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[ Gender ]
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[ Species ]
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[ Abilities ]
As is typical for the Illopir species, Frivrir possesses a tail with sharp spikes running from base to tip, acting as projectiles when the tail is flicked at a quick enough speed; his aim is true and deadly, with the velocity of his spikes enough to impale straight through a human should they get in the way. He can run at the speed of a cheetah, if not slightly faster, but takes time to build up to said speed rather than going straight from still to sprinting. He cannot properly breathe fire but can release green sparks to act as a warning before he relies on his defensive tail or deadly bite.
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[ Appearance ]
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[ Personality ]
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[ Backstory ]
Frivrir was hatched in a large clutch as any other Illopir dragon; not all were his siblings, but all of the females would nest and raise their young together as a unit. A species that thrives in packs, the Illopir females all came together at the end of their once-a-century breeding season to raise the next generation safely for their first hundred years.
He would spend these first hundred years learning how to behave and how to keep himself alive in their island home, both in and out of the water. After reaching the age to leave his mother's side, he and the other males of the brood had left and formed their own bachelor pod to provide for and protect one another.
It was here, over time, that the males would begin a struggle for dominance. The larger males all wanted to have control over the pack, and ultimately have the most rights in their pecking order. They all wanted to eat first, control the hunt, control the movement, and have the priority when the reproductive season came.
Through a long battle with other Illopir dragons, Frivrir would ultimately win and take control over the group. As little is known about the hunting habits and lifestyles the Illopir adapted after leaving Agros, sailors would report back to the mainland about the "Dragonlord", a young male dragon in charge of over a dozen other males of the same age and similar sizes.
At the tugging of his bond, Frivrir would leave his pack; he fought with each challenger, and would leave control of the group to the new champion.