
9/10 Good fact, but disgusting. 🤮 -- The term “OK” probably comes from a misspelling of the phrase “all correct.”

8/10 that's weird! Lol I think I like ok better then all correct ~~~ Did you know: The first person convicted of speeding was going eight mph

5/10 I believe you posted that fact before. 🤔 -- More people have been to the moon than the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean.

(I have?) 8/10 wow, why can't we explore the deepest oceans on our planet but we can go out fo this planet and go to the moon lol ~~~ Did you know: It's Impossible to Hum While You Hold Your Nose. (I tested this lol and it's true)

7/10 Only with that attitude ;3 - In 1997, an orange cat named Stubbs became honorary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska

6/10 Yes, I know about Stubbs. I didn't know the date, however. --- Did you know that C.S Lewis (author of The Chronicles of Narnia) was abused as a child by an insane school master?

8/10 I did not know that ;-; that's very sad ~~ did you know: A single sneeze travels 100 miles per hour and shoots 100,000 germs into the air. (Lol I will never sneeze again)

8/10 Wow, did not know that. I'm going to stay FAR away from my sister then XD ~ Did you know that Issac Newton studied mathematics because of a school fight?

4/10 interesting o-0 Did you know that the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows? (EW)

2/10 Yeah, an art class I attended had us draw her. During those times, I believe (double check me on this) that women with large foreheads were seen as beautiful so women would purposely pluck their eyebrows to make their foreheads look bigger. Also, Leonardo da Vinci considered her unfinished. --- Did you know that Tolkien (author of Lord of the Rings) based some of his lore off of Norse mythology? Edited at March 5, 2022 08:25 PM by Argos