A Canine’s Philosophy
I honestly don’t remember when I actually fell in love with you
Maybe it was the day we met
Or the second
But it’s like you grabbed me
Not in the bad way
It was like holding me back from jumping
Jumping to my death
You held onto that leash of mine
That red-string leash that tied us together
I don’t even think you knew you had it
But I remember thinking of you every time I wanted to die
The fact I hadn’t kissed you yet made my heartbeat go crazy
Just the thought of you made my face red
Every time I heard your name or caught your scent I felt butterflies
I no longer feel them, for they have made a home in my stomach
They’re still there
Still flapping for you
I remember you forcing me to play games
Forcing me to to step out of my comfort zone
You broke me out of my shell
You made me realize that life is worth living
I wanted to die, to leave the earth and never come back
But it was you I always thought of as I watched the lines on my wrists redden
I’d do anything for you because you saved my life
I love you like a dog
I love you like I’ve got missing limbs for you
I love you like every second is slowly getting me closer to your lips
I honestly just want a kiss
I don’t care if we end up making out
I just want you to know that I’m deeply in love with you
You could hit me and I’ll come back
I love you like a dog
I love you so much my heart aches until it explodes and I pick up the pieces
Once I put it back together, I just keep on loving you
I don’t care if my food bowl is empty or that my fur is unkempt.
I would pant over you until you pet me.
I would scratch at the door to be let in.
I would pace the house, waiting for you to come home.
I would sleep at the foot of your bed.
I would howl your favorite songs.
I would growl at the people who made you cry.
I would lick away your tears.
I would whine for just a kiss.
I would lay at your grave all day and all night just for my body to decay.
I would then love you like a rotten dog.
Sometimes I question myself
Am I just being a hopeless romantic?
Am I just holding onto the past?
Am I just faking it at this point?
I love you so much
I love you
I love you
I love you
Get that through your head
I don’t care if you move on
I’ll still love you and my heart will still be in pain
Because the person I stayed alive for
The person who saved my life
Doesn’t know they have
I love you so fucking much
I love you
I love you
I love you
Lord all i want is you
I don’t want flowers I don’t want diamonds
I want you
I want you so badly
Your name still makes me perk up
I’d do anything for you
I’d rip out my guts and put them on display for you just so you can see the real me
I’d bite you so I can taste your sweet blood and kiss the mark
I’d kiss you until our lips become swollen
If a kiss is the beginning of cannibalism,
Then I want you to devour me
I love you so much that you even fucked up my poetry
Now every single word is about you
I’m so deeply in fucking love with you
I love you
I love you
I love you
[mod edit: one line removed. pg-13 topics only please.]