[Open for reservation while i get everything ready, I'm still getting the example images and my idea down]
- WP Rules
- Character must fit into lore.
- Type 1 paragraph+ replies or at least semi paragraphs.
These beings are able to turn into humans and were intertwinded with them, they were doctors, teachers, wealthy buisness owners and even presidents. They eventually cut ties and are only exsistant in the human fiction and through verbal story telling. They live in hard to reach areas excluded from humans, they still have adapted to some of their ways such as writing and human language. They are more comfortable being in their dragon form and can grow to be as tall as 30 feet and as long as 50 feet from snout to tail. They can also have powers such as light and dark magic, super human strength and reflexes, extreme flexability and siren like abilities. They are like some species of snake that their young hatch inside and they give "birth" shelless. They age rapidly from 0-8, then steadily from 9-15, at 16-600 they grow very slowly. They come in many colors and many patterns, they can be speckles, splashed, marbled, metalic, matte and teaxtured. They are named at the age of 12 when they have found their skill and/or made a great accomplishment, very rarely their personality.
Offspring and mates of Mothers and the Goddess get an instant "shield" around their reputations and ranks
Offspring and mates of Mothers and the Goddess get an instant "shield" around their reputations and ranks
There is a secret to the tribe though...
The Goddess and her trusted council know this as well as the Mothers' apprentice after a few ywars of mentorship.
They choose who survives and who advances in their tribe, they will kill any members who retaliate or seem weak and fragile. They make it appear as an accident and brush off anything that can harm their reputations as leaders.
Will everyone find out...???
Ranking System:
Ranking System:
Refered to as "Little One" until they get their name.
Regular/ Basic Rank:
They are often called by their names, depending on age is depending on how high they are in this category since males cannot advance to a higher rank. Males at age 16+ take on Sister duties.
These are like the assistants to all, very few are chosen to be apprenticed by the next highest rank. They are often artisans, librarians, hatchling-care helpers, basic necessary roles.
These are the council of the highest rank and take on a specific topic to help the tribe move smoothly, they apprentice Sisters' who can exceed in the branch, they will either replace the Mother when they are dead or when they are demoted/ retire. Mother of Herbs and Healing is the only Mother who apprentices many but she only chooses one out of the group to be qualified to take her rank.
(Ranks of Mothers from lowest to highest)
Mother of Herbs and Healing
Mother of Law and Education
Mother of War and Order
Mother of Magic and Spirituality
This is the highest ranking female and is seen as the master of all talents, they have mastered the duties of all four mothers. She has one apprentice that is BEYOND any basic apprentice, she rarely has apprentices to apprentice because many don't meet the requirements.
RP Roles:
- Open
Mother of Magic and Spirituality:
- Open
- Open
Mother of War and Order:
- Open
- Open
Mother of Law and Education:
- Open
- Open
Mother of Herbs and Healing:
- Open
- Open
- Open
Tribe Member (Mature Male):
- Open
Trribe Member (Juvenile):
Little Ones:
- Open
Each Mother and the Goddess has their own dens, each pretty large.
(When you get this role you can decorate your den how ever, let me know the description so I can put)
Tree House Area:
This area is full of tree houses, the beings chose if they want to be in their dragon forms, human forms or hyrbid forms.
Cave Housing Area:
These spaces are mainly those for who like isolation, these caves are on the out skirts of their territory.
Food Forest:
These beings haven't transitioned into the "modern" version of planting.
They use the method of everything growing in harmony to not disturb and ruin their ecosystem.
Cherry Blossom Forest:
This area is mainly for meditation and wedding ceremonies.
Many witches come here to have peace and walk around thinking.
Main Cave:
This cave starts off as one giant room with a large table and often books and such for tribe meetings, the halls extend from that main room and often lead to stocks of food and recourses.
Crystal Forest:
This is the witches dream, this is an area full of massive crystal clusters and pillars, all in different colors.
Floating Waterfalls:
This area is the sacred area for burrials and aloneness. This is for the spirits to rest and be at peace.
Nickname (Optional):
Profession (If not Mother or Goddess):
Sexual Orientation:
Magical Abilities Present?: