- N A M E -
- A G E -
7 Years
- G E N D E R -
Male - Masculine
- S P E C I E S -
African Wild Dog
- R O L E -
- A P P E A R A N C E -
Khalid is an average height for an African Wild Dog, with a lithe build that hides most of his bulk. He does have some strength, but his appearance gives him a misleading fragile stature that could be seen as submission if not for how confident his stance is. It's rare that you will see Khalid hanging his head down or tail between his legs, as his head is always up and his air exuding confidence and a slight bit of arrogance that he always carries with him. His coat is short but fluffy, composed mostly of a light tan brown color with black markings taking up his legs, lower shoulders, underbelly, and all the way up his chest to his muzzle and around his eyes.
His fur doesn't have much white on it, and the few spots you can see some poking through the black and tan storm of fur is on the nape, his tail tip, his lower legs, and on his elbows, all encased or outlined by various thicknesses of black. His eyes are a gentle honey looking color, accented by the small black rectangular mask around them that comes from his muzzle, and his claws are rather sharp, though he doesn't use them often in favor of using his teeth instead. Khalid limps a little on his front right leg from a birth defect that happened, and while it does affect his ability to move around sometimes he can usually function like an ordinary wild dog. His happy go lucky attitude is accentuated by his kind and free smile, and his pace is usually bouncy and quick when he trots due to his leg injury.
- P E R S O N A L I T Y -
Khalid is a very modest but stubborn individual. He turns down praise easily with a change of pace, able to shift the conversation from him to someone else. It's not that he's uncomfortable talking about himself, he just believes that attention is deserved elsewhere, to someone doing something more amazing than him. His stubbornness doesn't help with this. Khalid is very persistent as he is stubborn, refusing to relent on topics he deems important to address no matter what, yet also turning down any credit you may attempt to give him with amazing vigor. When he sets his mind to it, he makes sure that that task is done to the best of his ability and will see it through no matter what, even if it costs him something personal. Well, anything but his kin of course. Khalid holds his family in very very high priority. Nothing matters more to him than making sure they are or will be okay in the end, even if it makes them hate him. He can rest easy knowing where they are and that they can defend themselves, and would rather fret too much over them than too little.
He makes sure to always do his very best, even with the easiest or most harsh of tasks. Khalid hates abandoning things halfway or even after starting them, and being forced to do such will just leave him with a sour taste in his mouth and a bad attitude for the rest of the day. It makes him feel unaccomplished and fragile, like he didn't do it right and therefore may have harmed someone's chances at something. If he's snappy, don't take it to heart. Forgive and forget is something he often goes by, and will never take something personally. That said, it's a dumb thing that he also assumes the same with everyone else. While Khalid can acknowledge when he stepped seriously out of line and a matter needs a formal and sincere apology, he can also miss when he aggravates someone, maybe a little too much, which leads to fights. He will never back down from a challenge, especially an unjustified one, and will face the challenge head on until Khalid achieves either victory or is forced to conceive.
He is confident in himself and others, and places trust even when it might be misplaced. His ability is something he knows he can trust 100%, and is all for giving others a chance before he truly starts to judge them for their actions. Nobody is guilty until proven so. Fear is not in his dictionary, unless it's a matter between his family or life and death. He fears the end, yet thinks that he fears losing Nyx the most of all of his fears and will always seek ways to keep her from harm's way, maybe too much. Khalid keeps a very approachable feel to him, and he is an excellent listener. When you have a problem you just need to vent about, Khalid will always try and make time to just listen to your problems and try to offer you a kind word or just a listening ear. He never feels bothered or burdened, he's just happy to listen and assist in some kind of small way, even if he doesn't fully understand what all of the huff is about. Everyone needs a moment to just vent, even for the briefest of times.
- S T R E N G T H S -
- Good listener to others
- Patient to everyone
- Determined, no matter what the task
- Loyal to those who deserve loyalty
- W E A K N E S S E S -
- Persistent in every possible stupid way
- Unlogical, goes with his heart
- Gets attached too easily, can't make certain sacrifices without getting riled up
- Misplaces his trust in others, causes some issues
- M A T E / K I N -
- Not open to a mate
- Nyx (Sister - Red Ash)
- O T H E R -
The infection wasn't Khalid's fault, one of the sickly just got lucky while he was out getting some food
Goldens :D