Dakota nodded his head, the giant bear suddenly looking older than ever. "Ekon and I will try and look into it, though I am unsure how much we can do. For now, we will have to stay near you and your Anasuri, this attempt has left our powers on display for everyone. Though I believe Ekon to be strong, we must stay strong and on guard. I will be out of my jewelry more often now, just to be sure." Plus, Dakota's animal senses would do them well when warning his companion of danger. Though he was starting to think that perhaps Ekon's very presence was a danger.
"You two stick out like a sore thumb, I am afraid. It'll be hard for you to get accurate information within the palace. Perhaps I'll ask Anasuri to have one of the stablemaster's sons take a small job in the palace. One of them would be able to slip around unnoticed..." Dava sat down on the grass. By now they were outside. Ekon and Anasuri had gone in the barn to prepare their horses, "By the way - there is a companion policy in the stable. Too many horses spook, and it causes too much of a ruckus." Dava shook her head, "The lack of exposure to different companions in remarkable in many knight's steeds. Quite stupid."
Dakota nodded, in agreement with Dava. Ekon tended to draw attention, both with the way he held himself and his apparently attractive appearance. Dakota found all elves to look rather similar, though he supposed that was just him being a bear. He shook his head in disappointment at Dava's last statement, a bit annoyed almost, though he was still peaceful. "Ah, so it is like that here as well. Our last charge refused to see me out of my jewlery, I could hardly ever go out. This is much better, though not training the horses properly is always an issue as well. Dont worry about Ekon's steed, the horse has dealt with me for a very long time, he won't be shocked by you. I have been told I am a rather large animal." He huffed, knowing full well that he was one large bear.
Dava laugher, "Yes. You definitely are... And Anasuri's horse is the same. She's spent many hours making sure he didn't spook at anything - which is even more extensive than the knight who rode him before. That knight was great," Dava sighed, "In fact, the horse was his companion. After he... passed... in battle, the horse has stayed by Anasuri, and remained loyal." The man was more than just a knight. He was her brother, and while she had a sense of trust in Dakota, there were some things that remained private.
Dakota nodded, his big eyes glancing back and forth from the stables to Dava. He hadn't heard of many companions living after their human counterpart died. Most died soon after from grief, Dakota probably would, a life without his bond to Ekon was no life at all. He would miss his only friend dearly. "I see.. well I am sorry about the knight, I am sure it was heard losing someone like him. A knight dying is always a great loss." Dakota sighed. not making any mention of his own knight dying. "Though I suppose that makes it a little easier for me, which is nice." Normally, Dakota would have to hide away for the period of time that Ekon was with others, especially horses. This was a welcomed change.
Dava followed Dakota's thoughts. Hardly any companions survived after their person died. If it had been of old age, then they both die together, but since it was of unnatural causes, then it didn't directly affect Melion. He was despairing afterwords... but at the time of the knights death, it was tense and hostile in the palace. Some of his last words were to protect his sister... and live on. It has been about a year since then, and the scars are still just as raw. They could never heal. "Thank you, Dakota. And yes, it will be easier.. and they should be finishing soon. I will go in the jewelry..." Dava huffed a laugh"I am not fast or fit enough to keep up."
Dakota huffed as well, his large brown eyes sparkling as he spoke. "As will I, I am decent at running but I can't keep up with the horses after a while. I will see you soon then." Dakota gave Dava his bear grin before disappearing, appearing on his jewelry a second later.
Dava reached out to Anasuri, with a flash, the panda was gone as well. Anasuri was nearly done getting her horse ready. She wasn't proud of it, but due to her short stature and giant horse, there was a platform built in one of the grooming/racking up area. It put her chin level to the horses back, which is all Anasuri needed to be efficient.
Ekon had finished quickly, being efficient in all he did meant that he did everything quickly and as perfect as he could do it. Zaine, the large horse Ekon rode, stood patiently. The horse knew that if he acted up Ekon would leave him here and use another horse, Ekon had done it before. So the horse listened, out of both respect and excitment, to Ekon.
Once Anasuri was finished, she mounted up on Melion. She figured with Ekon's knight training, he was either already done, or would be momentarily.