Silence | F | Pack member | M: Skylark, Lynxtuft, Echo, Shashlik, Rowan
This entire time, Silence had decided to live up to her name - again - and remain silent. She did enjoy Skylark's joke about "making Silence less silent", though. It was true, to some extent. She need to be... less silent.
She'd already turned down Lynxtuft's kind attempt at allowing her to join their collective eating of a mouse, which she found to be kind of humorous, considering that a single mouse was never enough to fill the stomachs of so many wolves in the first place. It was kind of interesting to watch so many wolves become so jubilant over that tiny piece of prey. When was the last time she felt like that? When was the last time when she didn't turn down a request to join a large group event and stop feeling so tense for once?
The fact that Silence couldn't think of an answer to her question probably meant something.
However, she wasn't hungry. Silence just really, really wanted an excuse to be in the forest after what she'd unintentionally said to Lynxtuft...
Whatever. Dwelling on the past wasn't going to help. She could ponder about her guilt and be a little more silent later. Right now, she needed to be less silent, and probably a bit more productive as well.
Silence immediately enountered a problem. Hunting was definitely not her forte - she thought that maybe she was somewhat of a decent hunter despite not having caught any considerably large prey for a while now, until Rowan disappeared into the forest and returned what felt like half a minute later with an entire fawn at his feet. That did hurt her confidence a bit, seeing a juvenile so proficient at hunting, but she just kept telling herself that she shouldn't be jealous and that she need to stop -
ARGH. It seemed like every time she tried to break her loop of pessimistic thoughts, it would only bring more attention to the problem.
Silence the silent overthinker. What a fitting name, she thought to herself as she disappeared from the rest of the group, trying to find something that should could hunt.
She stopped in her tracks. There was a hare.
Silence exhaled slowly. Time to transform from Silence the silent overthinker to Silence the silent hunter. Think of the hare like an herb, she told herself. Herbs were much easier to hunt, considering that they didn't actively run for their lives away from her. Oh, and there wasn't nearly as much blood. Hares, on the other hand -
The hare turned towards Silence and prepared to sprint away. Instinctively, Silence leaped forwards and grabbed the hare in her paws, but the hare instantenously wriggled out of her grip. Totally forgetting the basics of hunting, Silence's imemdiate response was to grab the hare again and bash it repeatedly against the nearest tree.
It was dumb, she knew. It was the dumbest thing she could've done in the moment.
But the hare was dead, and now Silence could finally have something to present to the rest of the group.
Welp. One overthinking session and one horrifically uncalculated attempt at hunting later, Silence the not-so-silent hunter had a hare. She wondered what the others would think. Picking up the hare in her jaws, Silence wondered what kind of excuse she'd make for presenting such a bloody piece of prey. "It put up a really good fight" would be brilliant, except this was a hare and hares generally if not always preferred running over fighting. Well, she could always say that she scratched it multiple times as it tried to evade her, but everyone knew that her reflexes were greatly outmatched by that of a hare's. This one was particularly weak and somehow, by sheer luck, didn't flee fast enough.
"You're overthinking this again," she muttered to herself. "Silence needs to be less silent."