Hey there, random person reading this! I want to possibly start making dragon adopts, but I have no idea what to make base pricing. So, if I were to potentially do dragon adopts here on site, where do you think I should price these?
They will entirely be my art. Each dragon would be unique, since for every single one, I would start it from scratch. Which means every dragon will be sketched, lined, and colored depending on the user's request. It would be made on this "base" you can see provided below. I say "base" because it would just be in that same general pose, but I would still redraw every one since I want them to be unique. With different body shapes, head shapes, horn styles, tails, wings, etc.
Example below is one that I made for myself, and to show the pose for the "base." Enjoy my heavy watermark LOL
So, what do yall think my starting/base price should be, if I ever do consider it?