Elias _______ " This is a perfect place just to have your classic over-buttered popcorn and watery pop I don't think I'm gonna pass that up." He'd joke but made sure to keep his voice low so the employee's hadn't heard.
Henry ________ Henry laughs and shakes his head and said " the popcorn is not as bad as you think not like past life " as he rolled his eyes before ordering himself pop and candy
Elias __________ He laughed "We'll see darling." He did the same before trying to keep up with Henry.
Henry _______ Henry shakes his head and buys the stuff before walking off and said "now do you like sitting near the tv or farther back"
Elias ______ "Farther, see the screen as a whole and the speakers are better back there but its up to you since you paid!" He add the last part rather quickly as he realized he was rambaling
Henry ______ Henry Said "I agree with you through " Henry smiles and walks to the front and found a seat and sat down then looks at him
Elias _________ "Perfect." He complament as he sat down beside Henry. "So while the theater displays its ads what sha'll we do while we wait?"
Henry ______ Henry said "I don't know what to do while wait I guess we talk if you want to"
Elias _______ "Sure. What's your favorite color?" He began, lifting his foot onto the seat and digging his back into the corner in the seat. [Haha, somehow]