D Acornclan said: StarDarc You decide to follow the hills, and walk down the one you're on, walking to the another. Bleats fill the air, followed by slightly louder barking. You look around once you get to the top, seeing nothing so far. You have a good view, though. There are three hills in front of you. The first one seems to be very small, the middle one was steep but tall, and the last one was steep and short. A. Small Hill B. Steep & Tall C. Steep & Short D. Stay and watch from the hill you're on
Wolves019 You climb the fence, luckily it's not too tall, but tall enough you couldn't just jump over it. Once inside the goat fence, you peer into the darkness. You can't see anything too well, but you can make out shelves along a wall and the wall blocking the sunlight from here. There seems to be some bleating echoing off the walls, but it's not too loud A. Check Shelves B. Continue looking around
The Amethyst You pick up the doeling and press her securely against you. She's a bit heavier than you expected, but not too heavy. She rests her head against your shoulder. You climb over the fence, going to where the buckling cant so you can't hurt him. Hopping down from the other side, you place the doeling on the ground and hold her leash instead. A. Go over to the Buckling and untie him B. Pet the gray doeling C. Lead the doeling over to the buckling and pet them both
StarDarc You decide to stay and watch from the hill you're on. After a while of waiting, you see a flash coming around on of the hills. Another flash followed it, and you seen one was black and white, one fluffy and white, their eyes full of playfulness. They ran around on the ground between the hills. After a few moments, they stop, then look at you. The white one barks at you. A. Get out Dog Treats B. Stay still and do nothing
The Amethyst You walk over to the buckling and untie him. The gray doeling follows you as she has no choice. She seems to trust you a bit more now, and she walks up to the brown buckling and headbutts him, as if saying she was above him in the hierarchy. You notice that the gray one appears as if she would grow a beard, compared to the buckling. A. Use Trimmers on doeling (Uses: 20, would go to 19) B. Let her be C. Use Trimmers on Both, two uses would be used