
I wrote that he got into bed around 4am, so I'd say all in all 3-4am would be the time frame.
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Your characters can be posted for a later time (say 6-8am? it's literally up to y'all), my post was just setting up for the next day, unless someone wanted their character to interact with Ikaris before then. Edited at July 26, 2023 12:28 AM by Voxtexy
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EEEEEEEEEEE Voxtexy said: Mayhaps.
I had a 2k word response whipped up and just kinda made wee little tweaks to it. I may go back in here in a sec to see if there's anything I forgot to edit lol

Okay, I'll post Raven tomorrow. I'm on the fence about bringing back her half brother xD. Voxtexy said: Your characters can be posted for a later time (say 6-8am? it's literally up to y'all), my post was just setting up for the next day, unless someone wanted their character to interact with Ikaris before then.
What do you think? She dropped rank due to grief over her brother which is why she is no longer the beta female and simply a hunter. ??? I sorta missed the beta position for her xD I was going to have him die anyway to the beast to stir up drama :")
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Briar going to check on Ikaris becaus he definitely was up at the ass crack of dawn waiting in the dark like a mother but he chose to say nothing and wait. But Ikaris will be getting his wounds treated properly 😤

I'll post later tonight hopefully ^^

Fangsoffire, That sounds like it could work!! If the pack playing the beta female doesn't hop on within a few days, that spot may actually open up (if that spot would interest you, lemme know!).
SPB, Ikaris thinking he was 100% sneaky, but in truth he was not lmao
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Briar be like , " There can be only one sneaky bitch in this household 🥱 "

Whelp, it took me too long to type that up xD
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Small question, and sorry if it's somewhere and I missed it. What season is it? I'm writing my thing and it's in the fall catagory but I don't want it to be like summer and blistering heat while I'm talking about cool wind lol.