Would it happen to be called DS x Mimi, or no? XD
What luck! You found a... lesbian wolf/dog couple!
Oo! Yes it would <3
What luck! You found a sad Pepsi..
Hey there! I bought you a Coke...
What luck! you found a lost key
*drinks pepsi* I need coffee and sugar
What luck! You found a... broken police car with a working siren!
Oop. I needed a key for my car..
Must be Roi's police car..
What luck! You found a canada dry! Its not sad but its flat..
*sells it to a random person, uses money to buy a new one, shakes it up, and throws it like a grenade at you* BOMBS AWAY!
What luck! You found a... random person wondering why a Canada Dry tastes different than normal!
walks off what luck you found the dark island XD (from Ninjago )
Oh wow, I hope I don't get hurt QwQ ~ What luck, you found....a Shiba Inu named Shiba. He prances around whenver you walk away from him. Because he loves you.
*Squeals* I love you too! Let's go home
What luck! You see yourself in 50 years!
Ew, what the fuck? Make it go away!
What luck! You see a vending machine that dispenses 100 Dollar Bills for quarters!