Amera felt her jaw clench and despite her new relaxed attitude, she now felt an infuriating warmth in her chest that sent her hackles upright. He'd been smothered. She could tell so much just from staring at him. He may have been some great worrier, someone of importance, he might have been brave a smart, however, he could not dare say the likes of he had wounds that shaped him. All that shaped him was good food and a proper, warm abode. They shaped most, but wounds were not a sentiment to carry. They were only to weep over and remorse over. To remind you of your past failure. There were many, many failures on her part. "Do not tell me I misunderstand," she hissed. "You said you saw resilience, did you not? That the likes of myself are resilient?" Because you are wrong," she murmured to him, her tone low and forbearing. "You don't expect me to believe you believe that. Or that any part of you has been deeply altered by your conditions." Perhaps she was just frustrated that the stranger could not leave her to own, to continue her wanders and eventually get back to her home by the early dawn. It didn't look like that was to happen if he forced her to converse with him. He just seemed to put up with her demanding tones, and she could not imagine why. Her whole demeanour completely changed when she heard his name. Her previous relaxed composure had reverted to a tense and uncomfortable state. She'd managed to reduce her memory of the incident where the young brute had maimed her so long ago, but within a moment it'd all flooded back. The fear and pain he'd inflicted on her small frame, the sudden outburst of madness and fury she'd witnessed from what should have been her very best friend. She couldn't help the fury that stormed through her gaze. He'd hurt her. All this was his fault, and he was standing in front of her, telling her not to weep over the past. She could trace every little mishap to that one moment. The hatred that ran though her in this second seemed overwhelming, and once again she was ridged. Perhaps she wouldn't be in this state if that hadn't happened. She recalled years ago when she was young, thinking she'd grow to be some magnificent beast, the route she should have been on before she let other packs of youngling get the better of her. "Very well, in this particular moment, I'm wondering how dare you stand in front of me without so much as a smidgen of remorse," she hissed to him. "I know you recall the incident as well as I do," she added in a bitter growl. Edited at May 12, 2023 09:53 AM by Thornbury
Bayne ensured an upright posture, his steely stare fixated on Amera as her temper flared. He could sense her outrage, her enmity, but he was unwilling to allow it to get past his shields. He had anticipated this encounter, the retribution he deserved for the despair he brought on her all those years ago. He would not, however, tremble or express contrition. Not now, not with the upper hand. "You have been deceived, Amera," he replied carefully, his voice firm and dispassionate. "Resilience isn't restricted to those who have endured the most suffering." ''It is present in varied degrees in every one of us. It is a trait that enables us to survive and adapt to disaster." The comments he made were metered and carefully chosen to project authority. He understood he was on his own turf, his realm, and he was against any disobedience or aggressiveness directed at him. Amera's wrath was natural, even deserved, but he would not let her go out of control. "Remorse is a luxury I've chosen not to have," he declared, his tone stern and uncompromising. "The past is nothing but an evil spirit that haunts us, and lingering on it serves no purpose." A flash of recognition flickered through Bayne's eyes as Amera remembered the events of the accident, but he refused to let it overtake him. For decades, he had carried the embarrassment of his acts, but he planted it deep within, constructing barriers of detachment and indifference. He understood that the anguish he had created was irreversible. "You speak true," he admitted, his voice decreasing to an inadequate, almost perilous snarl. "I recall that day perfectly." His muscles contracted as a subliminal warning, and his stance hardened. He was the beta in his domain, and any opposition to his power was frowned upon. Amera's frustration, while warranted, skated perilously near the border, taxing his tolerance. "But make no mistake, Amera," he stated his voice laced with frigidity. "You are on my property, and I permit your presence only if you show appropriate respect." Bayne's unyielding gaze drilled into Amera's. His comments were veiled menace, a reminder of the power dynamics in action. He was conscious that he had the upper hand, and he would not hesitate to protect his domain if necessary. Their past memories mingled with the present, forming a poisonous concoction that sat heavy in the air between them. "You have every right to be upset, but I suggest you tread meticulously," he warned, his voice presenting an intimidating undercurrent. "I will not tolerate any further outbursts or contempt." With those comments, Bayne adjusted his weight, carefully positioning himself as if poised to act if provoked. He was towering and authoritative, oozing power and domination. His upbringing had shaped him into a formidable canine, one who commanded respect with power and unflinching resolve. A glint of mourning darted in his eyes, a momentary perception of the guilt he concealed deep within. But he swiftly expelled it, repressing any feeling that would have impaired his determination. Amera earned an apology, but he wasn't yet willing to confront his own difficulties. The only sound in the environment was the distant rustle of leaflets and the sound of their breaths integrating with the chilly air. The weight of their past together drove down on them like an immense burden that none of them could totally evade. Bayne's gaze rested on Amera, his stance firm. He waited for her reaction, hoping she was going to choose her words carefully and realize the delicate balance that kept them both at a distance. His patience was wearing thin, and he craved her compliance or leave of absence. The mood was strained as he gently questioned her to resist his power even further.
Amera simply growled at the brute, her stance widening as she attempted to let his comments about her. "Do not talk to me about deceit, Bayne," she fae warned, her bright orbs the only thing that spelt danger about her staring directly into his. She looked no longer scared, that childish scarcity replaced with a much more adult sense of aggression and hatred. "I refuse to argue with you on something as meaningless as the notion of resilience," the fae eventually concluded before taking a simple step forwards and then curling her plumage back around her sides, trying to keep her unease as hidden as she could - albeit, she wasn't doing an amazing job of it. Amera monitored him for a moment or two, her eyes staring through him. She couldn't comprehend why he so wanted to talk to her. She didn't want to converse with him one bit. The very mention of his name had made her insides churn and her heart crawl into her throat. The sight of his face made her want to flee from her body, and the sound of his steady heartbeat made her despise him even more. She could hear how little he cared about what he'd done to her all those decades ago. "Remose is not a luxury. It's a curse and for some reason whatever higher power there is had decided you're too worthy for it," the fae growled bitterly, poison-laced through her voice. "Or perhaps I am not worthy of receiving it from you," The thought made her body quench with resentment. She hated every moment of this. She groaned when he attempted to lecture her as to what she could and couldn't say to him. "I'm not on your property," she hissed. "I am not even on the border. You have no power where I'm standing," the fae warned, her ears still pinned back. "I suggest you not leave your precious domain. Oh, how I hope it's all yours," Amera spat to the he in a sarcastic tone. "I hope drawing blood in your embarrassing little outburst gave you the ego you'd need to abandon your good home."
As Amera's dissatisfaction mushroomed, Bayne's calcareous countenance served as constant. He stood there with a serene detachment, reluctant to let her venomous comments evoke any apparent emotion from him. Her resistance reverberated in the air, laden with resent and bitterness, but he denied to participate in a verbal brawl. He tuned in without flinching as her scathing replies poured over him. Her venom punctured his core, and he knew he earned every bit of it. The weight of their past together measured against him, yet he sat firm in the face of her wrath. Amera's unwillingness to consider the prospect of resilience did not surprise him. Knowing the harm that he had caused on her heart and physique, he had anticipated resistance. But he wasn't about to let her discard the idea with such ease. "Resilience is not insignificant," Bayne declared discretely, his voice bearing a gentle firmness. "It's the thread that binds us, the force that enables us to endure and rise above our circumstances." He made a steady stride forward, narrowing the gap but keeping a decent border. His gaze concentrated on hers, a quiet threat coming from it. He refused to back down, unwilling to be consumed by her outrage. "The indulgence of remorse or the curse of its absence, it makes no variance," Bayne stated, his voice laced with gloom. "I cannot undo what I did to you." "But I've learnt from my mistakes, and I bear the burden of my acts." A flash of anguish flickered through his eyes, revealing the simmering guilt underlying his placid veneer. Though he did not apologize, he believed that expressing their common grief could demonstrate some contrition. Bayne gave an ineffectual, forlorn grin in response to Amera's statement concerning his domain and strength. He recognized her desire to demonstrate her independence, as well as her resistance to recognize her power. But he noticed the futility of their conversation, the pointlessness of their impassioned argument. "You are correct, Amera," he admitted simply. "You are standing outside of my domain. But the power I wield does not exist exclusively inside the confines of physical space. It is inside me, in my decisions and deeds." Bayne's eyes warmed for a time as the tension hovered hefty in the air, an unsaid agreement heading between them. The anguish of the same past was imprinted deep into his essence, as were the memories of their past together. However, concentrating on them would only serve to continue the cycle of misery. "I bear the weight of your hatred, Amera," he responded, his voice softly resigned. "But I cannot to let it consume me for any longer." With those comments, Bayne rotated gradually, his physique exuding a serene aura of influence and assurance. He strode away from Amera, his head lifted aloft. "Our destinies have crossed once again," he proceeded, his voice solemn. "But I see now that this confrontation serves neither of us." Bayne began to move away, with his silhouette dissolving into the horizon. He chose to construct a way forward, one where he could find reconciliation and redemption in the depths of his own existence, leaving beyond the entangled emotions and unpleasant memories. "I'll visit this area tomorrow, I aspect you here too, with a clearer head, to make amends." his voice resonated as he vanished. Edited at May 12, 2023 05:11 PM by Nyctea
His attempts to brush away her every anger seemed to anger the fae even more. He could not even process her hatred towards him for an incident that had happened years ago. She hoped that he relived the embarrassment he'd caused himself, by injuring a critter smaller than himself. She hoped he was proud of the whole ordeal. "From where I reside, you do not bare any burden from your hideous being. I hate to imagine what you're like now - what horrific pain you've caused poor mammals and helpless beings such as myself. I'd hate to see the delighted look in your eyes once you've committed such crimes, too." As far as Amera was concerned, people did not change. If he had done to her what he had when they were young, she had no doubt in her mind that he would still commit such horrendous crimes against the weaker members of the canine tree. He could say he felt the burning of her anger, the hatred that tore through him, but he could not even imagine the extent of her dissatisfactions. She would have been perfectly at ease with never seeing him again. She did not like him, and she never would. He had humiliated her and scarred her in return for it. Her rage only continued as he continued to hold his power over her. He did not have to. She knew his strength would be greater than hers. The shameless brute did not have to voice it. "You are a shameless little beast, are you not?" The air around them seemed to be still, their tense bodies causing the surrounding air to be frigid. She would not leap at him, or attack, but it seemed that way for a few seconds. It seemed the two of them had been tied to fate with a red string; only that string had been frayed and torn over time, knotting to keep each other at arm's length. She needed to keep him at arm's length, in fear that she really would try and strike him if she allowed him to close. "Expect nothing from me. I should not be here," the fae hissed before turning off to melt into the fog that had fallen... the sun was now slowly adorning the horizon... with any luck she'd be welcomed to finish her scout of the territory.
Bayne's thoughts were frantic with dissatisfaction and remembrance as he hurried away from the destructive encounter with Amera. The encounter had reawakened memories he had painstakingly tried to embed, pushing to the surface sensations he had believed were sowed within him. Nonetheless, he bode steadfast in his determination to keep his experience with Amera unresolved and thus concealed beneath his essence. Galilahi approached him as he made his route back to the tribe, her fuzzy seem to minimize the edges of his distressed thoughts. Her presence was an appreciated respite from the seething emotions that lingered within him. "How was your patrolling, Bayne?" she stated her voice bursting with warmth and ponder. Bayne diverted his gaze to her, observing the genuine apprehension in her pupils. He realized, however, that he was unable to disclose the whole truth about the incident with Amera. He wanted to keep that aspect of his background distinct from his present. "It was uneventful," he responded swiftly, his response curt and devoid of information. He dismissed her inquiry, reluctant to go into the subtleties of his recent conversation. There were certain difficulties he preferred to face alone that he could not express. He excused with a nod, his feet steering him to the alpha's den. It was time to do his duty and report on his patrol, to portray himself as the devoted clan member he was born to be. As he arrived, the well-known fragrance of the alpha's lair flooded his nostrils, emphasizing his concentration on the mission at hand. He stiffened his back, his manner acquiring more serious as he realized the significance of his duties. The leader, an imposing figure, sat regally as he arrived, their glare eliminating through him. Bayne bent his head with deference, an act of respect and recognition of his position in the hierarchy. "Leader, I accomplished my patrol as assigned," he announced gently. "The domain remains secure, and no imminent dangers were identified." The leader's gaze probed him for indications of inferiority or reluctance. Bayne regarded them in the eyes, his own gaze illustrating his commitment and dedication. "Good," the brute stated, their voice firm and authoritative. "Maintain your vigilance. The safety of the clan is dependent on the efforts you make." With those comments, Bayne nodded in understanding to the alpha's consumer demand. He was conscious of his responsibilities and the weight they possessed. His emotional interaction with Amera would not divert him from his responsibilities. Bayne found himself flanked by the old images and odors of the clan as he fled the alpha's den. He took a breather to center himself and ground his thoughts and emotions. His interaction with Amera ignited a need for closure and redemption inside him, but he knew he was unable to linger on it.
Amera's encephalon filled with negative thoughts and feelings as she fled from the area, the air feeling sticky and uncomforting, though soon thinned back out once she'd paced a few steps from the thick air of the uncomfortable encounter. She should not stay hung up on something that had happened years ago; however, she could trace every negative aspect of her life back to that very moment. She had been shunned from her pack that day. Dissed, simply because she had run from a fight with another pack youngling. She had not fought for herself, she simply wept and fled. Her sneaking off to converse with him likely had not helped her. She had missed her training that morning to see her friend. She recalled being so excited to see him that day. So thrilled to see his tongue lolling out his mush, and his tail batting against the ground as she neared. She remembered when his puppy-like scent filled her head as she neared, her own excitement to see her friend increasing with every step. She had just expected to jump and frolic with him. No one would have assumed that day would have ended the way it had. She, obviously, had to explain why the skin on her throat had been torn. That probably had not helped the war between the clans. As Amera wandered into camp, her ears lolling back and forth and paws gently hitting the ground, she saw a lanky youngling, in the awkward stages of adulthood and puppyhood. His teeth were bared at her, getting ready to use her once again as a plaything. To throw the dame around in whatever way he saw fit. However, Amera didn't seem to be in the mood for such antics. Jovid, the youngster had gone by. Amera was supposed to be caring for the younglings while their parents were out to hunt, however, a good deal of them had decided it was more entertaining to draw blood than sit and behave. She had been around this wolfling since he was but two months old, and yet she was still being thrown about by him. As he stalked towards her, it was more and more clear that Amera was not in a fit mood to be ragged about. She never fought back... not once. She took it and left, though now, she was stalking straight toward the young wolf, upper lip curled as she dodged a lung towards her, and inturn scolded him with a sharp bite to the back of his scruff, sending him to the ground in submission. She refused to gain any more injuries before the next night. Her clan were not one to care for one another. It was brutish and wearing, where the strong survived and the weak slowly suffered. However, she still had an alpha to answer to, to inform of her encounters while on patrol.
Bayne hurried to Galilahi's burrow after fleeing the alpha's lair, only to discover her disoriented by another clanmate. A rush of appeasement pinched his chest, but he brushed it aside as soon as possible. Such detours had no place in his head just now. Bayne sought shelter in the caves, where the crash of waves reverberated against the stone-like shoreline. The atmosphere was rich with the fragrance of salt water and algae, an instinctual feeling that comforted his jittery mind. He required this moment of repose, a time to recover before reverting to the requirements of the clan. Bayne's sudden gaze polled the rugged terrain as the sunlight began to descend on the distant horizon, hurling a golden hue across the panorama. He knew that the nooks contained unresolved buried riches that could provide nourishment to quell his appetite. As he traveled the meandering trail, his senses were elevated, his ears punctured for any hint of movement or chance. The continuous smashing of the waves served as a soundtrack to his thoughts, anchoring him in the present. Finally, he came upon an uninhabited bay sheltered by tremendous bluffs on both sides. The supple lapping of the waves on the pebbled coastline established an inviting rhythm, enticing him to embrace nature's serenity. Bayne examined the environment around him for indications of wildlife with his executed eye. He was aware that the crannies were home to an extensive number of critters, some scrambling amid the boulders while others were basking in the minuscule pools. His desire intensified when he discovered a little cluster of tidal pools brimming with vitality. Kneeling low, he approached with cautiousness, his movements flowing and planned. He scanned the water's surface for any movement, any indication of a prospective feast. Then he saw it: an insignificant trout speeding amid the stone fragments. Bayne surged forward, his resilient figure grasped forward by instinct and desire. His imposing mandibles closed down on the unwary fish, confiscating his catch. He relished the delicious taste of the fish that was freshly caught and the gratification of nourishing himself in the midst of nature's prosperity.
Amera left the young brute cowering on the ground before getting ready to face the Alpha and his mate. They were what you'd call a unit. Forever at in another's side, and sickeningly coordinated with oneandother. Amera was not confrontational at the best of times. She disliked battles of whim and whit, and even more so of violence and brutality. However, she was in no mood to be trifled with, as the young wolf had seemingly figured out. He would mess with her no longer. She was still tiny in comparison, however when a young wolf is impressionable, it will remember the pain inflicted on it and she'd be left alone. That is what the dame hoped for. The alphas den was large in comparison to her hole in the ground. It may have been lived in by some foxes at some point, because she had certainly not dug it out herself. However, she supposed the size difference made sense considering how the pair looked over her. "Amera. I take it there were no issues," she female if the leaders questioned, her voice booming and yet perfectly regal. She was perhaps more of a stamp of a wolf that her mate who imposed over the two females. "I did sight a wolf from the neighbouring clan. I doubt he would be of issue," Amera eventually replied, strain in her voice, and yet it still came across as velvet to the ear. "You chased them off?" The brute next to her questioned, looking about ready to choak her for her lies. However, this was no lie; it simply was not the truth. He was gone, and he had not entered the land. She could afford to say she chased him off. "Of course. I could not let him freely roam on our borders, could I?" She could barely scare a mouse. However, the pair didn't seem to care. They we're waiting for a war; a battle for territory. She could more than afford stretch the truth. Soon, Amera was dismissed to tend to herself... she was to meet Bayne again that night. She had said she would not, and that she didn't want to set eyes on him... however, she couldn't help her curiousity get the better of her. And so, she spent the rest of the day grooming herself and and snacking on lemmings that ran about. She simply had to clean her wounds and what little coat she had left... but soon, night had fallen once more, and she was trotting along her usual path, a squirrel dangling from her mush as a piece offering for hot her past companion.
Bayne's heartbeat smashed in the middle of his chest as he dashed past his tribe, his thoughts enamored on Amera. The feasting and sereness of the feast had left him restless and aching for the harmonious stillness of the night illuminated by stars. The crescent moon shed an ethereal illumination on the trees, resulting in him on to his destination. Bayne's strides were slower and more methodical as the pitch-blackness engulfed him. He let his senses take in the night's vistas and noises, the creaking of leaflets under his feet, the far-flung hooting of an owl, and the delicate murmuring of the breeze. The crisp night breeze touched his fur, implementing the pleasant aroma of woodland with it. Bayne was unable to overcome the gnawing interest. The prior encounter with Amera had reawakened memories seeded within him. His thoughts rehashed a portion of their past as he headed, the occurrence that had eternally demolished their connection. He was just worried about how she'd behave this time. Was she still as enraged and spiteful as she used to be, or had time buffed her edges? The eagerness sat tirelessly on the inside of his chest, and he began to second-guess his decision of interacting with her again. It would have been simpler to stifle the past instead of facing the repercussions of his conduct. Nonetheless, whatever within him compelled him to confront the demonic forces of their common past. As Bayne continued his solo search, each second stretched into hours. The night was bustling with a nocturnal symphony, their cries and rustling leaflets complementing his thoughts. The pitch-blackness engulfed him, but he continued on, directed by the starlight. He eventually arrived at the site where he first encountered Amera. The atmosphere was bizarrely still and the atmosphere was dense with expectation. Bayne peered around, in search of any indication of her presence. The crescent moon produced branched silhouettes on the ground as it bathed the area in ethereal glory. The peace was unbearable, and his faculties were sharpened as he awaited her.