Eva is a small woman. She barely breaches 5 feet and has a petite, willowy build. She's as light as a feather and, while it is clear that she has muscle, it is certainly not anywhere near enough for her to be considered intimidating. She has strength; it just manifests in the iron grip of an elder who knows all of the pressure points to snap.
Many of her un-bonded friends are dead or shrivelling away, but she remains ageless. Her features are neither old nor young. In the right light, she could be mistaken for a girl in her early twenties. In another scene, she could be much older than she actually is. She moves with the agility and grace of a woman in her prime, perhaps early thirties.
Her face is smooth and wrinkle free except for creases at the corners of her eyes and prominent furrow marks on her forehead. Her eyebrows are always knit together, it seems. Fairy-like features adorn her face: a slightly upturned nose, large gray eyes, and soft lips are set in a paler complexion. Her straight hair is white enough to put snow to shame, though it was once a moderate brown; only her eyelashes and eyebrows remain that color.
Expert Healer || Easily Irritated || Down-to-Earth || Takes no Crap || Motherly || Steadfast || Intense || Observant || Snarky
Crush: None
Mate: Open
Offspring: Open