Wolves019 You walk over to the table, a few doubt flashing in your mind. Then you hear a bleat when you're almost a foot away from the table and can make out a goat, a brown doe A. Call out to her B. Get out second-cut hay C. Step closer and pet her D. Leave her
StarDarc You let the kid follow her mother, just behind you everytime you look back as you lead the mother out of the pasture. Are you sure these are the goats you want to take back to your pasture? All unused items will be saved, used but still have uses will also be saved for next time. A. Yes B. No
B. Get out second-cut hay
Wolves019 The brown doe watches with interest as you pull out the hay. She quickly stood up, and walked over to the edge of the table. She didn't seem wary of you as she started pulling hay out of your hands. What do you do now? A. Get out a leash and collar B. Pet her C. Let her eat the hay for a while longer
C. Let her eat the hay for a while longer