Venom was put some food out of his out of his stall for the horse that was laying down. He was just to make sure that she was eating. Venom saw another horse but he was busy making sure that the other horse had food. Venom had given half of his food to the injured horse as he was not sure what was happening. Bobby was awake and he was getting dressed in his ranch clothes as he was going let Venom into the pasture.
Nakoa flattened her ears and moved passed Venom towards her grandmother. "How are you feeling Tarik?" She ask nudging her cheek "Yes Nakoa I'm fine this young horse gave me more food" the old mare said with a perk and began to eat the food at once. "You really enjoy that?" Nakoa asked disgusted then looked at Venom and huffed a litte furious. They were wild horse and shouldn't be enjoying pet horses food Nakoa though made about how much her grandmother liked the treatment.
Venom look confused as he was not sure why the young mare was acting like that. Venom refused to speak to her as he had no idea who she was. Bobby went to the barn as he said "hey Venom. I guess we are going to have to house some young foals until we can get them back to their mother." Venom neighed as he was always used to being a babysitter for foals. He was waiting to see the foals but he knew that he would have to wait. Bobby said "I will have to wait until my friend comes here with them."
Nakoa said goodbye to Tarik and made her way out of the barn. She walk towards the pasture where she would see Venom in. It looked very plain in her eyes Nakoa shook her head and made her ways towards a plain of tall grass and began to eat from it. She still didn't understand why her grandmother likes the pet food but didn't let it bother her for much l9nger.
Venom was laying down as he was not in the mood to be running around like he used to do. Venom had the foals that needed a new home just until their moms could be return back to their owners. The foals were laying by Venom as they were used to him being their babysitter. Venom was being like a dad to them as he knew what it was like growing up without his mother or father. Venom watched as one of the foals laid their head on his stomach.
Nakoa lifted her head up from eating to see Loka and his friends running around like the old times. She smiled and made her way towards them "Nakoa Sarah keeps saying I'm to small to be a horse" complained a foal "no I didn't tattletail!c yelled Sarah. The mare gave a little chuckle "you two are just trouble makers" Nakoa said "why don't you guys play hide and gallop" she suggested. The two fillies shrieked with joy "Loka your it!" Yelled Melo and then ran off to hide. Nakoa smiled watching the young ones play in peace.
Venom got up and he began to show the foals that he had to be a horse. One of the foals was named Thunder and he said "this is fun Venom. Thanks for helping us." Venom smiled as he was watching them and he said "Welcome. You are the best foals to watch." Thunder smiled as the other foals began to watch Venom as they were following him with their trotting skills.
Nakoa and Melo decided to have a race of course she was going to go easy on the filly but it would get her running skills up. "You ready?" Nakoa asked looking down at the white filly "To beat you of course" Melo said cockily. Nakoa rolled her eyes and the two stood side by side "to the farm pasture and back" Loka chipped in before counting the two down. Then they were off Melo was a mustangs so she was fast for her age the the two had a fair chance. Once they made it to the pasture Nakoa cheerfully neighed and they raced back coming into a tie.
Nakoa and Melo decided to have a race of course she was going to go easy on the filly but it would get her running skills up. "You ready?" Nakoa asked looking down at the white filly "To beat you of course" Melo said cockily. Nakoa rolled her eyes and the two stood side by side "to the farm pasture and back" Loka chipped in before counting the two down. Then they were off Melo was a mustangs so she was fast for her age the the two had a fair chance. Once they made it to the pasture Nakoa cheerfully neighed and they raced back coming into a tie.
Venom was not paying attention to the other horses as he was watching the foals. Thunder ask "when are we going to our mom again?" Venom was not sure what to say but he answered truthfully. Venom said "I am not sure Thunder. But that is okay since I can help raise you and your friends." Thunder listened and felt sad but he was happy to have Venom. Thunder was Venom's best friend even though Thunder was a foal. Venom was protective of Thunder and his friends.