• ARLO •
Age: Just turned 4
Gender: Male
Species: Cat
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Aroma: Pine with a hint of charcoal
Breed: Maine Coon 93% - American Bobtail 7%
Rank: Warrior
Arlo is a very handsome cat, standing at quite a tall height, he towers over most in the clan. He has a very pretty coat, stripes adorning his ginger body. He has the traditional Maine Coon ears with the small tufts on the very tips, and a long plumed tail, which is perfect for balance. He has sharp claws and large paws. His entire body is covered in stripes, and his legs and tail are adorned with white rings.
He has handsome amber eyes, a small pink nose and pink inner ears. His body is well-muscled and strong, his large body is ideal for fighting and he has learned to hone his balance, so that it is almost point-perfect.
~ Wise ~ Loyal ~ Gruff ~ Calm ~ Skillful ~ Swift ~ Caring ~
Arlo is a very honored cat. Being quite a silently dominant male, he is respected and expects to be by the cats lower than him in ranking. Becoming a warrior was not exactly a great accomplishment for him, he just always knew that he would eventually take the position, as he earned it through skill, worthiness and trust. Well, he never always knew.
After his mother was killed, he had a span where Arlo honestly had no will to live. That period of time still haunts him to this day, but he is not afraid of it, not anymore. His mental state is sometimes quite fragile, however, and he hates it when cats mention anything about his past.
He is loyal to the clan, and despite his mixed emotions towards some members, he is willing to give the younger cats a chance, knowing that, if things went terribly wrong, he would make sure they never saw the clan territory again.
He is often gruff, annoyed by some of the younger and cocky fighters in the clan. Not kits though, he loves the babies of the clan. His enthusiasm levels change a lot, depending on if he is with other cats or not, and what their overall mood is portraying. He is often unforgiving to loners that come into the clan’s territory, and he can remember a face like the fur on his paw, so you had better be wary.
Arlo is a very skilled warrior, and he takes immense pride in his role. He is confident, and expects respect and co-operation from his fellow clan members. Any disrespect that he receives, he will react accordingly, but then again, he isn’t deliberately unkind.
Kin: Open
Crush: Open
Mate: Open
Kits: None as of yet??
Other: Sorry for the like massive delay XD, I just kinda forgot this even existed.