Sorry, I'm eating pizza! Help me get Lovelol back!
I don't know what that is. -- Help me find a cold spot. 😭
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Okay, I'll give you mine. Gimme a sword >:D - Help me get outta jail.
I can't I'm busy trying to summon Lovelol back to life (Pack on here) Revive La Llorona
I don't know what that means- - Help me fly!
Sun- You mean who ^^ I can't, I'm busy getting adopted by La Llorona <333 Help me not die from her TvT
um sorry I dont understand what your asking that and i have to help save the world Again help me save the world or make it so I dont have to keep doing it
Serpents- (If you wanna know just go to my den, first wolf in the folder wolf 666, just read.) I can't, I'm busy running away from La Llorona!!! Distract La Llorona please?!?
Oh, I'm sorry, I would help, but- SQUIRREL!! - I forgot my ADHD meds. ;-; Can you go grab them? They're on the- oh wait. What was I saying?
Sorry, its illegal to touch another persons medication. Can you help me maybe break a law?!? (Probably a law somewhere that you can't kill ghosts)