
"I... I don't know. Part of me wants to confront them and bring them out from their hiding place, but the other part of me says we should just call out to them and try to solve it peacefully. What should we do?" He asked Olivia. Michael was at war within his mind; neither solution looked like the clear choice and both had their drawbacks, so what was he going to do now?

Olivia said "Well confronting them and bringing them out of their hiding spot would be good. But somehow I feel like they will still tell the town about us. I just don't want to have the whole pack to move because of what the hunters are doing." She was willing to help protect the pack if needed. Alexandra was waiting to see what they were going to do. Alexandra was still having fear about if the pack would have to travel and how it would effect Judy. Alexandra look at Michael.

"All right. I'll try to talk to them and distract them while you two get a few others and take them out of their hiding spot... hopefully without violence." He could not stress that detail enough to Alexandria and Olivia as he talked to them. "Just be careful, okay?" With that, he faced the general direction of the hunters. "I know you are out there. Just step forward and reveal yourselves and we can simply talk. You don't need to be afraid." This was a partial lie; if the hunters hurt any of his pack, especially Judy, Michael may just rip them apart.

Olivia nodded and went to get a few more pack members to help. Alexandra was behind Olivia as they went to get the hunters out of their hiding spot. Some of the hunters listened and walk out to where Michael could see them. Alexandra and Olivia managed to get the rest of the hunters out of the hiding spot. Olivia and Alexandra were waiting orders from Michael as they normally did this since he was the alpha. The other pack members were also waiting for the orders from Michael as they kept their eyes on the hunters. Abraham was thankful that Judy was asleep since he knew that she would be worrying the pack.

Now that the hunters were out, Michael stood in front of them, and away from the hunter's glare he motioned for the pack members to circle around the hunters, just in case they tried to do something silly and make a break for it. "So... you have found us. What do you plan on doing now? No one will believe that we are out here..." He started, trying to discourage them from even thinking about telling anyone. Without serious proof and the killer behind bars for some time now, Michael was banking on the possibility that the police wouldn't be willing to chase any monsters out in the woods again after they got Humphrey in prison. He looked at Olivia. "What do you think we should do with them?" Michael wasn't too sure himself, but maybe a hint of intimidation could scare them into silence... hopefully.

The hunters were scared and one said "we didn't mean to bother you pack Mr. Werewolf. We were paid to find a lady sir. We were not told why. We were only told to find her." It was the truth but also a little lie since they did not want to get attack. Olivia said "maybe we can chase them away." She was looking at the hunters now as she figured that there was something that they were not telling. Alexandra was watching them as she did not trust them and it was showing. The pack was watching the hunters to see who they were trying to find.

"Uh huh..." Michael said with crossed arms. "If you are really trying to find someone, then why do you need guns to find her? Wouldn't that scare her away if she sees the guns?" He wasn't buying what the hunters were selling, and sure they were afraid, but he was betting that they had more to tell than what they've already said. "Not yet Olivia. I have a feeling that they're not telling the complete truth." Michael stood in front of one of the hunters and stared him face to face, making sure he flashed his sharp teeth for extra intimidation. "What are you hiding from us?"

The hunter said "We are being paid from someone who knows a guy named Humphrey. The person wanted us to find Judy and bring her to them. They did not say why or how they knew this woman. That is all I know. But I did speak with the guy Humphrey and I guess he is angry at the woman for something. He did not say why or what she did." The hunter was telling the truth as he was looking at Michael. Olivia was listening to Michael as she was waiting. She knew that Judy would be waking up soon but part of her was hoping that Judy would not go outside since they had the hunters there. Olivia did not want Judy to stress about it. Edited at March 27, 2022 11:43 AM by Werewolf

A sinister growl was emanting from within Michael's throat. Hearing Humphrey's name after so long instantly flared his anger and he stared daggers at the hunter. He wanted to kill them... he wanted to kill all of them for even thinking about going after his mate, but he knew that if he did then it would not be an easy thing to make the bodies disappear, and if anything showed up for the police, then the searches in the forest would be renewed and the pack would be in danger. "Who... hired you? I want specifics..." Michael said, anger interlaced with every word he said.

The hunter said "a lady hired us. She gave us the name of Rose. That is all she would tell us." The hunters were scared now. Olivia knew who Rose and she felt upset. Olivia look at Michael as she was waiting to see if something bad was going to happen. Alexandra knew that Michael would protect the pack but mostly Judy since she was pregnant and she was his mate. Alexandra was watching the hunters as she was thinking about who Rose was. Alexandra began to look up at Michael as she was also waiting.