
Devil's Rose I sighed and trotted back to the gate. I ended up having to wait a bit but they still let me out, I was greeted by a few humans and my father. "They've brought a tracker to put on you!" my father said excitedly "That means they will let you leave the facility like me as you wish as long as you are back before dark!" He said smiling. I excitedly let them put it on me, "I can't wait!" I said "We should probably wait until tomorrow since it is getting late, but you can still wander a little," My dad said and I went up and nuzzled him then ran off "Thanks, dad!" I said sprinting off When I left through the main entrance a few Military Raptors seemed to join me "Going on a run?" one asked running next to me "Yup!" I responded "Mind if we join another one asked," another asked "Not at all," I said with a smile I led the run as we ran around the wall.

Amor Pov I excitedly searched around the enclosure, hoping to find a way. Humans couldn't possibly be that smart, right? After minutes of nothing i decided to dig. I thought about trying to climb a tree and jump out but i was a horrible climber. As i dug Summer came up behind me. "Whatcha doing?" She said with a smirk. I jumped and faced her. "I uhhh....nothing?" She laughed and i frowned. "I already started to dig somewhere eles. Im almost to the other side. If you come help we both can experience it." I smiled before nodding. Soon we were digging and was almost out. Summer was way smaller than me, 40 lbs to be exact so she fit through the hole first. Luckily she waited for me as i dug a little more before squeezeing myself though.

Devil's Rose The run was long, but I knew this before I started. A little bit ago the Raptor I came to know as Curse, an all-black male, took charge of the run. I let him after he asked, and I learned he was the leader of their friend group. Along the way more of their friend group joined us, all of them were dark colors. I was the one running right on Curse's left, no one else was that far ahead. My mother told me that was a clear sign of respect, and that they think highly of you if they run behind you. Curse only took the role of being the front because he was technically the alpha of his so-called 'pack'. "Hold up," He said as we came to a slow stop, "There seems to be some new activity ahead, keep low as we check it out," I went along with it. "Looks like two enclosure Raptors trying to dig out," He said I got a better view and stepped out, Curse tried pulling me back. "Rose get back here!?" he said confused and concerned "SUMMER!?" I said, then Curse and the rest stepped out, there were at least 13 other males. They clearly were a Military Pack, I looked small compared to all of them "You know this raptor?" Curse asked "Yes, we were hatched and raised in the same enclosure together," I said "Why are you digging out?" I asked. The males surrounded her and the hole prevented her from running. it was basically a blockade of large raptors. Summer, Curse, and I were the only ones inside.

Amor Pov As i got out i saw we were surrounded by the military raptors and, Rose. I tryed to hide myself behind Summer so Rose wouldnt see me but i was bigger and taller in everyway. Summer spoke with full knowledge about my crush. "Hey Rose. I waa digging out because i wanted to see the outside world. And i made Amor help me because i said i would tell his secret. So if anyone is to get in trouble its me. Ita my fault not Amors. But if we both dont get in trouble that would be nice too." Summer said the last part with a nervous smile. I just stood there, still pretty shocked.

Devil's Rose "I'm sorry to say I'm not the one in charge here, that would be Curse," I said motioning to the male who was as large as my father. "So I don't make the calls, sorry," i said again with an apologetic look, "I was just running with them," "Thankyou for leaving it up to me Rose, but I will cut.... Amor..." He said so weirdly "Some slack since he was blackmailed. You, on the other hand, Mrs. Summer will probably be separated from you pack and put in tighter containment if this happens again." He said seriously. "Now Rose, You are a respected Raptor among us Military Raptors believe it or not," He said turning to me "Not because of your father, but because of your attitude towards everyone, the respect you show, how well you get along with all humans, and your abilities," He said and I was a bit flustered and confused. I wasn't used to being complimented, especially for my abilities. That really hit a soft spot, since the only ones who ever did were my parents. "So you have some say here, what do you think we should do?" He said "Instead of sending them back through the hole, we should wait here while someone goes and gets the humans. That way no one notices the hole because they slip through it, that will also allow us to keep watch and make sure another raptor doesn't come through. After the humans get here we can take them around through the gait to the enclosure," I said, in reality, I wanted to give them a chance to see what it was like. But in the process, I came up with a good plan "That sounds solid, do you all agree?" He asked them and they clicked in agreement. He sent Eclipse, a male with a white fade on his mouth, but otherwise all black, to get the humans as we waited.

Amor Pov I felt bad for Summer as she took all the blame even though it was technically my fault. I also felt a twinge of jealousy as the male complimented Rose and she became a bit flustered. I could tell thats how she felt somehow and it made me jealous. "I want to be out here though too. Is there a way i can gain the humans and your guy's trust? Im not scared of humans like my mother is and im trustworthy, just ask my family, or you can just take my word for it." I was hoping that if i could gain their trust i could also impress Rose somehow. Meanwhile Summer stood their quietly, a bit sad about her getting in trouble. Especially with the humans and our parents. Edited at November 18, 2022 08:14 PM by ~Terebinth Wolves~

Devil's Rose "Well, you would have to wander with one of us at all times," Curse said, "Maybe if you can catch Rose when she goes out on her morning runs she could bring you to us and you could run with us?" he said and the rest nodded saying it was a good idea. "I'm okay with it, as long as he can be up by the time I wake, I won't wake him," I said to Curse. Technically I was supposed to be talking directly to higher-ups, I would ask my father what my status among the Military Raptors was after this. Then the humans came.

Amor Pov I nodded eagerly. "I can get up very early. Ive gotten up with the sun one time. And i would stay with you guys." I figured that once i gained their trust i could move up to im allowed to got out whenever but for now this was good and all i could do. Just then dad came walking up to us with the humans. He looked very upset as he approached. When he got to us he had a frown as he spoke, "Eclipse told me what happened. How could you Summer?!" She lowered her head in submission. "I just wanted to see the outside world like you do dad." Dad just sighed as shook his head.

Devil's Rose I stood awkwardly, it was weird watching the ones I grew up with being the only ones scolded for once. "We should probably get moving, but the hole needs to be fixed." Cursed said "Let's get a move on," He said and we started walking away, I paused a bit watching them but trotted up to Curse's side where I was originally.

Amor Pov We followed Dad back into the enclosure as the humans filled the hole. Soon we entering the enclosure. I gave Rose a smile and waved before following Dad. We then went to the den where mom and dad lectured us, though it was mostly Summer getting in trouble. Halfway through i was allowed to go. I gave a sorry smile to Summer before bolting out of the den. I then went to the pond again to think of what i should do to wow Rose. Just then Flower came up to me AGAIN. "I heard the lecture," she said sitting down. "Please leave. I need to think." She relucktantly left and i was left to think.