6/10 I've read that somewhere in one of my Guinness Book of World Records. It's a pretty interesting fact for this 4'11" midget. xD -- Did you know? The Pacific Ocean is larger than all land masses on Earth combined.
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8/10 I didn't know that, but I'm not surprised --- Did you know that there was a force during WW2 called the Ghost Army? Were they spies or ninjas? No, they were your no-name artists and your little music men. There was even a bartender. What did these fellows do? Do a jig for the enemy as a distraction? Well, yes and no. They did not dance the hoola, but they did distract the enemy. They had machinery made up of spare parts, some inflatable and others were of wood. Their men were of rubber. How in the world did this work? The enemy would send an airplane over their opponent's camp. They had to be high up, however, as it was to spy, not to attack. They'd take photos of the camp from a bird's eye view. Well, this was an army made of rubber men and wooden planes. But from a black-and-white image from the high view of an airplane, no one noticed. Well, that's cool, but how did they exactly distract the enemy? They'd also make noises. Both over intercoms and also by a loud speaker. They'd play the noise of a tank over the speaker which would alert the enemy that there was a tank nearby, catching their attention. They'd talk over the intercoms in code, giving away incorrect information to any enemy soldier who was listening in to their conversation. For even better disguise some men from the Ghost Army would go into town dressed as the soldiers they were pretending to be and hang out at a bar. They'd have a drink and talk about the plans, subtle hints, and stuff so that any snooping spy in the area could hear it. But that is not all! They'd also camouflage real equipment as trees and brush so that the airplanes I told you about earlier wouldn't see them. These guys are/were absolutely amazing! Edited at May 10, 2022 12:10 PM by Argos
9/10 Didn't know that, quite interesting!
Did you there was a now extinct penguin that stood at six feet eight inches tall, and could hold its breath for 40 minutes at a time?
I think I heard that one somewhere before. 7/10 -- Did You Know? Coca-Cola was originally green.
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7/10 I've heard it before, but it's been a while --- Did you know that the dog breed, The Golden Retriever, originates from Scotland? In those times (the mid 1800s) the ultimate hunting dog was black and that was the color that every serious hunter wanted. It was fashionable, apparently. With serious breeders, all other colored puppies were killed. Well, this one guy (forgot his name) saw an adult golden dog and thought that it was magnificent. This dog belonged to a cobbler (I think) who was given the dog by someone who owed a debt to him. Well, this guy really really liked it and wanted to breed it for that color. He bred it to different types of spaniels and retrievers and even bloodhounds. Then bam! We got the well-loved, family breed that is the 3rd most popular dog in America!
10/10 :O very intresting and lost of info ~~ did you know: At birth, a panda cub is smaller than a mouse and weighs only four ounces.
5/10 Yeah, I think I read that a few months back. -- Did you know? Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from history.. Spades - King David Clubs - Alexander the Great Hearts - Charlemagne Diamonds - Julius Caesar
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10/10 Never heard of that before.
Did you know the name Afton means "from the Afton river" or "from Affa's settlement"
10/10 Never heard that before but given that it's based on a river i'm assuming that's more for local knowledge. Did you know when Stan Lee first pitched the idea for Spider-man he was told it was a terrible idea? "Teenagers are side-kicks and no-one likes Spiders." He then went behind his boss's back and published the first Spider-man comic in a line that was being cut. After all no one cares what is published in the last edition before something is scraped.
8/10 That's crazy!! I never knew that. Look at Spider-Man now, hehehe. - Did you know: Elephants have more muscles in their trunk then people have in their entire body.