
He nodded his head. "Cool." He dug up a handful of worms and watched them wiggle around. "Where should I put these?" he asked, chuckling at the sight of the worms.

she opens the lid of one of the bags "right in here." she said with a clam voice as she held open the lid of it

He grabbed the worms and put them in the bag. "What are you gonna use those for?"

she closed the bags "their alot of protain and if anything unexepected happens worms are good for if anything goes wrong- disacting pups or puppy like wolves" she said listting off the few reasons for the worms "their kind of like a just in case."

"Smart." He walked back to the spot that he was digging and started a new hole next to it. Farris looked at her for a few minutes. He had a nice liking for Paws. She was nice and calm and great to be around. He smiled to himself and continued to dig in the hole, hoping that maybe he found a friend.

she started to collect some dirt aving to plan for the worst or a time they needed such thing and then putting some sticks in her bag she was happy with meeting frein even thought she didnt know his name,he was good at claiwing as well as he was helpful "and their good stress reflvers." Edited at April 27, 2022 10:17 AM by diavolo

Welp back to traveling." she said as she started walking again. She thought about where she might be, and where she should go.

she digs around smelling the leafs "may i ask about the group?" she asked firen "if theere are any pregant or something by that?" she asked

"Nope. Everyone's fine except Sirius." He motioned over to the little pup. "Is there anything else I should look for?" he asked. Farris stepped over to the bag and put some more worms in there. He thought about the female he saw earlier. Where was she now? he thought to himself. Edited at April 27, 2022 12:05 PM by Valentino~

she nods "mint or rosemarry,either one of them would be great." she said with a happy tone as she pulled some leafs out of the ground (ill be using the things in this game for the creation of iteams- and keeping track of things in her bag like a rpg kind of-)