So - After receiving quite a few votes on a poll - I created a cleaner and slightly more detailed reference sheet. This species is a Poignant ~ pronounced poy - nyant ~ all credits to me as it is my species which I created a few years back.
Detailed Expression Headshots - Incomplete Sheet
Unshaded Piece - Incomplete Ref
- No design - Shaded Piece - Incomplete Ref
- A simple design - Rushed Finish - Incomplete Ref Sheet
- Restricted Design - Incomplete Ref Sheet
Would be willing to provide players with a shaded + non shaded version
It is not finalised yet - edits to come and more refining in queue, however before I create a fully coloured, shaded and finished piece, I'm curious as to what pricings you feel would fit best and how these pieces should be sold.
My questions are -
If you'd buy these as premades - would be sold in batches of maybe three in an auction - what do you think would be a reasonable SB and AB for these reference sheets?
Obviously this is based more off of the sheet than what the design will turn out to be - however I don't want to spend hours creating the example on a sheet if people aren't a fan of certain aspects.
If you'd buy these as a YCH in a shop - should the sheets be available in pick what you want and/or in packages? (e.g 500 mush for a full body, colour pallet etc) How much would you pay for a very customised sheet (expressions, poses etc chosen by you) or for a more basic reference sheet - either the current or a downgraded version?
I'm not sure about using these in an adoptable format - if so it would probably have chibi versions of this species rather than fully fledged ones as in example - possibly in a reference sheet format but if so it'd obviously be minimal. Any thoughts or opinions on whether I should or shouldn't do adopts of these are welcome.
Finally, I'm more than open to any suggestions, changes, additions or subtractions from the reference sheet itself. While I'm still editing it - getting people's thoughts on what should/shouldn't be on both a premade version and YCH sheet would always be helpful. Feel free to PM me on any questions in particular about Poignant or of the sort alike