I spun a wheel, So, you can now make secondary characters, but I won't rearrange the roles we have already. What that means is that I'll simply add them to the list so the spots for others are still open. And I'll only add the secondary characters to the list after my own one is done to make me not freak out <3
Yeah yeah, I link my characters instead of posting them with everyone else to keep it cleaner in the forum ^^ gAwd- I do not mess around with build mode, I just mess with the occults ^^" I have around 500 hours in the game and not once have I touched build mode, it's kinda a hyperfixation don't mind how much time that is
Hurrah for the wheel! . So are we going to go ahead with the plan, Overthink? (Now I wanna make a nickname for you but I suck at coming up with them lol)
Oooo, very fun! Very excited to bring in Sao! - Tereine, then!
We can totally go ahead with the idea, Tereine! And no worries about figuring out a nickname lmao Terebinth Wolves said: Hurrah for the wheel! . So are we going to go ahead with the plan, Overthink? (Now I wanna make a nickname for you but I suck at coming up with them lol)
@Overthink Awesome ^^ . I make new characters for each rp and I have no idea what my girl's personality(or appearance) is going to be like so, what kind of girl is Sao into? Just so I can make my character extra appealing lol
Honestly, no clue- She was originally an NPC nurse for a short story (I say short but it's two parts long and each part is over 5000 words and I might need to write a third part-) and I love her too much not to use her as an actual character now So. Yeah. If you want to wait for her sheet to be up so you can figure out what type of person would compliment her well then that'd be fine lol
Oops, yeah- Uhhh Sorry about that lmao The Tea Drinkers said: Ooop I missed a lot >.>
Yeah, that's not very short Imao But anyways, yeah, I'll probably just wait until you get yours out. I'll work on the stuff I do know about my character in the meantime.