He said I am not sure yet. He look at her as he was not sure what to teach them. He was feeling calm.
What ever you won't to teach them go a head ok
What ever you won't to teach them go a head ok
He said okay. I will be thinking of what else to teach them. He was still thinking.
I just noted and wanted for him to think
I was getting kinda worried about what else I should train the pups with. I ask should we try to train them to track again so that they can get better?
If you want to do that yes but also remember the strength training the agility training the battle training the hiding go seek training so whatever you want to do we could do it
He said maybe we can do the strength training first and than do the agility training. I think it will give the pups a lot more to do than to be tracking us down. He look at her as if he was waiting for her approval.
She not yes those are actually very good and you are a lot more wiser she smiles at him then she goes ahead to take them to where they could start training
He smiled as he followed her. He was making sure that the pups were following her as he was staying behind all of the pups to keep them from getting lost. He was truly being a father towards the pups.