Meadow-10 mush Mythical Garden- 30 mush
Field-20 mush Forest-25 mush
Meadow- common horse coat
Field-Chance at rarer colors and patterns
Forest- Rare colors and patterns
Mythical Garden- Unusual Horses
Rope (you need this) 10 Mush (if you pay for several you can catch several horses at a time, say you pay for 4 ropes you can get 4 horses)
Feather-30 mush
Reddish Egret Feather- 35 mush
Magic Gem- 30 mush
Feather- Chance at a Patterned Horse
Reddish Egret Feather- Chance at Horse with Legendary Coat
Magic Gem- Increased Chances at Catching an unusual horse ( Forest, Meadow and Field only)
Apple-5 mush
Carrot-5 mush
Sugar Cube (to increase the chances of catching a rare horse)- 10 mush
Order Form!
Pack Name and Number-
I Hope you Enjoy this! - Mystic River <3
PS- Horses that have not been captured will be Re-Posted.
EDIT PLEASE READ!: Please try and pay when i post that your accepted. i won't start it unless you pay for it then because i have a hard time keeping track of wheter or not someone pays.