
Also, Determined, I am also very indecisive, I can't make decisions quickly ever XD

Ahhhhh as soon as you talked about angst, I instantly remembered that I forgot I had an angsts story for Cal- (yayyyy! I am glad I am not the only one.)

Do you, too, possess the decision-making skills of a squirrel on the road?


Then you have not seen the squirrels that populate my roads.

This may be true, but you also haven't seen me standing in the aisle at a store for an hour starring awkwardly while trying to decide if I want a package of donuts or a chocolate bar and having a silent panic attack for doing so because people are probably judging me and I can't come to a conclusion about what I want because what if my mom or friend wanted something different even though I probably won't be sharing anyway? XD I'm a mess.

Also, Overthink, about the shapeshifter powers. When you said that everyone was going to be mega OP, and that my character would need it. I may have fallen into the rabbit hole of power considerations, as one does. So, question time. Can Tyler shift into something as small as a molecule or bacteria cell, or something just so small no one can see it without magnification? And if so, would he survive being inhaled? Because turning into an oxygen molecule, getting inhaled, and then shifting back inside of a person sounds absolutly terrifying. I will not be sleeping for the next week because of this.

Oof, that's a mood. Though for me, it's usually 'Cheetos, Lays, or Doritos'?

Ah, yes, chips are also a problem. UwU

Also, I'm going to have nightmares about that shifting question as well, that sounds terrible.