Now this is kinda like an art blog but its a step by step tutorial on how I draw. There is no right way to draw, if youre confident on what youre doing trust me. It will look FINE. And I swear I will slap anyone who says theyre bad at art. NO ONE is bad at art, just unpracticed. Im not kidding I will slap you. Then give you ice cream to make you feel better :D
Ok, so if you have a question ASK. I will not bite! I would ask that you dont line art my designs and use them. You can only use and post these on THIS forum unless given permission by me! If you have requests for other tutorials post it! If you try this out for yourself PLEASE post it here! Id love to see them! Or even if you want some pointers on somthing that is completely of your design. Post it in up here! And Ill definitely help you out! I wont turn down questions, I wont even turn down a friend request!
If you have something private to ask or request I do, do commissions so just pm me!
If you do commission art from me I will probably ask if I can show how I do it down here, so thats part of the reson you cant use any of my designs without permission. :p
Ok! Well onto the mane show! I hope you find this helpful my fellow artists!