
┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ Deianeira 'Neira' ┗━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┛ meaning: "slayer of man"
Age: Eight Gender: Female Pack: Dark Mountain Rank: Alpha Female Desired Rank: Content Appearance:
 [credit goes to Tiefenschaerfe on da] Personality: Adaptable || Admirable || Deceptive || Articulate || Challenging || Cunning || Conscientious || Decisive || Incisive || Leaderly || Modest || Observant || Reliable || Realistic || Wise || Fiery || Patient || Petty || Morbid at Times || Selfless || Hot-tempered || Logical || Bold || Outspoken || Poker Face || Stubborn There is no denying that Neira, while presenting herself as dignified and peaceful, has an unsettling side to her persona. She may be articulate, calm, and kind, but she can also be deceptive, morbid, and hot-tempered. It is no secret that she would go to great lengths for those she holds dear to her, no matter the consequence. She is open-hearted, and yet she would also kill if no other opportunity arises. She is maternal, and yet deceptive beyond belief. The female is a master at plotting, and when confronted, upholds an impressive poker face. Due to that, to those that do not understand her, it isn't certain whether she is being genuine, or simply acting at times. An overall observant and articulate creature, Neira seems to know things by simply watching. One would be surprised to find what information may be obtained by simply existing in the presence of another. Given her current persona, one may think that she remains in the sidelines, creeping about. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. Neira inserts herself into anything and everything, and when it doesn't involve her, she appears regardless. Bold and outspoken, she gives others input whether they asked for it or not. When denied, she grows stubborn, using her words to persuade others to look at things from her view. Needless to say, she can be a pest at times, as well as challenging. That isn't to say that she won't accept criticism. She will, and with an open mind and ear as well. In fact, she invites criticism so that she can make changes. The female is a rather incisive and leaderly individual, that much is certain. She looks out for the well-being of others, ensuring their survival. It is clear to see that she cares if others simply watch her. She has a large heart, though is simply guarded. Can one blame her? Regardless, if another requests her advice or presence, she will appear no matter the circumstance. If there is one thing that others should agree on, it is that Neira always does the right thing. That is the only thing others need to know about her. Let her be fiery, and let her be untrustworthy, but trust that she does everything she can for her pack. She is reliable, so even if others do not trust her, it doesn't matter. She will fight to help the cause she believes in, that much she has proven. Overall, Neira is a peaceful and kind female with a cunning mind. The side of her that remains deceptive and morbid remains reserved for those that wish to harm her pack, to which she will not hesitate to begin plotting against. Crush: Mate: Pups: Kin: Other: Edited at March 20, 2023 11:40 AM by Tenebris Umbra

Reserving Beta Female Of Dark Mountain Pack & Subordinate Of the Vendetta Pack

 Stock Images. All Images Credits to Dark-Wolfs-Stock Name: Mairea "Sweet; drop of the sea, bitter" Age: 5 Gender: Female Pack: The Vendetta Pack Rank: Subordinate Desired Rank: She's Content Appearance: A medium sized wolf at 1.6 meters in length from her nose to tail. She stands 2.0 feet at the withers, but she's tall for a female. Her coat is white mixed with tinges of silver and a few gray strands. The consistency of the fur is quite thick and healthy, and the female makes sure it's always clean with consistent grooming and mantince. Her nose is black in color. Her optics are a striking amber/reddish color against the usually yellowish-brown colors that those with white fur have. Her legs are long and slender as is her physical appearance making it seems like she's always in a hurry somewhere, and it also makes her quite nimble and agile. Her paws are quite large and dainty, but her claws are quite long and curved at the tips, but she keeps them sharp and are deadly tools for hunting. Personality: Do you see how she shines? Can you hear her heart of pure gold? How the honey seeps through her voice - how caldor runs through her veins. A soul, naturally kind and empathetic to all : no matter the cost. One who would suffer for you, rather than see you suffer. One who would throw herself to take a blow, even if it meant the ending of her own life. She views it as a disease - a disease, called empathy. In her heart, she knows she would give every last drop of her blood if it could save the soul of one she loved. A female, who would take a wounded and tortured soul - and mend and heal them even to her detriment. One who would give until she couldn't give anymore. A canine that would sacrifice herself for the greater good - she with a heart full of courage can be quite self-destructive. One that doesn't know her full worth - she knows she's worthy, but exactly how worthy is she? Her mind always swirling with malignent thoughts. Ones that frighten and anger her, it seems something is lurking beneath this kind and honorable exterior - something vicious and cold , something that would tear apart her soul. They say the eyes are the window into the soul - well it seems this soul is pure and delicate, yet one would have to look deeper within her to find the buried side of her. This female - with her warm and inviting eyes, her honied voice and sense of charm brights light and laughter whereever she goes. It seems she finds herself at the center of attention, while it make appear she basks and enjoys it - she finds it suffocating. Something that makes her want to retreat and hide. Yes, she may attract attention, yet she doesn't like a lot of it. Something aout other around her sends chills down her spine, makes her unnerved. Maybe it's a natural skepticism of others? This female isn't easy to trust others, no - she just doesn't wear her heart out on her sleeve. Why should she - being overly kind makes you a target - one easily expoitable, and she doesn't need others toying with said heart, she's had it broken and shattered many times and it's - tiring - tiring to find the scattered pieces and bring her heart together because someone was so careless as to take a fragile thing and break it. Yes, she is kind and empathetic. She is selfless and aimable, but that's if she trusts you. Naturally, she wouldn't dare be impolite if she hasn't found an offence with you, but if she does then her voice will be more clipped with you. And there will be a certain level of judgement within her eyes, ones that callously scan over you. Oh, yes, she is opinionated and feels strongly about certain things, and isn't afraid to tell you. While she can be tactful and mildly speak her displeasure, there is a side in which she will bluntly set you aright - but you must really annoy - no, agrivate her to this point. For her to make friends with others that seem unplesant, they must've done something to make her see through them. Yes, she has a keen eye - one always watch, asorbing every little detail she sees. It's quite uncommon for her to miss out on something.  They say the brightest smiles have endured deep darkness. And their is something dark and monsterous hidden deep within the female. She always wasn't so kind and forthgiving - she was angry at the world, cold as ice. Her golden heart had been full of tar, a soul so dark it seemed no redemption for it could be found. Yet - she was resilient, she fought against these desires, ones that made her a less desirable creature. One that could be quite coniving and malicious - a female who would destroy anything in her way, and would sacrifice the world for acceptance. Maybe it's a deep rooted desire for affection when it wasn't given or a desire for love when she was told she'd be unlovable for her monstorus nature. Love and power are quite a funny thing to her. Love - is something she gives only to a select few. It is an unconditional love, one that wouldn't care if this person was a tyrant or godforsaken murderer, they would be hers , and only hers. It can turn into a dark obsession if the cards are played wrong - one that can lead to gentle and subtle manipulation, because she would do anything for them, but she's also not a fool. Who's to say she isn't a little - off ? Now when it comes to power, she quite enjoys the thought of it. Who wouldn't enjoy a lofty position? She isn't one to be overly ambitious, but the monstrous part of her is. Amibition is something she has kept in check within her - she knows if she lets it take control, then she'd be hellbent on controlling everything she could, and being the best. There would be no room in her heart for anything or anyone, and this side of her terrifies her. This female is loyal - loyal to the fact that she knows every rule and regulation by heart. She is loyal to the matter, that she'd never betray her home, or those around her she trusts. However, she isn't one to bow at a whim, she must have respect for you - she must find you worthy in her eyes. Yes, she won't disobey superiors, but she doesn't like being lower than them. In her actions and mannerisms, she's content and happy with her role, but she in a way does desire something grander. If she were to ever achieve a higher rank, she would hold that rank with grace and class. As of now, she appreciates the superiors and stays in her lane. She doesn't apprecite members of the same rank ordering her around, and she will express it with a clear sign. Be it a flash of her fangs, a quick paw swipe, or plain ignoring them. They are on the same level, and she treats them like it, those below her are different. She is one to not tolerate disrespect from anyone - even higher ranks, but of course her tounge remains shut, however if someone lower than her disrespected her then she'd find some way to vent: whether she finds pummeling them helpful, speaking in a venomous manner, or just plain waiting to scare the shit out of them. Even the most benevolent souls, have a vindictive side when they're at their limits. She's trying to remain positive and upbeat but, something's changing. Something is unraveling within her, a monster that has been nourished - one that's ready to bear it's fangs.  Crush: None. Open. Mate: None. Open Offspring: None. Other:

Stock Images. All credits to Dark-Wolfs-Stock on DA Name: Ráðgríðr Age: Five Gender: Female Pack: The Dark Mountain Pack Rank: Beta Female Desired Rank: As of now she's satisfied Appearance: This female has quite a lovely coat. One that is versatile for hunting writhing different seasons like spring, summer, and fall. However it would stick quite out in winter. The face of this female is the darkest area of the female aside from her spine , she has black fur around her face almost like a mask upon it. Intermixed with it are shades of vermillion and oranges that trail down her snout to her coal colored nose. Under said colors is a beautiful whitish-cream color that extends to her throat and chest, down to her legs and some of her underbelly. Along the spine of her back is a patch of mixed black, reddish-brown, and tan fur. It reminds one of a dark autumn forest. Her tail is thick and fluffy with the browns, greys, and reds intermixed and black tip at the end of it. Her fur is soft in some areas but is also rough in other parts. This female is quite stocky yet lithe in appearance. It is quite obvious she's built for both speed and power, however one can see power as her strength due to her muscled frame when she moves. She stands at 32 inches and weighs around 107lbs and 110 when she eats good. So a healthy mixture of power and speed but leaning more so to power. This female has an assortment of scars hidden under her pelt and this is where the rougher fur lay. It's quite obvious someone or something inflicted these markings onto her, signs of a troubled childhood. Her body is a well oiled machine adept for hunting and fighting and possibly scouting, but at what cost? This female has a feminine face. Her posture is always regal whether she is just sitting or standing, it's just something that commands and demands respect or attention. If that didn't unsettle you then it would be her oddly colored eyes, they being an almost translucent blue - they just seem to just stare into your soul. Her claws and fangs are also both weapons that she can use quite well. This female has a scent of belladonna or nightshade, a sickeningly sweet yet dangerous scent. Personality: "Paint me as the villainess all you like - you're just jealous my life has more spice." The first think you notice about this female are her more undesirable traits. This female is rather cold and callous, she speaks her mind when she so pleases and she doesn't hold back. No, she is blunt and straightforward - after all someone has to be that right? It would be a waste of time to make a situation seem like kittens and rainbows when in reality it snakes and poison. She is the type of person to be brutally honest with you and slap some sense into you when you're doing something dumb - you hurt your self by running too fast, "Why the fuck were you running so fast dumbass, slow down next time - or maybe next time don't try and run." Sarcasm and apathy is something else she's good at - her words just ooze sarcasm and annoyance at times. She's quite the master of the eye roll, cold glare, and grumbling under her breath. She acts like she doesn't care when in reality she does, her apathy is rather directed towards those not within her group or circle. If someone she didn't like or know was begging on their knees for help, she'd rather see their head on a stake or ignore them. Unless she is forced to work with them - she doesn't give two shits about them. She also doesn't care what others say about her, but if it comes back to her - then there will be a problem once she finds out who starts it. And don't dare let it be someone close to her - someone will have a new scar on them, or possibly "accidentally" found in a river. Some more undesirable traits of this female includes her more manipulative and predatory nature. This female is a skilled manipulator, she has found a way to push the right buttons to get when she wants when she wants. It's quite something scary to watch - one moment she can go from crying to straight up a demon from hell. Many don't see this side, after all those in her pack don't need to see it, unless they've done something to anger her or she's trying to find out something. Yes, she uses this skill for both good and bad. It can be helpful if she wants to find out something about someone - especially if the person is being stubborn and won't outright say it. It can also be an intimidating factor, because who in the hell would want to see such a scary side of her? Now - if you're someone that doesn't belong to her pack then you'll see her more sadistic and predatory side - the glint in her eye when she find out she can do with you as you please for offending her or her pack. Just the idea of ripping someone's fur off or getting the chance to verbally berate and taunt someone for being an idiot excites her - and my, does she verbally disassemble them. Loners will experience no mercy from her - as she has no sympathy for them, unless they in the future become a pack member she'll never apologize for her actions towards them . When loners come across her , she's a cold and venomous creature who will inflict injury on them if they don't listen or disobey her.  Aside from her more undesirable nature, she does have redeeming qualities. While she may appear to be apathetic - in fact she's a natural emph. She's is well aware and in tune with the moods and natures of others. This can also be due to her more observant nature - she enjoys watching others from the background, just getting a read off them from their conversations and who they affiliate with. She is the type of person to show her love in her deed rather than her words - saying you love her or care for her isn't enough. You must prove it, the only people who don't have to do this are those in her family because they automatically hold a special place within her heart - the only way they don't is if they find a way to break her trust. To her words are fickle, you must prove yourself in your actions - she's not easily impressed . To truly impress her and earn her respect is a rare thing and something admirable. This female is also a natural leader despite her other qualities, she knows how to take control when needed - she's one to be honest with those she leads and she would gladly sacrifice herself for them. Sure, she may call them idiots or be a bit mean to them, but that's her way of showing her love, even if she's being blunt and uncaring - her criticism is almost always right. She makes it a point of being right - she never wants to be wrong, so when she is and someone gets hurt a piece of her dies. However, if she's right and no one listened - then she will be angry. This female is also protective of those she cares for. She is also highly intelligent, wise, and very cautious and calculating. To this female family + close friends are first priority in her life and then her pack. Those two are the more important things within her life - and she'll be damned if any of them got hurt. She is very protective of them - you can see the glare she gives you if you're making her friend uncomfortable or the snarl she gives if you dare disrespect anyone in her family. No - she will find herself digging her claws into your throat until you're in a miserable state begging for mercy. The children of her friends are her adopted nieces and nephews - end of disussion. This female is very intelligent - afterall how can she have such well place sarcastic and snarky rebutals or be manipulative when needed? She is always thinking ahead, plotting and analyzing - yes, she always has a plan, even if doesn't go right she can improvise. Always cautious - she's not one to go blindly into something nor does she get angry without reason. Her anger also isn't explosive [unless she is on her very last nerve.] it's more of a calm and calculated anger. Yes, this is one lady you do not want to cross, because she will put you through hell. Kin: Open Affiliations: Open Crush: None Mate: None Pups: None Other: This female won't be anyone's dog. Edited at March 20, 2023 12:56 PM by Spellbound

Bǫlverkr meaning: malefactor or evil-doer Age: Five Gender: Masculine Pack: Dark Mountain Rank: Subordinate Desired Rank: Does not Care Appearance:
 [credit goes to Khalliysgraphy on da] A male of behemoth proportions due to his genes, Bǫlverkr stands at over the average height at 35 inches. His physique is a lithe yet muscular one, his legs giving him much of his height, as well as his fur being long and spiked at his neck. His body looks lanky, almost awkward from a distance with hardly any muscle, but don't underestimate him. Bǫlverkr's muscle is hidden beneath his pelt and can be seen easily in his chest and hind legs. He is stronger than he looks. By all means, he welcomes all to test it out if they truly don't believe him. In terms of colouration, the male has unique colours with a mainly red tint. His entire pelt has a red/orange hue with black being overlayed on the top in an almost peppered look. Upon that black is a white layered upon that, and so on. His legs and underbelly are made up of a cream that is tinted with red once more. It's as if his coat is split into two. The bottom half, from his stomach to his paws, is a cream colour, while the top half is much darker, as if he's wearing a hood or coat of sorts. His eyes are an amber and quite menacing/intimidating, often staring into the distance with a sense of blankness in them. Bǫlverkr's voice is a deep, raspy sound, and his scent consists of a strong smell of smoke, almost like a forest fire. Additionally, the male has several scars upon his pelt ranging in both size and depth. Personality: Cunning - Manipulative - Resilient - Skilled - Opinionated - Ambitious - Selfless - Slightly Malevolent (?) - Aggressive - Vindictive - Determined - Loyal - Quick on his feet Bǫlverkr is a male of complex personality. Is he bad? Is he good? Could be be both? Upon first encounter, it is clear that he isn't.. right in the head. Indeed, he is most often seen mumbling to himself and snarling, telling others to "shut up" when nobody is speaking. Bǫlverkr has intrusive thoughts and is a tad bit crazed in that manner. However, this comes in waves for him, only when something sets him off or stresses him out. The male is cunning for starters, able to think quickly and come up with different plans for a certain situation. He could deceit anything and anyone and is rather good when it comes to trickery. So, in a way, he is fairly intelligent.. simply in a manipulative, scheming sort of way. Indeed, Bǫlverkr is fairly manipulative, able to twist words and control things in order to get what he wants. On rare occasions, he also gaslights. A simple, "I'm sorry you think that." Or, "I don't recall that." often escapes his lips in order to harm or confuse the one he's conversing with. Granted, there are times where he will admit that he's wrong, but if he strongly believes that he's right, then it's a difficult argument to win. Now, he isn't all that bad. After all, he has some good traits. For one, he's resilient, always recovering rapidly in difficult situations. The moment he gets knocked down, he jumps back up again. Bǫlverkr doesn't like showing weakness, so even if truly hurt or in pain, he will simply carry on as if nothing is wrong. Though it is a rare thing for him to get hurt. You see, Bǫlverkr is highly skilled. He's skilled in hunting, in fighting, in leading, in thinking, in killing, you name it. Does he think of himself better than others? Perhaps, though he strives to help others and teach them what he knows, so it cancels out. Right? As if his cockiness isn't bad enough, he's also opinionated. He's bold with his words, too, and can be quite good with them. He deceives easily, so of course he could use his words well, always choosing the proper vocabulary and knowing how to twist words around. That's perhaps the most eerie thing about him. That, and the way he stares at others, as if he could see right into their very soul. Slightly malevolent, Bǫlverkr is the type to inflict harm upon an enemy without a second thought. In fact, he is malevolent towards anybody not bonded with. Call him sadistic, but he simply thinks of himself as weary. These are difficult times that need difficult measures. He's simply adapting. So yes, he will inflict harm and pain upon another, sometimes out of spite, sometimes for fun. He doesn't really care. Would he kill another? Sure. He has no empathy towards a stranger or others. In a sense, he does act like a psychopath at times and slightly mad, but despite being complex and rather evil in a sense, Bǫlverkr is a good individual at times. He has some good qualities. He puts those he bonds with before anything for starters and can be selfless towards them. However, it's difficult to explain. You see, Bǫlverkr does care about others, though only when he bonds with them. It is then when he becomes possessive, obsessed even, seeing them as objects rather than individuals. Each individual he bonds to is "added" to his collection, as if they're jewels or something inanimate. He treats them as individuals, but something about the way he refers to them can be questionable. Regardless, yes, he's hurtful, manipulative, and so on, but he cares for those he bonds with, and that should say something. I mean, Bǫlverkr doesn't care for anything, but he cares for his friends. Not to mention he's loyal, always doing anything for them to ensure that they have an easier life. He is also ambitious and determined for them. Like mentioned before, he's possessive and obsessed, but in such a way that he wants a better outcome for them. Then again, Bǫlverkr himself isn't sure of his intentions. He isn't good with emotions nor understands them. Loyalty and respect is big for Bǫlverkr. He treats both with great importance. If somebody told him that they loved him, wonderful, but if they said that they trusted and respected him? He would take that information right to his heart. Thus, if undermined or seeing himself or another be disrespected, Bǫlverkr grows rather enraged, a sight one never wishes to see. Despite being manipulative, bad, slightly cruel, Bǫlverkr is also honest. He is one to never lie. Twist words, yes, but lie? No, even a wolf such as himself knows not to. The male is a wolf that keeps his word and sees through it, yet another good quality when it comes to him. Not to mention he is also welcome to company. One need not ask to approach him for anything. Yes, he can kill without a second thought, yes, he is deranged, and a murderer, but he's nice towards those in his pack. He wouldn't do anything to them, not unless truly motivated. So, while he's bad, he's also good in a complex, intelligent, psychopathic, twisted way. Crush: None Mate: None Pups: None Kin: Ráðgríðr is his sister
Edited at March 20, 2023 12:51 PM by Tenebris Umbra